

kill her,kill her,kill her" the villagers all chanted in one voice     "I didn't do it,I didn't do it,I was wronged, please believe me,I didn't do it"the poor girl pleaded "Shut up you greedy fellow,who else could have done it??you killed him just because he choose your best friend over you,it was over and you knew it and then you decided to end it by murdering him in cold blood,how could you Carolina,how could you??"the man asked admist tears "Please believe me,I didn't do it,I did not kill him,I did not kill Ismael,I didn't do it"the poor girl kept on pleading "Burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her,burn her,kill her...."

Everlight_anyi · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 7



"oh no"

I gasped as I saw his bleeding hand and immediately my dark side took over

"Carolina,your..eyes,they...are bl...ack"

Evan stammered as he stared at me

"Get away from me Evan"

I muttered not looking at his face

"You..you..have fangs,what are you Carolina"

He slowly asked as I stared at him

"Am a...."

I was about replying him when suddenly my ears caught some sudden movements outside the door

I turned and faced him as I held a serious look

"No matter what happens Evan,no matter what you hear,don't come outside"

I whispered as I left for the kitchen and grabbed a knife and slowly I tiptoed to the door

I was about opening the door when suddenly the door broke and a vampire walked in

I supersped and gave him a rib breaking punch which sent him crashing outside and almost immediately another vampire rushed in aiming for my heart with a stake which he was holding

I quickly dodged the attack as I connected a kick to his belly and threw him outside the house

I ran outside and damn they were three vampires

"Oh sweet Carolina how long did you think you could hide from us,well we are not here for you just kindly hand us the human"

Niclaus spoke as he stared dagger at me

I knew niclaus back in the village,he was an old friend of mine who turned to my enemy just because I rejected his love proposal and I did not regret ever rejecting him because he is a monster

"Am not giving the human to you Niclaus!!"

I yelled at him as I held tightly to my knife

"Very well then,we shall do this the hard way"

Niclaus said as he smirked at me

In a matter of seconds I was crashing on the floor due to the impact of his punch

Niclaus was very strong and am not surprised he is still strong

I weakly stood up as the other vampires approached me with the aim of killing me

I dodge a punch and inserted my knife into one of the vampire's heart and slowly he dropped dead on the floor leaving me with a vampire and niclaus

I supersped and in a minute dugged my hands deap into the other vampire's body as I ripped out his heart and slowly he also dropped dead on the floor

"Wow Carolina,you really have improved"

Niclaus said from behind as he approached me

Before I could say jack he supersped and landed a punch on my face,not letting me regain my stamina he connected a kick to my lower belly as I fell weakly on the floor and blood gushed freely from my mouth


I heard someone scream my name and I turned back as my gaze met with his gaze


I slowly called

"So that's the human"

I heard niclaus said as he slowly approached me and slowly he whispered in my ears

" Watch..me kill your lover"

"Niclaus no!!"

I yelled as I held tightly to his leg preventing him from moving

He turned back and kicked my hands away as he approached Evan

" Evan run!!"

I yelled but it was too late as Niclaus got to him and slowly lifted him up

Evan was too startled to do anything as Niclaus smiled revealing his fangs and started inserting into Evan's neck


I yelled and with every single energy in me I supersped and dived towards Niclaus

He was too slow to dodge as I inserted a knife into his heart thereby stopping him from inserting his fangs deeper into Evan's neck

He stared at me and slowly he smiled

"They are coming for you Carolina, they...are..... coming.... for....you..and your.... lover"

He whispered as he dropped dead on the floor

Slowly I stared at Evan and I could see the look of shock In his face


I slowly called out as I moved closer to him

💎💎💎 unknown pov💎💎💎

" Don't fall in love with me Evan,I am something else, something dark, something dangerous,I am a vampire"

She whispered in his ears as she ran off in inhuman speed living Evan as startled as ever

Evan stood there looking stunned and slowly his body dropped on the ground


"She's gone, Carolina's gone"

I whispered as her last words rung a bell into my ears,the tears which were in my eyes fell freely on my face as I cried bitterly

A day turned into two and two days turned into seven days and seven days turned into a week and slowly a week turned into two weeks and still there was no sign of Carolina

The last two weeks have been the worst days of my life

It was boring as hell and damn Carolina refused to show up

I have been searching for her for the past two weeks now and suddenly her last words popped into my mind

" Don't fall in love with me Evan"

I recalled how she said it with tears in her eyes and I was too afraid to say or do anything

"I love you Carolina,I love you"

I whispered as I stared at her pictures which were in my phone

"I will never give up on you,I will never do that Carolina"

I muttered as I got up from my bed and then headed to the bathroom

Once I was done,I quickly wore my clothes and headed to the woods in search of Carolina

"Carolina!!!! Carolina!!!! Carolina!!!!"

"Please come out Carolina,come out"

I yelled as I walked deeper into the woods

I spent two hours of fruitless journey and I was damn tired as I slowly slumped on a nearby tree

"I lost her,I lost Carolina,I lost the woman I love"

I sadly whispered as i placed my head on my laps and soon enough I fell asleep


"I want to spent the rest of my life with you Ismael,I love you"

A young girl whispered slowly as she stared at her lovers face

"I love you more Carolina"

Ismael whispered as he slowly bent his head and kissed her on the lips

It's was a slow and tender kiss and soon enough they disengaged as Carolina rested her head on Evan's shoulder



I yelled as I woke up from sleep

"Why did I have this strange dream??"

I thought as I slowly stood up and discovered the sky was pitch black

I checked my phone and damn!!! it was 8:30

I stood up and started looking for a way back home

I walked and walked and walked and when all hope seem lost I sighted a small cottage not far from where I stood

I immediately ran to the cottage and knocked on the door but there was no response

I slowly pushed the door and the creaking of the old door filled the air

I walked in and discovered the house was very dirty,I turned back as I suddenly heard a slight movement behind me

"Well,well,well and who do we have here"

A strange voice boomed behind me

I turned and my gaze met with a woman gaze

She was all dressed in black,she was holding a strange staff and she surely looked creepy

"Who are you"

I asked as I moved away from the creepy lady

"I knew you would come someday but I just didn't know it will be this late"

She spoke as she stared at me

"So what do you want Evan or should I call you Ismael??