
That one friend

We always have that one friend who is there through thick and thin, that one friend was Wayne he was my best friend tho he was a noble he was not like the rest of them the made me still have hope in the noble families, he's a very kind person and the rest of that cliche but he's a very good person a little too good sometimes, Wayne was extremely interested in testing the absolute limited magic some would call him a nutjob, to be honest, I do too his family is also a set of loonies so I understood but he always just laughs it off ,

As I sighed to myself I thought he reminds me of my mom. he was always intrigued by how I used my magic, that was actually how we meet, My mother thought me how to use my powers on a molecular scale and it's just as hard as it sounds. Wayne was the first to realize so from then on he tormented me until we became friends he is also talented him self,

He was gifted with spatial magic tho lightning magic is rare but with spatial magic there was only three users in existence which partly explains his obsession with magic and how I use mine. Mom says not to teach him cause it might be dangerous but who knows when she gets here I might teach him I should ask Mom when I get home,

* evening *

"Mom.... mmhm you remember Wayne right" slightly nervous said Asahi

" Yeah I remember what about him" she ask curiously

"Sooo he wants me to teach him how to use magic on a molecular state and I was-" she say in response

"let me stop you there I'm not letting you teach him that it's too dangerous" she answered

"Yeah I know but I went through the same training " I replied perturbed

"And might I reminder you how many times you broke you bones and even damaged your organs" she answered calmly

"Ok mom I'm not gonna teach him" I replied quietly

As I turned to Wayne who came home with me anxiously waiting for my reply I laugh saying "she said it's OK"

As we laughed getting ready to start practicing this little voice was in my head saying "well it was a good life but I'm dead the second she comes home"

So let's get this out of the way this training if you fail its must likely you die, if you want to leave then now is the time but if you are successful well I don't know the possibilities for me haven't shown themselves, So leave are stay what will it be Wayne.

As Wayne toke a deep breath to think it over he looked at me with pure confidence and said "I know that what you said would scare must people but through all the hours of studying and research, I couldn't find any information about how to develop my skills towards using spatial magic and this is the only breakthroughI've had for the first time so even if it possibly means death I'm willing to do it.

Ok then don't start bitching when you get hurt.

Now let me say it exactly how mom told me are atleast how I remember it, So mana as we know it was given to us by the gods when the world changed thousands of years ago, We as humans, beastmen, dragonnewts, elves and other species were able to use magic through cultivating our gathering mana in our body

"yeah yeah skip to the good stuff" Wayne said

"hey I don't remember half the shit mom said through about an hour of explaining but I'm going to get to the mana controlling part" I answered knowing that he already knew all of this.

I continued explaining that, As I remember the acupuncture points is where your mana circulates through now the point that we need to focus on is the stomach or as I call it the heart of your mana, To expand think of it as a muscle to get them bigger are for them to get stronger they need to be used more so try focusing your mana in your stomach, after focusing you need to condense I as much as possible, Think of it as if your folding iron then repeat the process as much as possible.

( The training regimen )

Step 1: The increase of mana storage.

By increase the amount of mana one can hold it gives the user more power and also lengthening the use of said power

Step 2: Physically improvement of the body to handle the larger amounts of mana it has.

With the increase of mana the body is placed under much more pressure which if not addressed could kill, Tho it is the users mana the body is not used to that amount which could destroy your bodies mana channel from the inside out and even if one survived would loss all mana with no way of using it again.

P.S, Mana channel is the term used for the path that mana travels through one's body.

Step 3: molecular mana circulates, Rerouting the circulator and receiver.

The is where mana is stored,circulated and received, just as mom said " If we change that tho it is dangerous it would improve both circulation and the replenishment of mana" which leads us to the heart for circulating which is how mana can be used on a molecular level and the lungs for recovering mana the mana that is all a round us is consumed as particles the circulated in the blood stream by the heart, tho is sounds simple if your mana pool is too small it could kill and this process is the most dangerous of the three even practicing is dangerous

Step 4: Mastery, The implementation of combat.

In completing all the other three steps we use the mana on a molecular scale between me and Wayne with that process I can move at the speed of lightning though draining it can be way more efficient and effective than just throwing lightning all over the place as for Wayne I'm not sure what it would do for him.

Wayne was naturally gifted when it came to magic and learnt the first step in a matter of days, "It took me three freakin months he's just a damn monster", I sighed to my self

Because of how fast Wayne developed the focus to condense his mana we move to physical training very quickly, We trained at the peak of mountains where the air was think so that his body could adapt to the huge amount of mana his body would be circulating and make him replenishe it at a faster rate due the him expanding his lungs, His lung capacity would be crucial later one but at the rate we were going He could multi task his training.

I had times where we deviated from my mother's training because of some scenarios that came to mind one being the fact that the volume of mana that he had would start to destroy his body by draining him of moisture which made us train in some of the heat oriented areas of the country

like deserts,

○ Two Months Later ○

I recently gave Wayne permission to use his magic he was very excited when he got to use it but we realized that there was a serious flaw in his abilities after being amped up by a well spring of mana, though it was less draining to use his mana he couldn't move to an exact location his spatial movements seems to not be fine tuned, Well to be honest I was expecting that considering his mana pool could hard handle one spatial jump, Now he can do up to 15 within a minute.

I should call mom and ask her for her opinion but knowing that she told me no to begin with it would make more sense to find some sort of detailed information or explanation for this

○ One week later ○

A week has passed and thought Wayne and I couldn't find any information towards his spatial jump we did find out that tho he can't go to an exact location we realized that after some time he would jump back to where he was seconds before, As we trained he came up with a temporary solution that even if he jumped to another place he would come back to the same location after some time so we came to a conclusion that tho his power can't be used for transport it might be useful when it comes to combat.

He was right he could use it for combat but he needed to use it more precisely with each jump the time he took to return deferred some times it took a couple seconds to sometimes even half an hour passed and he didn't return but with what I taught Wayne he should be able to manage on his own if I let him

(Edit)( Also those who are wondering why the mages can create the portal after I said only wayne can make portal is because he can create it by himself without a ritual which takes months to create) Sorry for not updating the story I became too excited to remember how I'm going to script it and forgot it all, So what I did was take an unannounced break to get my thoughts together, I am planning on writing about three chapters ahead.

Death_Knight247creators' thoughts