
Seventh Reincarnation (SR)

Name: Seventh Reincarnation Author: Andi Candra Genre: Action, Romance, Immortal, Male Protagonis, Overpowerd Synopsis: Brandon is just an ordinary young man who can be found anywhere among the 8 billion people on earth. However, the Third World War broke out, and he was killed along with other civilians. After his death, he found himself in a dark place without light. Just when he thought he would spend his time in the boundless shadows, he finds himself reincarnated into an anime world. Brandon thought he would reach the pinnacle of life, have great wealth, and be surrounded by beautiful women. But that was just a mere delusion, he died at the age of one month after his reincarnation. Then, he kept reincarnating again and again, but always ended up dying young. Brandon's behavior changed his destiny?

Takamiya_Shin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
154 Chs

Bad People Are Good People Who Get Hurt

There was a time when Ghul-a-val was still a place where the land was fertile.

A boy was born in a small village near the border of the Zoldia Kingdom.

"The boy's name is Solomon Yerusian. Even though he is a boy, he can use Spirits like a Princess Maiden…"

The image of a boy using all kinds of Spirits appeared in Ars's view and was accompanied by Iris' explanation.

"Solomon was a kind, wise and brave young man. He never used the Spirit for his personal desires. Instead, he uses his powers to fight the Revolting Spirits that threaten humans."

The image projected in Ars' mind kept changing like flowing water.

Solomon saves human villages, defeats the Revolting Spirit, and protects his country from greedy conquerors.

Eventually, he began to be known as a hero, gaining a status second only to the king. Praising his achievements, the king even gave his only daughter in marriage to him.

The people of the kingdom praise the hero, hoping he will become the next king.

As long as Solomon was alive, the kingdom's prosperity would continue. That's what everyone believes.

When Ars saw Solomon's life journey, he could guess what happened next. And sure enough, Iris' narrative confirmed his suspicions.

"Some people were jealous of his exploits and felt very offended. They are retainers and generals who have served the kingdom since time immemorial, as well as the elders of the Princess Maiden who command the Spirits."

(That's normal. The Princess Maiden have been in power for a long time. How could they hand over their authority to a man they look down on?) Ars silently muttered in his mind.

"They used all kinds of cunning plans, trying to overthrow the hero, hoping to expose his crimes. However, they were unsuccessful. Because they couldn't find a single flaw in that noble and virtuous hero." Iris' voice was filled with sadness.

The king's followers fabricated unfavorable reports about Solomon, but their plans were thwarted one by one by the hero's own actions and behavior. Someone even tried to send assassins to kill Solomon, but they soon realized that it was futile. Solomon was protected by the blessing of the Spirit at all times.

In the end, the villains' evil plans were revealed to the king.

"Angry with his cunning followers, the king ordered them to be sent to Roh as living sacrifices. However, Solomon begged the king to be lenient. Thus, the lives of the criminals are saved by the heroes they hate."

The hero generously forgives them. There is no one who never makes mistakes. Everyone has experienced mental weakness. He hoped they could all work together for the prosperity of the kingdom, that's what he said.

(Naive and kind... Just like Areishia.) As a former hero in the fifth reincarnation, Ars knows the hero's kindness will only harm himself.

Then, the memory verified Ars' words.

"The people who tried to hurt him felt so ashamed and sorry. However, a small group of people hated him even more after this incident."

These followers looked apologetic on the surface but were secretly watching Solomon eagerly in the hope of finding out what was wrong with him. Some became Solomon's loyal subjects while others maintained friendly relations with him.

So, several years later, the opportunity they had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Solomon Yerusian. Pure, virtuous, and flawless, he who bore the title of hero, committed a great taboo."

Saying that, Iris sighed deeply.

"And what taboo did he commit?"

"He fell in love with a girl from the Elfim nation, who was an enemy of the kingdom."

The scene before Ars' eyes changed.

Next to appear was the image of a forest girl with green hair and red eyes.

"The Elfim are ancient humans who migrated from Astral Zero in the past. Their descendants are known as Elf. The Elf allied with the Spirits to oppose the human kingdom in order to protect the Ancient Forest."

Several battles have occurred between the Zoldia Kingdom and the Elf. Even though the number of Elf is not large, the Forest Spirits have extraordinary strength, therefore they are able to provide strong resistance for many years.

The hero and the forest girl fought many times on the battlefield.

During this process, they fall in love.

The girl had betrayed the forest village that raised her, while Solomon had betrayed the kingdom.

Even though he was married to the king's daughter, Solomon still fell in love with an Elf and even had a child from her.

