
Seventh Reincarnation (SR)

Name: Seventh Reincarnation Author: Andi Candra Genre: Action, Romance, Immortal, Male Protagonis, Overpowerd Synopsis: Brandon is just an ordinary young man who can be found anywhere among the 8 billion people on earth. However, the Third World War broke out, and he was killed along with other civilians. After his death, he found himself in a dark place without light. Just when he thought he would spend his time in the boundless shadows, he finds himself reincarnated into an anime world. Brandon thought he would reach the pinnacle of life, have great wealth, and be surrounded by beautiful women. But that was just a mere delusion, he died at the age of one month after his reincarnation. Then, he kept reincarnating again and again, but always ended up dying young. Brandon's behavior changed his destiny?

Takamiya_Shin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
154 Chs

The First Male Elementalist

Carrying the cake box in his right hand, Ars left the cake shop with an indifferent expression.

The female customers in the shop treated him like he was a pest, they would keep their distance from him with condescending looks.

(It's such a shitty world. No wonder the men here are so shy. After centuries of being bullied by women, they have lost their manliness and masculinity.)

Ars glanced at the male pedestrians, their attitude was so cowardly when faced with women.

Unable to bear the sight of this any longer, he shook his head and walked through the crowd.

(Just wait, once my full power is recovered, that will be the end of women's dominance over this world.)

The women didn't know that they had provoked an existence that shouldn't be provoked, and they would pay a heavy price for their haughtiness all along.

After buying the cake, Ars was in no rush to go home. Rarely did he come to the capital, he wanted to look around and at the same time look for a birthday present for Areishia.

"What present is suitable for Areishia… If it's too expensive, I'm afraid the girl will refuse, but too cheap isn't that good either."

This time, he didn't come to a high-end shop to escape the scorn of the ladies. Therefore, Ars chose a market dominated by male traders.

On the left and right there are stalls lined up neatly selling various things, ranging from exotic fruit, household furniture, accessories, and so on.

Since this was another world, fruits and vegetables were very different from those on earth. If it weren't for [Storage Magic] being locked, Ars would have bought those exotic fruits in large quantities as supplies.

"Yo, customer. You don't look like a citizen of the Dracunia Empire."

Stopping in front of the accessories stall, Ars was greeted kindly by the seller.

"Oh, is it obvious?"

"Of course, black-haired people are very rare here."

"Makes sense."

Ars nodded in agreement. In fact, apart from Restia, he had never seen anyone with black hair other than her.

In the village, everyone had blonde hair, whereas the average citizen of the Dracunia Empire had blue hair.

"What are you looking for? The goods I sell are of high quality, not inferior to those in high-end stores." The seller was proud of his wares.

"Hmmm.... What do you think is a good accessory for a 14 year old girl's birthday?"

This was the first time Ars had bought a present for a girl, so he couldn't rely on his life experience of a millennium.

"You asked the right person, I'm an expert in that field. I suggest the customer give a necklace or earrings."

"How about a ring?"

"Rings are not suitable as birthday presents. The ring has the meaning of binding men and women in engagement and marriage relationships. I'm not suggesting customers choose rings."

"You have a point."

Ars nodded in agreement. Previously, he intended to give a ring to Areishia. However, after hearing the seller's advice, he gave up his plan.

What if Areishia misunderstood his intentions and thought he wanted to propose to her?

Although Ars had long ago thrown his morals into the trash, he was not so immoral marrying a 14 year old girl.

He contemplates the choice between a necklace and earrings. At that moment, his attention was drawn to a yellow rhombus-shaped earring.

"That one costs how much." Ars pointed at the earring.

"You have a good eye, customer. The earrings are one of my fine products, they are made of topaz crystal and carved by the best sculptors."

"Stop bragging, I asked the price."

"Ah, yes, specifically for customers, I only charge 10 gold coins."

"I buy."

10 gold coins is enough to feed an ordinary family for two months. It was a heavy price for an ordinary person, but Ars didn't care. Anyway, it wasn't his money.

"Thanks for buying."

Seeing Ars not bidding, the seller's eyes lit up brightly and he smiled broadly.

After wrapping the earrings, he gave them to Ars, and he happily accepted the money.

Transaction completed.

"Come next time."

The seller waved his hand to see Ars leave.

"Haaa... This is the first time I feel short of money. With gold reserves in [Storage Magic], when did I encounter a situation like this?


With only two gold coins left, Ars sighed as he lamented how inconvenient it was to live in poverty.

It's easy to go from being thrifty to being extravagant, but it's hard to go from being extravagant to being frugal.

"Now then, what should I do..."

His words stopped when he saw the figure of a young, black-haired girl in a black dress amidst the crowd.


Ars chased after the girl's figure, but it was now midday, the streets were packed with people, and it was difficult for him to hurry up.

"Restia, it's me, Ars! Hey, wait for me!'

He shouted which attracted the attention of the people around him, but he didn't care. Unfortunately, the figure of the girl Restia was expecting didn't turn around at all, as if she didn't hear his call.

In the end, Ars lost track of Restia.

"Damn it! If I can use [Divine Sense], there's no way I'd lose track of her."

"Being weak is so troublesome."

Looking around, he didn't find Restia.

"Forget it, it's probably someone who looks similar to Restia. Otherwise, she would not have abandoned me."

Sighing in disappointment, Ars turned to leave.

"Ars... I'm sorry... I couldn't see you, or I'd just bring you trouble."

What Ars didn't realize was that, on top of a building, Restia watched him leave with a dejected expression.

"I hope you survive the war that will engulf the whole world... I hope we can meet again after the war is over."

After saying that, Restia's figure was enveloped in darkness and disappeared.


Food stalls.

Sitting by the window, Ars ate bread and soup for lunch.

The foreign energy in his body also affects his Idaten physiology. Even though he wouldn't die if he didn't eat and drink, he still felt hungry. And if he doesn't eat, hunger will become unbearable torment.

"Hey, did you hear? Recently, word got out that there was the first male Elementalist."

"Tsk, at most it's just a false rumor. Only women can become Elementalists, otherwise we men wouldn't be living as miserable as we are now."

Thanks to his sharp hearing, Ars heard the conversation of two men who were in the corner of the diner.

This food stall looks shabby and simple, so women don't want to eat here. As a result, all customers are men.

"Sssttt... Don't talk too loud, what if a woman listens to your words? You can go to jail."

"Don't worry, there are only men here. By the way, what you said is true."

"That's definitely not a rumor. From the news I heard, that man has a contract with 72 Spirits."

"72 Spirits?! Are you serious? Even the Princess Maiden can't do that! You're not lying to me, are you?" The man stared at his friend in disbelief.

Women who contract with Spirit are called Elementalists. Among the Elementalists, there is a special individual called the Princess Maiden.

Princess Maidens are Elementalists who serve directly the Elemental Lords who are the rulers of Asral Zero and also the masters of the Spirits.

The other man said seriously: "We are already friends, have I ever lied to you about something as important as this? What was most shocking was that male Elementalist declaring war on the entire world!"

"Wow, that's crazy."

"I don't think he's crazy. He controls 72 Spirits at once. He has every right to belittle that haughty female Elementalist."

"By the way, what is that male Elementalist's name?"

"If I'm not mistaken, his name is... Solomon Yerusian."

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