
Sex Therapist

Ericka, a devoted wife, seeks the help of a renowned sex therapist, Jared, to rekindle the spark in her marriage. As she opens up to Jared, she finds herself increasingly attracted to him. However, Jared is not one to take advantage of his client's vulnerability, and their sessions remain strictly professional for a little time. As Ericka's relationship with Jared deepens, she becomes unaware of the web of deceit that her husband Marco has woven. Unbeknownst to her, Marco has impregnated another woman, leaving Ericka to believe that she is the only one struggling with the weight of their marital issues and her own transgressions. The story takes a shocking twist when Ericka and Jared find themselves in a passionate, forbidden love affair. As their connection intensifies, Ericka must confront her feelings for Jared and decide whether to betray Marco or fight for her marriage. ________________________________________ ⚠️⚠️Warning 21+⚠️⚠️ This book contains explicit content with numerous sexual scenes. Please be advised that the material within these pages may not be suitable for all audiences due to its mature nature. These scenes may evoke strong emotions or feelings and could potentially be triggering for some individuals. It is essential to approach this book with a sense of awareness and respect for your own boundaries and those of others. I value the diverse perspectives of my readers and wish to create an environment that fosters understanding and respect. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and I hope you enjoy your reading experience. ________________________________________ Also English is not my first language, so please correct me if I'm wrong with the grammars, thank you!

vixennn · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Chapter 19: Downfall

Ericka's POV

In the days that followed, I found solace at my grandmother's house. Her warm embrace and comforting words provided the support I desperately needed. I would pour my heart out to her, sharing the pain and disbelief that Marco and I were now over after all we had been through.

As I reminisced about our time together in college, it was clear that we had once been a strong and cute couple. We had shared laughter, love, and countless memories that had shaped our lives. During those college years, we were inseparable, always by each other's side, and our bond seemed unbreakable.

We were the kind of couple that people couldn't help but notice. Our playful banter, shared inside jokes, and the way we looked out for each other made us appear like the perfect match. We had supported each other through academic challenges, personal struggles, and the many ups and downs of young love.

Looking back, it was easy to see how we had grown together, nurturing our relationship and building a foundation that we believed would last a lifetime. But life had other plans, and the revelations of Marco's infidelity and the consequences that followed shattered that illusion.

As I stayed with my grandmother, I tried to come to terms with the fact that our story had taken a tragic turn. The strong and cute college couple we once were had been overshadowed by the harsh reality of our mistakes and the painful consequences they brought.

Now looking back at the memories we shared as a husband and wife, it's hard not to feel a mix of nostalgia and longing. We were once two souls bound by love and commitment, embarking on a journey that we believed would last a lifetime.

Our wedding day was a whirlwind of emotions, filled with laughter, tears, and an overwhelming sense of joy. As we exchanged vows in front of our family and friends, we promised to stand by each other through thick and thin, to cherish and support one another, and to face the world hand in hand.

In the early months of our marriage, we explored the world together, discovering new places, and creating unforgettable memories. We laughed at each other's jokes, shared countless kisses, and built a life filled with happiness. Our home was a sanctuary, a place where we could escape the stresses of the outside world and simply be ourselves.

However, as time passed, cracks began to appear in our seemingly perfect relationship. The pressures of life, the weight of responsibilities, and the gradual erosion of trust took their toll on us. We found ourselves drifting apart, struggling to connect with the same depth and understanding that we once had.

Despite our best efforts to rekindle the spark that once ignited our love, we couldn't deny the reality that our relationship had changed. The strong and passionate bond that once defined us as husband and wife had faded, leaving us with a sense of loss and a longing for what once was.


Marco's POV

Looking back at my relationship with Ericka, I can't help but feel a deep sense of regret and remorse. We were once a strong and passionate couple. Our love story was one that many admired, and we had built a life filled with happiness and shared experiences.

As we stood at the altar, exchanging heartfelt vows, I had promised to love and cherish her for the rest of my life. I believed that we were destined to be together, and that no obstacle could come between us. But as time passed, I began to realize that I had made a grave mistake – one that would ultimately lead to the downfall of our marriage.

My infidelity was the catalyst for the unraveling of our relationship. The guilt and shame that consumed me after my indiscretion were overwhelming, and I struggled to come to terms with the damage I had caused. I tried to make amends, to prove that I was willing to do whatever it took to save our marriage, but it was too late. The trust that had once been the foundation of our love had been shattered beyond repair.

As I reflect on our time as husband and wife, I can't help but wonder where we went wrong. Was it the pressures of life that drove us apart? Or was it simply the fact that we were two flawed individuals, trying to navigate the complexities of love and commitment?

Regardless of the reasons, I can't change the past. All I can do now is learn from my mistakes and hope that one day, she may find the peace and happiness that she deserves.


Author's POV

"What did you just say?" Daisy inquired, directing her question towards Marco.

In response, Marco disclosed, "Ericka and I are going through a divorce."

Noticing Marco's apparent distress, Daisy expressed her concern, saying, "Oh, are you alright?" She couldn't help but notice the dark circles beneath his eyes, suggesting he had been sleep-deprived, which made her feel even more empathetic.

As she gently touched Marco's cheek, Daisy reassured him, "I'm here for you," in a soft whisper.


Ericka is staying in her grandma's this past few days but that doesn't mean she already forgot about Jared.

"Stop overthinking about your divorce with your husband. Don't you remember he cheated on you?" Jared said.

"But he's not the only one who cheated, Jared. You know that too." Ericka said lowly.

"But still he cheated and you shouldn't feel guilty anymore. Come here."

Complying with Jared's invitation, Ericka moved closer and sat on his lap, leaning her back against him. In Jared's embrace, she found solace and a sense of safety. As she pondered over the recent events, Ericka eventually drifted off to sleep in Jared's comforting arms.

"I won't let anyone hurt you my princess"

I just want to say goodnight to all of you guys! because I don't have anyone to say it to TvT

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