

Part 1: I've reached

the reptile!

Consciousness came back to me with a jerk. Hop - and I feel comfortable floating in a jelly-like liquid. After I woke up, I didn't panic,

and everything that was happening didn't seem so significant to me. I was

feeling a strange feeling right now: part of my mind and logic were screaming

that some kind of crap was going on, but the

other one just didn't care. Well, you found yourself in an incomprehensible place, you feel your own body strangely - but it seems like nothing is threatening me right now, which means,

and there's no point in worrying.

I don't know exactly how much time I spent in my new home, but everything

was fine with me. The only thing that bothered me was that I

felt my essence being formatted and rebuilt. But, again, it didn't bother me much.

It was warm and comfortable, I didn't want to eat, but soon my comfortable pastime ended with the fact that I felt cramped in my prison and a feeling of hunger began to creep in. The liquid in which I had previously floated had long since disappeared and I clearly realized that I needed to get out. It was an instinctive understanding. I did not resist him and, straining my body with all my might, tried to break open the walls of my container. It wasn't the first time, or even the second time, that I was able to achieve anything. But as soon as I heard and felt with my whole body the crash of my prison, things quickly went smoothly.

A few more attempts by my body to straighten up broke the walls, and I fell out. Hmm, do all children have black and white vision? And it's probably strange to be hatched, because when I looked around, I saw what I had been in all this time. It was an egg split into several pieces. Hmmm, who am I? Having become interested, he began to look around himself, as far as his new body allowed. Well, happy birthday to myself, Vasya! You are now a reptile. One born to crawl cannot fly. Well, in principle, before that I couldn't fly on my own without aids. So all I was thinking about now was how and what I should eat now.

And then someone leaned over me. I saw it in infrared vision, and it was clearly some kind of humanoid. I can't vouch for a person: there's already wild stuff going on around me—I was suddenly reborn as a snake, and it's not a fact that there are people in my new world. But this thought did not stir any emotions in me, but was simply accepted as a given. He said something in some kind of gibberish. Judging by his intonation, he was seriously excited and happy. This is how I was able to interpret his emotions.

It took me a year, maybe a little more, to realize where I ended up and who I was in. After all, today I became the familiar of a crazy, but no less brilliant magician named Salazar Slytherin. Ta-dam!!! I have been reborn as the Slytherin Horror, the monster from the Chamber of Secrets. What saddened me most was that it seemed like I still had nine centuries left to live here before the canon. And the fate of my new rebirth could not please me. Being stabbed to death by Godric's toothpick in the hands of a rickety kid—meh-yeah.

I have long gotten used to the fact that I am not disgusted by food eaten alive, which is still beating and squirming in the esophagus. But to die in the prime of life - no, spare me such an honor! Salazar practically didn't talk to me all this time, but he really loved to think out loud, and when he was busy with magical research and experiments, he spoke out his every action. True, it was necessary to peel off the self-praising odes from his speech, but this was a frivolous price to pay for priceless knowledge. Thanks to this, I was able to find out my future fate, which Salazar had chosen for me.

It turned out that as a magician, Salazar was slightly above the average level according to the current gradation of powers, and he was three times weaker than Godric. If Gryffindor had the sixth octane, then Slytherin had only the fourth, so he went out in battles with strong magicians only due to perverted logic and a huge baggage of various curses and blackest spells tied to the supply of prana instead of mana. And every time he used such charms, he wasted years of his life.

And if Godric, whom I happened to see when Salazar was bragging about me, looked about thirty years old, despite the fact that he was already approaching seventy, then seventy-year-old Slytherin looked his age. Due to the frequent use of forbidden magic using his own prana, he greatly weakened his physical condition, and his body began to rapidly age, compared to other magicians. And the local Dark Lord was categorically against dying.

So he began his research on the topic of immortality. For this, Slytherin delved into the magic of death, demonology, the magic of souls and everything that was already taboo in modern times for most magicians who considered themselves reasonable. He refused horcruxes due to absolute insanity. From a phylactery, like Koshchei's, due to the fact that the colors of life were lost, and neither food, nor sex, nor other joys available to the living were of interest to the lich. He also didn't want to create a philosopher's stone and become a pranic addict. And then he began not to look for an effective method, but decided to invent and develop it himself.

His Ego was truly the greatest. Having reached such a thought, he, without a second of doubt, set about implementing his plan. To begin with, he wondered about a new container. Since he believed that he deserved only the best, the new body had to be strong not only magically, but also physically, be deadly like a Basilisk! And indeed!!! Why not?