
sex storie

stories from LITEROTICA

Katiored · อื่นๆ
109 Chs


Liz walked into her bedroom, her mind still racing with everything that happened tonight. She watched Zach and Lisa having sex for the first time, big brother getting his first taste of his youngest sister's forbidden fruit, and afterwards Liz herself ended up having sex with her son. She sighed as she reached for the switch, turning on the light in the adjoining bathroom, and quietly closed the bedroom door behind her. Tom was sleeping heavily, and Liz placed her pants in the laundry basket. She removed her shirt, throwing it in too, then walked over to her closet. She grabbed a clean pair of panties, a bra, and made her way into the bathroom.

Liz looked at her reflection in the mirror, noting her matted hair, and the smell of sex on her. She toyed with the idea of hopping into the shower but was too tired. She removed her bra, freeing her heavy breasts, then pulled down her panties. Her son's cum had leaked out of her pussy, and filled her panties, and Liz looked down at it with a mixture of awe and excitement. She gave the stained panties a quick rinse, then washed up tiredly and put on the clean bra and panties. She stepped back out into the bedroom, walking over to the large bed and slipped under the covers as Tom stirred. She pressed her body to his, his strong frame so warm and comforting and quickly fell asleep.


Tom woke up early the next morning and just laid in bed with his wife still asleep next to him. He sat up, leaning back against the headboard, his bare chest exposed, and studied his wife for a few minutes until she started to stir. She rolled over to her back, still under the covers and slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning." Tom said as his wife woke up.

"Morning." Liz said groggily and stretched, yawning.

"How did last night go?" Tom asked and Liz blushed. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and slowly sat up next to Tom, letting the blankets fall to display her bra-cupped breasts.

"So last night was, um…interesting." Liz said then cleared her throat. "I kind of ended up having sex with Zach." she admitted shyly.

"You what?" Tom let out in surprise. "Tell me how it happened." He asked his wife, sounding amused.

"Well, I watched them go at it for a while, you know, touching, kissing, going down on each other, and well yeah, eventually fucking too." Liz started and paused to take a breath. "It was a little awkward at first, all three of us there…".

"Were you naked too?" Tom asked.

"Yes, I thought it would be even more awkward if I kept my clothes on." Liz explained then continued. "Anyway, they were both very tense, you know seeing each other naked for the first time and all, but Zach handled everything really well. He got Lisa relaxed, kissing her a lot, then they both got into it."

"Was Lisa okay with you being there?" Tom asked.

"Yes, I stayed with them only because she asked me to." Liz answered. "She was hesitant at first with Zach too, but after some soothing she went along with it."

"And how did it feel, I mean how was it watching our kids have sex?" Tom asked mischievously, reaching under the covers for his growing manhood.

"Oh my god babe, it was so hot!" Liz admitted, flustered. "I was watching them having sex, watching our son fucking our little girl and couldn't stop touching myself. It was such a turn on. Then at one point, Zach had Lisa ride him. He grabbed her and started thrusting himself into her until she came on top of him. It was amazing and so hot. She couldn't take more after that and when she climbed off Zach, he was still hard, and I just couldn't help myself." Liz told Tom, biting her lip.

"So you had sex him?" Tom asked and Liz nodded. "With Lisa there?" he asked again, eyes wide, and Liz nodded again.

"Are you upset?" Liz asked, even though she knew he had no right to be after what happened between him and Presley.

"Upset? No. Surprised? Yes. Turned on, hell yes!" Tom said with a kinky smile and pulled the covers off, revealing the big tent in his boxers. "How was it?" Tom asked, playing with himself through his boxers.

"What, the sex?" Liz asked and Tom nodded. "It was pretty wild." Liz said blushing. "He really knows how to treat a woman. It was so different from our last time together." Liz said, feeling her own arousal growing also.

"And how did it go for Lisa? Was she more comfortable having sex with her brother? Do you think tonight with Jack will go smoothly?" Tom asked and watched Liz frown.

"I'm…not sure." Liz admitted, thinking about it. "She wasn't as tense as she was her first time with you, but she wasn't completely comfortable with it either, at least not at the beginning. I don't know, it's like Lisa thinks sex is nasty or wrong or something. Zach handled her well, but I'm not sure how it will go with Jack." Liz said, finishing with a sigh.

"What do you suggest then? You want to be there with them tonight too?" Tom asked.

"I don't know, I won't be there with her next year. I'm still worried about her." Liz said.

"You still think Jack should spend the night with her?" Tom asked and Liz shrugged with a helpless expression on her face. "I have an idea, why don't we ask the girls?" Tom suggested and Liz looked at him unsure.

