

Everyone makes a mistake. They can't avoid it. I made a mistake too, and that mistake cost me my life.


Last contract before I retired.

I was a mercenary working for a particular contractor. I had experienced countless battlefields ranging from jungle, desert, and urban warfare.

I had been in this mercenary job for about 30 years. I was forced to enter the greedy business at the age of 15. Don't even once doubt my experience.

How good am I? I could use a plane, helicopter, tanks, motorcycle, and almost all military machines. I was a master at CQC and marksmanship.

My motto was, "There is nothing impossible; it's just impossibly hard." I had done everything in this world from your everyday security guard to a supernatural encounter. I was planning to retire. I chose the easy one for my last contract.

This was my last contract. To be exact this was the 390th contract. 390 is a multiple of 13. as I know

13 is an unlucky number. This contract could be jinx, but I don't care. If I die now its not a big problem since everyone that has ties with me either has died or considered me as dead.

The mission was to kill a wanted terrorist. The alias was Kashmir. He was wanted terrorist hiding in Iraq. My job was to send a message to the whole terrorist organization by separating his body part. What could possibly go wrong with this?

After the insertion via an MH-60 helicopter in the middle of a desert and after walking for several kilometers. I finally arrived at the compound. A big complex of building in the middle of the dessert.

I stood near the wall and hit the com kit.

Me: "This is Charlie 9 has arrived at the compound."

CP: "Please continue to objective Bravo"

Me: "Roger that, CP"

I moved towards the compound, avoiding anyone that obstruct me from the objective. The compound itself was a 50m × 50m fortress surrounded by a concrete wall. Funny enough, I entered the compound through a hole in the wall. Duh, what a stupid terrorist.

Me: "This is Charlie 9, entering the compound now."

CP: "Target spotted in objective Hotel, please proceed."

Me: "Roger that, CP"

I walked stealthily in the compound. Avoiding lights and guard. Finally, I arrived at the objective Hotel. I saw Kashmir was smoking his cigarette on the rooftop. It was an ordinary rural desert building.

It's going to be his last smoke. As I entered the building. Well, it's too empty for the headquarters of a terrorist. This is going to be a piece of cake. I didn't encounter a single guard. This was too good to be true. I saw Kashmir still smoking then I unsheathed my combat knife.

"Time to meet your maker Kashmir," as I grabbed his neck and pointed the combat knife towards his body.

"Too bad, you have been jinx" as he pulled a string from his body.

"What???" I said with a surprised tone.


I was thrown to the edge of the building. Luckily, thanks for that I didn't get any serious injury in my head. Well, that sense of luckiness went away pretty soon as I nod at my left direction. I saw Kashmir's body disintegrated, and one of his ribs got stuck on my torso.

Panicky, I tried to move my hand, but it doesn't move. I tried to move my legs, but it's simply not there. I nodded to the left and right and saw my arm and leg got scattered all across the place. I looked at the dark ground filled with warm fresh blood and feel a burning sensation across my entire body.

Theoretically, I could survive this if there was someone to stop the blood for coming out, but there wasn't anyone there that could help me. The blood loss really started to made my consciousness went away. My eyes felt very heavy. Slowly, but surely I began to lose consciousness. Well, I guess this the end. I was dying without a trace of existence.

This is not how I wanted to be killed. I wanted to leave my legacy at least. Well, I thought this is the end. I closed my eyes slowly. The vision became brighter and brighter.

Goodbye world.

I won't delete a review anymore. His review was removed by me is a big mistake on my part because of my big ego. I really regret it.

Big apologies to him.

Thanks for your attention.

MaxwellKHAcreators' thoughts