Knowing this had happened, the evil followers were overjoyed and secretly reported to the king.

They stated that Solomon was in cahoots with the Elf and was preparing to sell the kingdom.

"Hearing that Solomon was a traitor, the king became very angry. Then he ordered his generals to go on a punitive expedition to the Elf village where the forest girl lived."

The scene of the forest, burning in red flames, was displayed before Ars' eyes.

The voices of the Elf, full of sorrow and hatred, echoed in his ears.

"The village was burned. The forest girl and the hero child... Killed."

That day, Solomon who was once known as a hero, turned into the incarnation of evil.

He raised a rebellion against the kingdom, fighting alongside Forest Spirits.

Against former heroes who alone fought on many battlefields, the royal army endured a difficult campaign.

But after months of fighting, Solomon finally fell into a trap and was finally captured.

He was subjected to cruel torture. His throat was crushed, his entire body was stripped of its Spirit Seal, and his strength was taken away completely.

Then, in such a helpless state, Solomon was dragged before the people of the kingdom.

The public, which used to praise him endlessly as a hero, used their same mouths to curse and throw stones at him.

At this moment, Solomon who was once known as a hero, fell into despair for the first time, lamenting his own stupidity.

What has he been protecting all his life?

On the execution platform, he faced the heavens and cursed humanity.

(He also experienced what I experienced...)

Seeing all this, Ars seemed to see himself in the past. As someone who had been in that position, he understood how Solomon felt.

"At that moment, a voice responded." Iris continued.

"Oh, what sound?" Ars asked curiously.

With the mindset of being able to resurrect Areishia, Ars wasn't as sad as Est. Therefore, he could watch Solomon's past with peace of mind.

"It was one of the Elemental Lords who came into contact with him."

Iris said the name in a whisper.

"Light Elemental Lord, Alexandros, Leader of the Five Great Elemental Lords. He tells Solomon that his beloved girl can rise from the dead if he uses the power of miracles outside the human world. And that power will also give him strength."

On the execution platform, Solomon asked the voice.

"The person who offered me temptation, how much is it?"

Alexandros answered it.

"You will become the Demon King who brings chaos and destruction to the world."

Seeing the truth, Ars couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"HA HA HA HA HA.... Very funny... The mastermind behind the emergence of the Demon King is actually Light Elemental Lord, Alexandros, who is revered and worshiped by the Princess Maiden and people all over the world. HA HA HA HA HA... This is ridiculous, I wonder what kind of expression the Princess Maiden will show when she finds out about this... HA HA HA HA..."

Iris was stunned to see Ars' reaction. She thought the other party would be sad or disappointed once they learned the truth. However, beyond she expectations, Ars laughed at the whole world.

She didn't know Ars wasn't from this world. It was normal for him no matter the fate of this world.

After Ars stopped laughing, Iris explained again.

"Solomon made a contract with Alexandros and received miracles that transcended the human world. What happened after is as you can see."

After gaining miraculous powers, Solomon massacred all the royal people present.

Then he killed the king, killed his followers, killed the princess who used to be his wife.

Inside the burning palace of the Zoldia Kingdom, he let out a mighty roar.

Therefore, the young Elementalist, previously known as a hero was reborn as the most terrifying Demon King in history.

Ars's vision became blank as he opened his eyes, and saw in front of him a crystal.

"This is the truth I want to convey. As another male Elementalist, you must be careful of Alexandros. He doesn't look as good as he looks on the surface." Iris advised earnestly.

"Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind."

Seeing Solomon's corpse needed by Iris, Ars' view towards him had changed.

Unlike himself who had the Rinnegan to resurrect Areishia, Solomon had no other method of resurrecting his wife other than accepting Alexandros' offer.

If Ars were in Solomon's position, he would also make the same choice.

"Bad people are good people who get hurt."

Leaving this sentence, Ars walked over to the Sacred Sword and pulled it up from the floor, but Est didn't give any response.

"Well then, I'll be on my way."

His main priority now is to recover the Rinnegan so he can resurrect Areishia.

"Wait, Ars. I'm coming with you."

Restia hurriedly held Ars' hand and put on a pleading expression.

"Haaa... Alright."

Ars couldn't bear to leave her.

Restia also suffered. Used by Solomon against her will and treated like a tool.

"Goodbye, Iris."

Hugging Restia's waist, Ars nodded at Iris. Then he jumped at a speed exceeding ultrasonic.

"I pray that you do not suffer a fate like Solomon." Iris muttered softly.

Then the Zohar Palace was enveloped in light and disappeared.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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