"Ask them what exactly?" Liz asked.

"Molly and Presley went through the same thing, they know how Lisa feels. Maybe they will have some insight that might help." Tom suggested.

"You know what, yeah, that makes sense." Liz said nodding and gave her husband an appreciating smile. "I'll talk to them." She said, smiling, and gave him a tender kiss.


Lisa climbed down the stairs, wearing a pair of work jeans, boots, and an old grey t-shirt. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and she joined Presley, Jack and her parents around the breakfast table.

"Good morning." Liz greeted her daughter with a warm smile and Lisa smiled back as she took a seat next to her mother. "Everything alright?" Liz whispered to her daughter, and Lisa looked up at her and nodded, giving her a small assuring smile. Molly joined after a minute, and Zach shortly after her. The entire family started eating breakfast, getting ready for another day of work around the farm. After breakfast, they slowly dispersed, each tending to their own chores. Presley lingered behind, looking for her gloves, and her mother caught her just as she was heading out.

"Presley sweetie, can I talk to you for a moment?" Liz asked in a motherly tone.

"Sure mom." Presley said and joined her mother in the kitchen. "What's up?" she asked with a perky smile.

"Well, I was kind of hoping to get your opinion on something." Liz said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Yeah, okay." Presley answered, her mother's uneasiness making her tense. A sudden worry her mother would confront her about sleeping with her father flashed through her mind.

"It's about your sister, Lisa," Liz started and Presley relaxed a little. "You already know what she did on her birthday with your father, and also what she did yesterday with Zach." Liz said and Presley nodded, curious to where this was going. "What you don't know is that unlike you or Molly, Lisa didn't take too well to the…um…family tradition." Liz said blushing.

"Oh? What do you mean mom?" Presley asked.

"When your father told her about everything, she didn't believe him and got very worked up. I had to come in and calm her down." Liz told her daughter.

"Wait, so she and dad didn't…?" Presley asked, eyes going wide.

"Oh no, they did…eventually, but we had to take it really slow with her. Explain everything and slowly move thing along." Liz explained.

"We?" Presley asked.

"Um, yes, I was there too. Lisa wouldn't agree to try anything unless I was there with them." Liz said blushing.

"And what happened with her and Zach?" Presley asked.

"It wasn't as bad as with your father, but she was still…reluctant to do anything with your brother. They did eventually go through with it, but it wasn't as straightforward as it was with you two." Liz said.

"Did she not…enjoy having sex?" Presley asked carefully.

"No, I don't think that's it. She definitely enjoyed it; I think it's more that she still views sex as something…wrong maybe?" Liz said, not sure herself.

"Did Zach tell you she enjoyed it?" Presley asked.

"Um, well, no, not exactly. " Liz said shyly.

"Then why are you so sure she did?" Presley asked.

"Because…I was with them too." Liz added with a shy smile.

"You were there with Zach and Lisa while they were having sex?" Presley asked incredulous.

"Yes. After her night with your father I wasn't sure how Lisa would react to your brother's…offer. I joined them so I could make sure it was alright, but then she asked me to stay with them." Liz explained.

"Oh wow." Presley let out, a little shocked by this.

"Your father and I were thinking maybe you or Molly might have an idea of what would help. I don't know if her spending the night with Jack will help or work, and since you went through something similar, we thought maybe you would have an idea of how we can make her more comfortable with sex." Liz explained.

Presley looked at her mother, a little overwhelmed by what she heard. She took a moment to process everything, then started thinking it over. Even though she took quickly to sex, enjoying her first time with her father and brother, she understood how Lisa might see it.

"I might have an idea." Presley said after a few moments, a shy smile creeping across her pretty face.

"Really? What is it?" Liz asked excited.

"I'm not sure how you'll feel about it though." Presley added and her mother looked at her curiously.

"Oh?" Liz said, raising an eyebrow. "Why is that?" she asked.

"I think it could help but it might be a little…intense." Presley said.

"Let's hear it." Liz said, even more curious.

"Okay, just don't dismiss it immediately and let me finish explaining it, okay?" Presley said and her mother nodded. Presley took a deep breath, then started. "So, like, despite our dirty little tradition, we're not very open about sex as a family." Presley said. "I mean, yeah, dad talked to me about sex on my eighteenth birthday when we…you know, and I'm guessing you also did with the boys, but we never talk about it in the open, even though we all had sex with one another."

"You're right but I don't see how that's…" Liz cut in.

"Mom! You said you'd let me finish first." Presley interrupted her mother's interruption.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Go on." Liz said.

