
Series of One-Shots That Might Become Their Own Series.

Just some shit to write when I'm being a lazy bastard and not writing chapters for my current stories out right now.

CaptainBoyHole · แอคชั่น
107 Chs

Trashy Young Master.

  The brothel stunk of high-class debauchery, alcohol, and black dealings. Women dressed in outfits that did little to hide their sensual figures and highlighted their most impressive features. They wore veils that hid their faces as part of the establishment's rules. Veils would make it harder for a customer to choose what woman they wanted based on her looks. It was put in place so that the customer would have the freedom to choose based on their tastes and so that the business didn't have to gut themselves financially constantly looking for beautiful women to hire.

  Down on the main floor of the brothel, there was a young master who had to be too young to be inside a place such as this. His face might have lacked the innocent of a standard youth but it was all too apparent that he was still not yet an adult to the majority of the world. He resembled a large pig from both a distance and up close. This was one of the store's biggest contributors. This young master's name was Xian Liang. He regularly came to this establishment and played around with the women inside. There was almost no woman he hasn't spent an afternoon with! Almost anyone could speak of the type of woman he prefers.

"Heh... You and I both know that I only go for the girls with a slender waist and firm supple behind." Liang rose his wine to his lips.

"Of course, Young Master Liang. But how about we continue to address our deal in private? Where there aren't as many ears around."

"Ah, of course. And you are sure that this object you brought to me could really help me in any way? You know I cleared out my funds for the next 2 years for this product? If I find it anyway unsatisfactory, you can expect everyone in your lineage to be executed by my father once he learns of this." Liang threatened with a glint in his eyes.

'It seems this famous waste isn't as dumb as the rumors paint him...'

"Of course not, Young Master Liang. Do you really believe I would be foolish enough to try and swindle one of the six heirs of the Emperor?" He bowed his head till there was an arch in his back.

"You wouldn't be the first nor certainly the last... Come to my suite. We'll discuss it there." Liang finished his expensive wine and placed it on the counter.

"I'm right behind you."

"Ling Ling! I'll require you in 30 minutes! Don't make me wait too long now!" Liang shouted as he headed towards the VIP section of the brothel.

"Yes, Young Master Liang! You can count on me!" Ling Ling responded cutely.

  Ling Ling was one of Liang's favorites due to her bubbly personality and body that fit perfectly to his tastes. Most wouldn't think of purchasing Ling Ling because of her dark skin but Liang didn't care in the slightest what the normal views of beauty were. Just his own. Shao Qing, the business owner, almost refused to hire Ling Ling because of her skin color. If it wasn't for Liang walking in during her interview and asking to spend an hour with her on the spot, Shao Qing would've never hired such a girl at his place.

  Liang entered his personal room within the brothel. He's come here so often that Shao Qing even gifted him his own personal suite! It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Shao and Liang were best friends despite the gap in their ages. Liang in his teens and Shao in his 40s.

  Liang sat on the bed and sunk the mattress in due to his weight. He gestured to the mysterious merchant to pull out the product he spent a fortune on. The amount of coin he used to acquire this treasure was enough to build an average-sized city from the ground up. If his bodyguard hears of this transaction there was no doubt he would immediately be grounded for the rest of his life and beaten half to death for his reckless spending.

'But this is my only chance of possibly catching up to those freaks...' Liang thought.

  The merchant pulled out a luxurious small chest from seemingly nowhere. Seeing that the merchant had something as expensive as a spatial storage treasure on him boosted his confidence about this not being a scam. It still wasn't at 100% but it certainly rose to higher than 25% now. Liang watched as the hooded man opened the box and nearly killed him.

  The orb inside caused great pain to his heart just upon sighting it. Liang clutched his chest as the pain seemed to grow ever more so as he kept his eyes on the orb that resembled a pink beating heart.

"What... is... this...?!" Liang gritted his teeth.

"Grab it Young Master Liang. Once you do, all your pain will fade away." Even the merchant looked distressed. So, it wasn't just affecting Liang alone.

"This... better not have been a trick... Or I will make sure to end your ancestry in my next life..." Liang forced his thick grubby hands to reach and grab for the spiritual artifact.

  He clutched his hands around it and that was when everything seemed to go black. The pinkish heart shot out tentacles that dug into Liang's hand and quickly forced itself inside his body. A lump could be seen moving through his arm straight towards his chest. Heading right to a particular spot inside his body. The strange spiritual artifact opened itself up and consumed Xian Liang's heart, killing him on the spot.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, Young Master Liang... Now I have no further debts to that woman. I hope you have even 1% of the strength that your mother had before she was killed. If so, things will get very interesting in the near future..." The cloaked merchant seemed to vanish on the spot.

  It wasn't until 20 minutes later that Ling Ling arrived in Liang's room and screamed.

"Young Master Liang has been killed!"

