
Chapter 1 <<Gray's Point of View>>

Think an excuse,I repeatedly saying that phrase to myself while running from the gate of our school to our room.Today is my first day as a college student in this school.When I reached the door of my classroom.I sighed and open the door and ready to get nag by our professor because I am 20 minutes late.Tsk blame my lazy self for not waking up early.As the door opened I saw an old man staring at me as well as the students.Oh well I'm used to this situation."And who are you young man?"

The old man asked.I think he is our professor."Hmm I'm a student here,ready for learning? I think?" I replied mockingly.And the room was filled by laughter.I know that this prof is angry by now and I'm not scared.Before I can say a word again,he cleared his throat and said "Okay because it's first day I will forgive you,but introduce yourself infront." Tsk this "introduce yourself"part,I'm sick of it."I'm Gray Vincent.I'm 18." I simply said and see if there is a vacant seat.Hmm there is,I stare at the boy who is sitting next to that vacant seat.He has a light skin,beautiful and shiny eyes,pointed nose and OH red lips.Gosh what am I thinking? He is a boy and I'm also a boy.Tsk am I gay? Nah I'm not. "Suit yourself Mr.Vincent please don't be late next time or else" The old man said "Okay" I answered and went straight to that seat next to the boy who is attractive.TSK stop Gray you are not gay.When I'm about to seat I caught him staring at me "Is there something wrong?" I asked because his stares are so deep.He shook his said and look at our professor.Psh what a weird guy but he is hot,the devil and gay part of my brain said.Okay I admit he is hot and handsome actually but who cares? That doesn't mean I like him.I like girls and I AM NOT GAY.But why am I giving him compliments?.Tsk I will just don't mind it.When I started to listen to our professor.I can't stop staring at him and when he is about to stare at me back.I look at the other direction.Oh gosh don't tell me I'm attracted to him? Physically or Sexually attracted?

(And that's it guys.Hope you like it.Btw it's my first time writing a story here so I hope you like it.Have a nice day.)

Hi I'ts my first story.I hope you like it

ren_kuncreators' thoughts