"Thanks. So yeah, we have sex, but it's always like hidden, in our rooms, sneaking around, we don't talk about it much. Maybe that's part of why Lisa sees it as something bad, something shameful that should be hidden." Presley said and her mother nodded. It made sense to Liz. "Maybe we can show Lisa a more open approach to sex, you know. Show her it's something natural and wonderful, not something to be ashamed of."

"That makes sense, but how do you suggest we do that?" Liz asked and Presley glared at her for interrupting again.

"It's just a thought, but maybe by not only letting her experience sex, but also letting her see it, in the open, without shame, the…um…entire family." Presley said and saw the surprise on her mother's face.

"The entire family? Together" Liz asked shocked and Presley nodded. "You mean like an…orgy?" Liz whispered, grimacing.

"Yes and no, not really." Presley said. "Orgy sounds so…gross and dirty, it would be something more open, more real. Let Lisa see, and if she wants to even join, her family openly and willingly having sex." Presley finished explaining and looked at her mom, waiting for a response.

"Do you really think it will help?" Liz asked, still taking her daughter's suggestion in.

"Yeah, I think it could." Presley said.

"And what about your siblings, do you think they will be on board? It is a little, how did you put it, extreme?" Liz asked.

"I think so, but even if someone isn't, that's fine. It will still send the right message to Lisa." Presley said and watched her mother as she kept considering.

"Wow, that would be crazy." Liz said as she imagined it happening and gave a blushing smile. "Let me see what your father thinks about it." Liz said and Presley nodded. "Thank you, sweetie. For now, please don't say anything to anyone about it." Liz asked.

"You got it mom." Presley said and with a smile to her mother, went to join her the rest of the family with their work.


At lunchtime, like clockwork, everyone started wandering back to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. They ate a few sandwiches, drank some iced tea, cooled down from all the hard work, then went back to it. Liz grabbed Tom before he headed back out and guided him over to their bedroom where she told him about Presley's suggestion.

"Well, what do you think?" Liz asked her husband after going over it.

"I…I don't know what to say." Tom said, blinking. It was certainly a surprising idea. "And the others will go along with this?" Tom asked to make sure.

"Presley seems to think so." Liz repeated.

"Could you imagine having sex next to the kids, having them watch us?" Tom said, finding the concept disgustingly arousing.

"Imagine watching the kids having sex with each other with us watching, or us having sex with the kids." Liz said flustered and gave her husband a sly smile. "You think we should do it, don't you?" Liz asked.

"I…well…no. Maybe…" Tom stuttered.

"Come on Tom, I know how much it turns you on thinking about having sex with the girls again." Liz said with a kinky smile.

"Yeah, you're right, but don't tell me thinking about it doesn't turn you on too. I know you've been thinking about doing it again with the boys too." Tom said and his wife smiled at him guiltily.

"God you're right. Are we bad parents for getting so turned on by something like this?" Liz asked.

"No, I don't think we're bad parents. The first four turned out quite well, and if we do end up doing this, it will be first for Lisa's sake. Our twisted pleasure will be just a nice bonus." Tom said and wrapped his arms around his wife pulling her into an embrace.

"So, we're doing this?" Liz asked after pulling away and looked into her husband's eyes.

"I guess so." Tom said with an incredulous chuckle. "When and how should we…you know?" he asked.

"Why not tonight?" Liz offered.

"Tonight?" Tom jumped, eyes going wide.

"Yeah, if we don't think Jack spending the night will help, we should do this instead." Liz said and Tom nodded. "I'm more concerned about how we should approach the subject. Should we grab each of the kids and ask them about it separately?" she asked.

"No. The whole idea is for this to be open and real. I think we should bring it up at dinner. We won't say it was Presley's idea but bring it up, explain it and say whoever wants to can join. We need to reassure them it's fine either way." Tom said.

"Yeah, you're right. That's a good idea." Liz agreed. "What about Lisa, how do we make sure she joins?" Liz asked.

"We tell her this is for her benefit, that she doesn't have to participate but we want her to be there and see it. What do you think?" Tom said and Liz nodded her agreement.

"I can't believe we're going through with something like this." Liz said nervously and clutched her husband's arm.

"Me too." Tom said and smiled at her. He pulled her in for a quick kiss, then went back to work.


Tom and Liz were very nervous throughout the rest of the day. They kept thinking how they would present it to the kids. The time passed by quickly, each passing hour getting them more nervous, until it was almost dinner time.