  Ling Ling was a bit too hasty in her call to pronounce him dead. Liang was certainly dead a few moments ago when his heart was destroyed. But in the next several minutes, what used to be his heart was replaced with the pink heart from before. It restarted all function within his body and as of now, he was peacefully resting on the floor. The way he was sprawled out with his eyes completely open and hand clutching his chest was most likely why Ling Ling guessed he was dead.

"Ling Ling!?" Liang shot up with a start.

  His breathing was rapid and short but he was still alive. When his eyes locked with Ling Ling, a primal urge rose within him. The urge to continue his legacy before he passed away. It seems Ling Ling understand exactly what he wanted from the way he looked at her. They both took no time at all in removing their clothes and getting down to business on the bed.

  Unfortunately for the workers inside the store that heard Ling Ling's cry earlier, they got a full view of Young Master Liang's behind as he went to town on Ling Ling. The workers cried out in shock as the disgusting view violated their eyes. The next time they went on break, it was spent drinking to hopefully remove the memory from their brains. If they could still recall it, they downed even stronger alcohol.

"Ling Ling. Want to become my personal maid?" Liang asked after a couple of hours spent exploring his new abilities thanks to the magical artifact.

"Hah... Hah... Hah... Give me a moment to rest please, Young Master Liang..." Ling Ling was in quite the undignified position with her ass raised in the air with various fluids slowly dripping from her pussy.

"If you stay in that position, I don't know how long I'll be able to resist going for another round." Liang chuckled.

  Ling Ling immediately righted herself despite how tired she was, staining the bed.

"What has happened to you Young Master Liang? You were like an entirely different person today! The way you moved your tongue, it was definitely inhuman! Plus, you were definitely not that big before!"

"Let's just say, I might've been holding back all the other times." Liang lied.

"I don't believe you." Ling Ling said seriously.

"You'd be insane if you did!" He laughed. "Anyway, what do you think about my offer?" He changed the subject.

"I don't know how good I would be as a maid. I'm pretty clumsy." She responded honestly.

"That's fine. I know you're only working at this place to support your little brother. I could hire both of you as my personal servants." Liang offered.

"Why would you do something like that?"

"I won't lie. I've become pretty fond of you, Ling Ling. Your bright, positive, and energetic personality. It has really strung my heart strings. If it wasn't for my background, I would certainly ask for your hand in marriage but then again without my background, we wouldn't even have met in the first place."

"Are you confessing your love to me, Young Master Liang?"

"In a way, you can say that I guess. I'll be heading to the Royal Warrior Academy in a few days and I don't know when I'll be returning back to the city. The wine might be the reason why I'm saying all this but what do you say?"

"Of course, I'll go with you Young Master Liang! Being your servant sounds way more fun than staying at this place!" She said excitedly.

  This wasn't the reaction Liang was expecting but seeing her agree to it made him quite happy.

"That's good. I'll have a talk with Brother Shao and you can go pack you and your little brother's belongings before we move into the academy."

"This sounds so fun, Master Liang! I've always wanted to see how the rich lived! Now I get to become a part of that with you!"

"It isn't as exciting as it's cracked up to be Ling Ling. The world I live in is very very dangerous. Especially for a person in my position. In good conscience, I can't ask you to accept my offer before telling you what risks you will face being my personal servant." He couldn't bring Ling Ling into his world without letting her know how dangerous it was.

"What do you mean Master Liang?"

"There are many people who would benefit from my death. There are many more who would jump at the chance to get rid of me just to suck up to those first kinds of people. I have only two allies and no supporters. If you follow me, Ling Ling. There is a 100% chance that both you and your brother's life will be targeted just for associating with me. Are you willing to take that risk in following me? Becoming my woman and constantly facing life and death situations because of me?" Xian Liang was being completely upfront.

"Well... I mean, I don't want to die and I don't want my brother to die either. But more than that I want to actually experience life in my own way along with letting my brother follow his dreams of becoming a famous warrior. Do you think you could provide that for my family?"

"As of now, no. I cannot. I don't know a single martial art. Just the basic Soul-Energy technique that allows one to gather the world's energy within their body. But once I arrive at the academy, I will be able to gather a countless number of techniques that you and your brother can learn from."

"Okay. I accept your offer, Master Liang." After giving it some thought, Ling Ling agreed.

"Thank you for placing your trust in my Ling Ling. There are not many people I can really count on in this world." Liang shared with his heart bare.

"You've always treated me much nicer than anyone else. I like that about you."

"And do you know what I like about you...?" Liang's hand softly groped Ling Ling's petite but perky chest.

She giggled before answering, "I think I can guess what you're about to say, Master Liang."

"Let me show you everything, I like about you." He chuckled as he placed himself under the covers.

Inspired by Nano Machine manhua.

CaptainBoyHolecreators' thoughts