

kill her,kill her,kill her" the villagers all chanted in one voice     "I didn't do it,I didn't do it,I was wronged, please believe me,I didn't do it"the poor girl pleaded "Shut up you greedy fellow,who else could have done it??you killed him just because he choose your best friend over you,it was over and you knew it and then you decided to end it by murdering him in cold blood,how could you Carolina,how could you??"the man asked admist tears "Please believe me,I didn't do it,I did not kill him,I did not kill Ismael,I didn't do it"the poor girl kept on pleading "Burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her...."

Everlight_anyi · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Episode 1


❣️❣️❣️ EPISODE 1❣️❣️❣️


"kill her,kill her,kill her"

the villagers all chanted in one voice

"I didn't do it,I didn't do it,I was wronged, please believe me,I didn't do it"the poor girl pleaded

"Shut up you greedy fellow,who else could have done it??you killed him just because he choose your best friend over you,it was over and you knew it and then you decided to end it by murdering him in cold blood,how could you Carolina,how could you??"the man asked admist tears

"Please believe me,I didn't do it,I did not kill him,I did not kill Ismael,I didn't do it"the poor girl kept on pleading

"Burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her...."


Carolina yelled as she woke up from her nightmare.

Her nightmare which was her past memory hunted her down every fucking night and she was tired of it.

Slowly she sat on her bed and her eyes darted to the wall clock which was hanging loosely on the wall,it was just five A.M in the morning and she still got a lot of work to do for the day.

She slowly stood up from the bed and went downstairs heading for the kitchen as she took a bottle of whiskey and a glass up and started drinking.

As she was drinking she remembered she was moving out of her apartment today because she had found another one which was more comfortable and affordable.


"It's over between us Evan,it's over"

the lady spoke from the other end of the phone

"Megan please don't do this to me,please dont,I love you Megan,I love you"

Evan said as tears fell freely from his eyes

"Hello,hello Megan,hello,fuck!!!"he yelled as he smashed his phone on the wall which in return scattered to pieces

"She's gone, Megan's gone,she's just gone"

He thought as he cried like a baby waiting to be consoled by his mother

"Why was life so cruel to him,why,why,why!!??

Megan has been the fifth lady he has been with since the year begin,he thought she was the perfect woman for him but no,all they wanted is his money,only his damn money and nothing more,they never loved him,never cared for him,they never thought if he could live without them,all they wanted was his money

"He really loved Megan,he really did but he never knew she was just like the rest"he thought as he cried himself to sleep

He woke up around five PM in the evening and was feeling dizzy,he felt fresh air was the thing he needed at the moment

He grabbed his keys and headed out of his apartment with the thought of Megan on his mind

As he stepped outside he saw a car which parked behind the house and a lady alighted from it

She was a very beautiful lady with great curves which could make any man go over heels just by mere looking at her

She was having troubles removing her luggages from the car boot as her luggages were a little too much

He quickly ran over to help her with her luggages

"Am Evans Justin"i introduced myself offering her a handshake

"Am Carolina James"she replied accepting the handshake

"Her body was just as beautiful as her face"I thought as I stared at her

"Um Evans, please can you stop staring at me like that and please let go of my hands"the lady asked as she was tired of me staring at her like an idiot

"Am so sorry"i replied as I left her hands

"Let me help you with that"I offered taking two luggages

"You don't have to"she replied as she tried to get them from me

"C'mon,I insist"I pressed on and walked into the building

I could notice she felt a little uncomfortable around me

I brought out my phone and looked at my face and damn I was handsome"then what the hell was she not comfortable about??"

My heart gave a slight hallelujah when I learnt she was living next door


"Evan is such a nice guy"i thought as I opened the door for him to enter with my luggages

"Um would you like some tea or coffee??i asked him

"Coffee please"Evan replied as he made his self comfortable by sitting on the couch

"Ok"i murmured as I left for the kitchen

"Arghhhhhhh"Evan sudden screams made me leave the coffee i was preparing and ran to the parlour just to see a little cut on Evan fingers and blood gushed out freely from the wounded area

"Oh no,blood"i thought as my eyes became darkened and my fangs came out,together with my claws which sprang out ready to pounce on my prey