The kids gradually returned to the house after finishing their work and started getting ready for dinner. They cooled off from the hard day's work with some beers and iced teas, and one by one headed to wash up. Liz finished up dinner, getting into the shower herself and gave Tom a nervous look as she exited it just as he was entering. She went to finish up dinner, the kids' laughter drifting from around the house, and with butterflies in her stomach, started setting the table.

Tom took over the setting of the table after a minute, Liz going back to check on the food, and shortly after, everyone took a seat around the table. Liz took her usual seat next to Tom, exchanging nervous glances, and looked at her five beautiful children as they dug in hungrily.

"Should we talk about it now or wait for dessert?" Liz asked anxiously.

"Let's let them enjoy the food a little, we can bring it up before dessert." Tom said and Liz nodded, turning back to her plate and taking a few bites.

They kept on eating cheerfully, the kids talking and laughing as they ate their mother's cooking. They grabbed seconds, some even thirds, until everyone was stuffed, reclining leisurely in their chairs.

"What's for dessert?" Jack asked with a smile after a few minutes.

"I'll bring dessert out in a minute." Liz said, "But first there is something your father and I want to talk to all of you about." Liz said. The table turned quiet at Liz's words, her children noting her serious tone. Liz and Tom exchanged another look, then turned to their children.

"What is it?" Molly asked, a little scared by the intensity in her mother's voice.

"As you all know, two days ago, on Lisa's birthday, she…had…sex for the first time, with your father." Liz said and all her kids looked at her in shock, Lisa blushing a bright red. "He took Lisa's virginity just like he took Molly's and Presley's when they turned eighteen, and just like I took Zach and Jack's." Liz continued, her voice shaking as all five of her children cringed in embarrassment.

"Now kids," Tom took over, "I know we never talked about it openly before, and I know it's not… let's call it socially acceptable, but your mother and I did what we thought was best for you." He said.

"Your father is right." Liz continued. "We are also quite aware that Zach and Molly started having sex with one another after their first time with us," Liz said making the twins blush, "and when the rest of you turned eighteen we encouraged and even asked them to also spend a night with you, thinking it will be a safe and comfortable environment for you to explore your sexuality some more." Liz paused and studied her kids nervously, taking a deep breath. "As one of you so cleverly pointed out to me, even though almost all of you had sex with one another, and with us, we've never discussed it as a family. We're sorry if at any time we made you feel sex was something shameful and wrong, and now that Lisa is also in on it, we thought we might treat sex a little differently, at least for tonight." Liz said.

"What are you talking about mom?" Jack asked confused and Liz realized that her son was still under the impression that he was having sex with his youngest sister for the first time tonight.

"Sweetie, I know you thought you were going to have sex with Lisa tonight," Liz said, Jack turning a bright red, "but we had something different in mind. Your father and I want to show Lisa, and well, all of you really, that sex is a healthy beautiful thing. Tonight, your father and I decided we'll be having sex in the living room, openly, and we encourage anyone who wants to participate or watch to join us." Liz said and four of her children's eyes went wide. "Lisa, we think it's important for you to be there, even if it's just to watch, and the rest of you are welcome to join or just watch, whatever you feel comfortable with doing."

"Guys, we know this is a little unorthodox, and well awkward," Tom said scanning the faces of his speechless children, "but that's exactly what this is about, showing to your little sister, and also to each other, what honest and open sex looks like. How sexy and beautiful it is, how it's not something shameful that should be hidden, but just the opposite." Tom said nervously and kept looking at his kids. "Your mother and I will be there to show you and we hope you'll join us." Tom said looking at them.

There was a long pause as all five siblings looked at one another, not knowing what to say or do. This was crazy, even for their family.

"I'm in." Presley said first, a shy grin on her face as her brothers and sisters looked at her.

"Seriously?" Jack mumbled under his breath and Presley nodded.

"Um, me too I guess." Zach said after another awkward pause. He wouldn't let Presley do this alone with their parents.

"Are you guys serious? I mean this is crazy, even for us." Molly said, studying her twin brother and younger sister. They shrugged nodding, and Molly knew if she wouldn't join, she would never hear the end of it. "Fine, I guess I'm in too." Molly said.

"I'm sorry, but this is kind of messed up." Jack said, studying his brother and sisters, then his parents. "Lisa, are you okay with this?" Jack asked his younger sister who looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I…I don't know." She croaked softly. "They said I don't have to join if I don't want. I guess I don't mind watching." She added and blushed.

"Come on Jack," Presley told her brother, "it's not that much worse than the time all four of us did it." Presley said and Jack blushed shamefully as Lisa's eyes went wide while their parents exchanged a surprised look.

