

1310 AD

*Wave Crashing to each other*

England, near London

"My lord we found this boy ashore, he seems from a foreign land," A loyal guard says as he gently puts down the unconscious 4 years old boy on the sand.

The lord looked at the young boy carefully looking for injuries, weapons, the young boy's face, the skin, etc.

"It seems like this boy came from the continent of Asia, though his skin is not as pale as they, but rather kinda similar to the blacks that are found in Africa," The Lord says.

"So what do you say, my lord? Kill this boy?" The guard said while unsheathing his sword.

"No... send him to old Herold, he been longing for a kid as he age," The Lord said as he walks off.

The guard put his sword back and says "Understood my lord"


2 years later.....

"Baron now listen to your father, when I was just a little kid. I killed a wolf at the age of 7, now I want you to kill a wolf at age 6. So can you do a little favor for your father?" Old Herold said while giving a short sword to Baron.

Although Baron has been living in England for 2 years, he's still learning the language. Baron shows combat potential when he hunted a rabbit when he got lost in the woods while he was still living in England for 6 months.

"Yes, Father. But I am that I might be bitten by it," Baron said while looking down at the ground.

"Hahaha!!! Fear is a common thing, Baron. It shows that you care and value your life. It's a human thing. Fear should not be the reason that will block you from what you want to achieve. Rember this, Baron. Fear is just a test if you really are worthy of the things that you want to achieve, now go on," Old Herald said.

"I don't know if I'll remember that father, but thank you," Baron said while entering the woods.


Baron has been wondering and looking for a wolf for hours and he has yet to come across one. While looking at the berry he saw a lone wolf drinking in the small river. Baron then squatted and try to stay low to not get noticed by the lone wolf.

Before Baron could swing his sword at the lone wolf, the wolf noticed him because of the loud noises of the stones. The wolf turned around while the wolf shows his teeth. Baron tried to retreat he stumbled and got down facing the wolf.

The wolf then ran and jumped into the air towards Baron's chest. Baron quickly picked up his short sword and pointed it toward the wolf. The wolf's warm red blood covered Baron's sword and arm.

After a moment of cleaning up himself, Baron then saw two wolves looking at the dead wolf's body. Baron this time didn't turn around and try to run away, but he unsheathe his sword and got into a stance.

"Come at me and get your revenge!!!" Young Baron shouted before the two wolves ran towards him.

The other wolf was faster and jumped first to Baron. Baron slashed forward to the first wolf killing it, but before he could recover the second wolf jumped towards him to bite his arm.

Baron saw that and reacted before the second wolf could bite his left arm. Before the second wolf could even land on the ground, Baron decapitates the second wolf.


"I heard you sent your young boy in the forest, isn't a bit reckless Old Herald," The Lord says while sitting.

"He is a strong kid," Herald said while smirking.

After Herald says that a small figure appeared exiting the forest. It's Baron, pulling three dead bodies of wolves with ropes while carrying two babies wolfs in his arm.

"Hahaha!!! He really is an interesting young boy," The Lord says while laughing, "Guards go help the kid," He added.