Jack glared at his sister, not believing she just said that out loud and was lost for words. "Okay fine, it's gonna be really awkward but I guess you're right." Jack said. Liz was about to protest, to tell him otherwise, but Tom put his hand on her and shook his head, content to have the consent of all his kids.

"What now?" Presley asked after they returned to an uncomfortable silence.

"I'll go get dessert," Liz said, "then we'll all go get ready and meet up in the living. Let's say in an hour?" Liz said and Tom nodded.

"Should we like, change or something?" Jack asked.

"I don't think there's much of a point in wearing clothes, even if you're just watching." Tom said. "Aside from you and Lisa I think all of us saw each other naked." He added.

"So just like, show up here naked?" Lisa asked nervously.

"I guess so, as long it's alright with everyone." Tom said and looked around at his kids. No one objected.

Liz brought out dessert which they ate mostly in silence. Liz and Tom tried to break it and get a conversation going but they were all too nervous. They finished it up quickly, then the kids disappeared upstairs.

"Tom, can you help me move everything?" Liz asked her husband from the living room after the kids all went upstairs. Tom nodded and came over. They moved the coffee table aside for more room, placed the couches away from one another and spread a thick blanket across the floor. They gave each other unsure looks, then nodded and moved to their rooms to get ready.

Liz and Tom entered their bedroom and gave each other a knowing look. Tom pulled off his shirt, revealing his broad chest and Liz followed, unbuttoning and shrugging off her blouse. "I can't believe we're really doing this." Tom said, pulling down his pants and throwing them on the bed.

"I know." Liz said, reaching behind her back. She unclasped her white bra and removed it, exposing her large round boobs. She watched Tom pull down his boxers, his thick pecker already semi-erect and pulled off her pants and panties as her husband watched her. Liz gave Tom a small smile, his erection growing to the sight of her bare vulva, then turned around, knowing his eyes were on her swaying ass as she walked over to the bathroom. She came back a minute later with a bottle of body lotion, sat on the bed, and started lathering herself, rubbing it into her naked body.

Tom bit his lower lip to the sight of his wife rubbing lotion into her breasts, then turned around and walked into the bathroom. He rummaged through the drawers, nervous and excited about tonight, then found the small bottle of pills and turned around. "I thought about taking one of these, what do you think?" Tom asked his wife and held up the bottle of blue pills for her to see.

"It doesn't look like you need it." Liz said with a naughty smile, looking at her husband's growing erection, and continued applying the lotion, rubbing it down her thighs.

"Not to get started, but I thought I would take one so I could keep on going. I'm betting the boys can get it up again quickly." Tom said. He had taken one or two a few years back, but ever since Molly turned eighteen and he had sex with her, and Presley after, he never once had a problem getting it up. He also had great stamina and could keep going for a while, but after he got off, that was it, at his age he couldn't get it up after that.

"I'm sure the girls would like it." Liz said with a kinky smile, rubbing lotion down her legs. Tom went back into the bathroom and took a pill out. He filled a glass with some tap water and swallowed the pill. Taking it made him even more horny and his heart started pounding in his chest as he walked back out into the bedroom where Liz just finished rubbing the lotion all over, making her hot naked body glisten.


Zach was standing in his room naked, his heart racing. He looked at himself in the mirror, more nervous than turned on and looked at his dangling penis. He ran a hand through his hair, breathing out and looked at the clock. He faced the mirror again, straightening his tall frame and grabbed his limp penis.

He tugged on his manhood lightly, just enough to get some blood to it, and let it go. He watched it begin to swell, not quite getting hard but looking much more impressive, and made for the door. The hallway was empty, the doors to his siblings' rooms all closed, and he heard his parents' voices from downstairs. He stepped out into the hallway, feeling weird being completely naked, and stepped over to his sister's room, knocking on her door gently.

Lisa jumped at the knock on her door and on instinct looked for something to cover herself up with before realizing how silly that was. She was completely naked, her hair tied into a high ponytail, and stepped over to the door nervously. She opened it just a crack, standing so only her face would be visible and peered outside.

"I thought you might want to go down together." Zach offered, standing in front of his youngest sister's bedroom completely naked. He watched her eyes dart down to his penis, making her flush, then her door swung open.

"Thanks, I'm really nervous." Lisa told her big brother with a grateful smile as she stood in front of him in her birthday suit. His eyes scanned her young naked body, drinking in the gorgeous sight of her perky breasts and tight pink vagina. He looked up into her eyes and held his hand out.

"Shall we?" he asked with a smile and Lisa took his hand. She stepped out of her room, also feeling weird about being naked so openly, then the both of them made their way down the stairs.


Tom and Liz were in the living room chatting nervously. They were sitting on the couch facing the stairs, Liz sitting on the armrest, and both completely naked. Tom's thick dick was like a rocket between his legs, already the effects of the blue pill starting to show, and they both turned quiet when they heard footsteps on the creaking floor upstairs. They sat there nervously, husband and wife, and watched the stairs. A few seconds later they spotted Zach and Lisa, hand in hand, and watched them as they slowly climbed down the stairs.

There was thick sexual tension in the air as Zach and Lisa reached the bottom of the stairs and headed to the living room. They were naked, completely naked, as were their parents, and the four of them just looked at each other in awkward silence, Zach seeing his father's thick snake for the first time.

"Right on time." Liz said with a nervous smile as her son and daughter took a seat on the sofa next to each other. Liz studied her son's hardening cock, the same one she had inside her last night, and felt herself getting wet.

Tom looked at his son and daughter, both naked. He was about to say something when another pair of feet walked briskly down the stairs.

"Oh my god, dad!" Presley called out, covering her mouth as her eyes bugged out. She was looking at her father's thick rock-hard cock and felt her juices starting to flow. She smiled confidently as she strutted over to the free couch, her large heavy breasts swaying. All eyes were on her naked body, her father's, brother's, mother's and her young sister's, all looking at her tantalizing tits, her curves, her trimmed bush and sexy pussy. Presley didn't mind, she liked the attention and took a seat, moving her gaze from her cute little sister, to her handsome brother's growing erection, and over to her father's raging hardon. "Wow mom, your skin is glowing. Did you put on lotion or something?" Presley said audaciously, staring at her mother's very sexy glistening body.

"Yes sweetie." Liz admitted shyly.

"Looks good." Presley said with a smile just as someone else joined them. She turned to look and saw Molly climbing down the stairs.

Presley wolf whistled as her older sister reached the bottom of the stairs and stood there on display. She wore long blond hair down, her pink nipples were erect atop her sexy breasts, and her pussy was fleshly shaved at the top of her long tone legs. Jack followed right behind her, red-faced, and Molly stepped over and took a seat on the sofa next to Zach and Lisa, rubbing her little sister's arm reassuringly and gave her a comforting smile.

Jack looked at Lisa nervously, getting his first sight of her naked body, then looked around the room at the rest of his naked family members. His cock was already at attention, and he nervously stepped forward and leaned on the armrest of the couch Presley was sitting in. There was an awkward pause as the Fletcher family sat in the living room naked, glancing at each other's naked bodies without anyone saying a word. It was strange, and no one knew what to say or do.

"So, well, I guess now that we're all here we can start." Liz said nervously, her heart racing as she looked over at her naked kids. "I'm not really sure how though." Liz said nervously, her voice shaking, and managed a weak smile.

"Um, why don't we start." Tom said, looking over at Liz. He wrapped his hand around her shoulder, and Liz looked at him. "The kids can follow our lead however they feel comfortable." Tom looked around at his children, staring back at him unsure, then over to his wife. She nodded to him, holding out her hand and Tom grabbed it and pulled her onto him. She slid off the armrest and onto his lap, her soft thigh grazing his rock-hard cock and making her pussy tingle. Tom reached out with his right hand, grabbing her large beautiful breast while he placed his other hand on the back of her head. Liz moaned softly, blushing at the thought of her kids watching them, and looked at Tom as he pulled her to him, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers, engaging in a deep passionate kiss.

Zach watched his naked parents kissing, his father caressing his mother's tits and was at loss for words. He watched with arousal, the sight disgustingly turning him on, then turned to Lisa who was watching them too. She kept on staring at them, caught up in it, until she noticed Zach was looking at her and turned to look at him too. She blushed a bright red, looking scared and he smiled at her. Zach put his finger under her chin, turning her to him, then guided her face to his, gently placing his lips on hers.

"Oh, one more thing I almost forgot." Liz jumped as she remembered, breaking her husband's kiss and making Zach and Lisa disengage. "Girls, I'm guessing you're both still on birth control?" Liz asked and Molly and Presley nodded shyly. "Okay good, so boys, and Lisa," she said looking from her sons to Tom "if you end up having sex tonight don't forget to put on a condom." She said nervously yet sternly, looking at each in turn. They nodded at her, blushing, and Liz turned back to Tom and leaned in for another sensual kiss.

Lisa blushed, feeling so embarrassed by her mother's words she could barely look at Zach. He gave her a goofy smile and she suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "You guys mind if I join you?" Molly said nervously and Lisa turned to look at her gorgeous older sister. "He's a good kisser, isn't he?" she chided her younger sister and Lisa just looked at her stunned, managing a small embarrassed nod.

"So, this is awkward." Presley joined in as she walked towards the sofa, Lisa staring at her big beautiful boobs. She smiled at her siblings, especially at Lisa, then sat down next to Molly. Jack followed her, his hard dick swinging, and Lisa stared at him as he approached but stayed standing there nervously.

Lisa looked over at her parents, her mother now stroking her father's hard dick as they continued their steamy make-out session. She blushed, feeling so embarrassed by the entire situation, then looked over at her brothers and sisters. "How are you not freaked out by all of this?" Lisa asked out loud, noting how relatively comfortable they seemed being naked next to each other while it took all her self-restraint not to cover herself up.

"We're pretty used to being naked next to each other." Molly said casually.

"Yeah, we all had sex with each other…a few times." Presley said with a naughty smile, giving her younger brother's manhood a lustful look. "So, should we follow mom and dad's lead?" Presley asked with a smirk, getting to her feet. She reached for Jack's hard cock, grabbing it, and started tugging on it. He turned to her, letting out a surprised yelp, and Presley leaned closer and pressed her mouth to his, kissing him with her hand still on his shaft.

"Oh my god." Lisa let out, shocked by her sister and brother's brazen display of affection. Their kiss lingered for a few seconds then broke off.

Presley took a step back and pulled Jack with her by his hard cock. "Lis, you wanna join us? I know Jack was looking forward to fucking you tonight." She added as Lisa stared in amazement.

"I…" Lisa started, not knowing what to say. "I don't…" she croaked.

"It's okay, we'll start slow and of course you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with." Presley assured her. Lisa looked over at Zach, at her parents, then at Molly and stood up on shaky legs. Presley smiled at her, Jack looking nervous, and Lisa followed them to the large thick blanket their parents laid out on the floor.

"I guess that leaves the two of us." Molly whispered into her twin brother's ear as she moved closer to him, their naked bodies pressed together. "I missed this guy." Molly said in a seductive voice and grabbed Zach's cock, stroking it gently. "How was sex with Lisa?" she whispered in his ear once more, feeling his shaft throbbing in her hand. "How does it feel to have had sex with all the women in the family?" she teased him, getting turned on herself. Zach looked at her lustfully, his body warm, and pulled her in for a rough kiss, shoving his tongue into her mouth.


Presley, Jack and Lisa sat down on the blanket and Presley pulled Jack for another kiss. They locked lips for a moment, tongues flailing, then broke the kiss and giggled at the dazed look in Jack's eyes. She smiled at him, a naughty gleam in her eyes and looked over at Lisa. She reached out with her hand and placed it on Lisa's bare skin as her young sister stared back motionless. She gently caressed her soft skin, nimbly running her fingers down her neck. Presley slid her palm gently downward and grabbed Lisa's breast gently. Lisa looked at her surprised but did not stop her sister. She moaned as her sister ran her delicate fingers along her chest and let out a soft moan as she rubbed her thumb along her areola. Lisa continued to look at her sister, breathing heavily and closing her eyes in pleasure as she pinched her erect nipples. Lisa bit her lip, her sister's touching sending tingling waves of pleasure through her body and Presley just smiled at her, sliding her hand back up. She placed it on her chin, Lisa staring at her puzzled, then guided her towards Jack. She didn't say a word, only pulled her forward until she pressed her lips to Jack's. She let go of Lisa and watched the two's first kiss intensify, switching from shy and careful to hot and passionate as they studied one another in this intimate way.


Liz and Tom broke apart from their intense canoodling, lost in their own little world, and looked around at their children, all five kissing and touching intimately. They smiled at each other, Liz's hand still on Tom's hard cock, then she let go of it. She slid off him, down to her knees, then turned to her husband and grabbed his cock. She looked up at him, their kids around them, some watching, then leaned in and opened her mouth. She moved her lips around the head, feeling nervous and excited, then she took his hard shaft in her mouth, making Tom growl in pleasure.

Molly and Zach watched amazed, Molly playing with Zach's cock as their mother started blowing their father's thick hard shaft. It was an impressive member, Zach had to admit, and he was getting turned on even more by watching his mother expertly handle the beast, sucking on it with her mouth open wide.

"Did you give dad a blowjob when you were with him?" Zach quietly asked Molly. Molly turned to him then nodded shyly.

"I didn't manage to take much in," Molly told her twin brother. "but he did stretch me out quite a bit." She added mischievously, remembering her father penetrating her with that thick cock she was now watching her mother suck.

Zach stared at his twin sister lustfully, his penis throbbing even more from her words. He grabbed her and pushed her back onto the sofa, making her lay down. "What are you doing?" Molly giggled as her brother laid on top of her, then reached for her tits. She mewled as he sucked on her perky breasts, licking her erect nipples and moved down her naked body. "Oh god!" she moaned as she felt his warm breath on her bald mound. He spread her legs, Molly more than willing, then pressed his lips to her vulva and started eating her out, licking her pink wet cunt to her sounds of pleasure.


Jack and Lisa broke their first kiss and gave each other a shy look. Presley smiled and pulled Jack for a quick kiss again. "Lis, you want to help me take care of our brother?" Presley asked kinkily and Lisa nodded with a shy smile. "Look at mom and dad." Presley whispered and the two immediately turned to look, Jack's eyes going wide at the sight of his mother sucking his dad's big dick. "Jack, go ahead and sit on the couch." Presley said and Jack quickly obliged. Lisa and she followed him and got on their knees at his feet. Without any hesitation Presley grabbed her younger brother's dick and tugged on it. She gave it a hungrily look, moving closer, then pressed the tip to her lips. She moved her eyes up to his, looking at him teasingly, giving the head of his cock a lick, then took him in her mouth, wrapping her lips around his shaft. She sucked on the head, making Jack moan, then ran her tongue along his rod, giving his balls a lick before sliding her tongue back up. She sucked on his cock again, making Jack moan, then pulled her mouth off and offered her brother's hard cock to their little sister.

Lisa looked at her brother's cock uncertainly, giving her sister a shy look, but after an urging look, grabbed her brother's penis for the first time and started stroking it gently. He was a little smaller than Zach, and a lot thinner than her father, but he had a nice penis and touching it made her cunny wet and tingly. She leaned in closer, Jack feeling her warm breath between his legs, then slipped her tongue out and licked his shaft timidly before running her tongue along it. She gave her brother a shy smile, getting acquainted with his dick, then slowly took him in her mouth for the first time, wrapping her lips around the bulbous head and started sucking him, Presley nodding her approval as she did.


Tom closed his eyes, enjoying the divine pleasure of his wife sucking on his rock-hard prick. He opened them, his hand on Liz's head, and was shocked and turned on by the sight in front of him. On the sofa next to them, Molly was laying down, her legs spread with her twin brother between them, hungrily eating her out, licking and sucking on her womanhood. If that wasn't enough, on the other couch Jack was sitting while his two sisters took turns sucking on his hard dick. He watched his two daughters' bare backsides as they sucked their brother, then turned to look back at his oldest daughter.

Molly moaned, looking down at her twin brother, then glanced over at her father and blushed. They both froze, sharing an intimate look, father and daughter, each getting orally pleasured in front of the other. Their eyes stayed locked for a few intimate moments, then Molly looked away shyly.

Liz caught her husband's eyes as she continued to give him a blowjob, slurping on his thick member. She had her hands around the base, barely managing to wrap her fingers all the way around, and noticed Tom was gesturing for her to look. She pulled her lips off his dick, still holding him in her hand, then turned her head. Her eyes went wide as she watched her son going down on his twin sister, eagerly and expertly licking her pink pussy. "Oh my god!" she mouthed to Tom as she turned to face him, then rose to her feet. Tom gestured with his head behind her and Liz turned to look, getting even more turned on by the sight of her two daughters sharing her son's penis. She immediately reached for her soaking pussy as she rose to her feet, then sat down on Tom's lap. She moved her gaze between her children, noting with satisfaction how Lisa was eagerly sucking on Jack's dick, Presley holding her hair back. Tom wrapped his hand around her waist, watching the disgustingly hot sexual scene before them, and Liz moved her hand as Tom slid his hand to her vagina and started playing with it.

"Fuck babe, this is so hot!" Tom whispered in his wife's ear as they continued to watch with perverse arousal, listening to Molly and Jack moan as their siblings pleasured them so perversely. His cock was like a rod of steel between his legs, harder than it has ever been, and Liz turned to look at him with a wanton look.

"Tom, do you want to fuck me?" Liz whispered in a sexy voice in Tom's ear then pulled back and looked straight into his eyes. Their naked children were all around them, licking and sucking each other's naked bodies. They would seeing their parents have sex, seeing daddy fuck mommy, seeing him put his thick cock inside her tender cunt. Tom bit his lip as he pondered at that, his hard cock twitching. He bit down an eager smile as he looked into his wife's eyes, noting how sexy she was, and gave her a small nod.