
Serial Madness

Contains graphic and sexual scene! In the eyes of everyone around me, I'm the epitome of kindness and love. But beneath this facade lies a dark truth: I'm plagued by a murderous desire that I can't control. I'm a silent serial killer, responsible for the disappearances in our town. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I crossed paths with Sean. Initially just another client, I never imagined he was as dangerous as he turned out to be—an assassin. He made me an offer: he'd keep my secret safe as long as I belonged to him.

KC_Sabilla · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

The Deception

The Saturday morning dawned with an eerie stillness, the darkness outside pierced only by the faint glow of streetlights. My gaze shifted to the digital clock beside my bed, its harsh blue numbers displaying 4:30 am. I reached for the burner phone, my fingers tapping out a message to Elizabeth, posing as Michael and declaring an end to our supposed relationship.

As I awaited her response, the room held a silent tension, a suspenseful moment frozen in time. Typically, she would arise around 5:00 am, preparing herself for a rendezvous in Raven Park with Michael.

With a sense of urgency, I moved through the motions, splashing my face with cold water to shake off the remnants of sleep. My jogging pants and jacket adorned my frame, and I swiftly tied my hair into a practical knot. Just as I emerged from the bathroom, the burner phone vibrated in a cascade of panicked texts from Elizabeth, reacting to the abrupt breakup message.

Elizabeth: Michael, what's happening? Why are you breaking up with me?

The rhythmic cadence of my jog down the park resonated with the soothing symphony of nature. The cool morning air carried the fragrance of dew-kissed grass, and a gentle fog lingered like ethereal spirits in the early sunlight filtering through the leaves.

As I approached the heart of the park, a scene unfolded before me – Elizabeth, stood there in a state of panic, her tears glistening in the diffuse morning light. My steps slowed as I drew closer, my senses keenly attuned to the subtle shifts in the atmosphere.

"Miss, are you alright?" I inquired, my voice carrying a serene undertone amidst the tempest of her emotions.

"I'm alright," she replied, yet her reddened and stressed countenance spoke otherwise.

"You're not alright," I gently countered, allowing my comforting voice to envelop her. Fixing my gaze on her eyes, I sought to convey a silent reassurance, coaxing her to share the burdens that weighed upon her. With genuine concern etched on my face, I spoke again in a gentle yet persuasive tone, "Miss, it's okay not to be alright. Sometimes, sharing the burden makes the journey easier. Would you like to talk about what's on your mind?"

She hesitated for a moment, her emotions evident in the subtle tremors of her voice. "It's just... everything," she began, her guard slowly crumbling. "Life, relationships, expectations – it's overwhelming."

I nodded empathetically, signaling that I was there to listen without judgment. "Sometimes, a listening ear can make a world of difference. If you're comfortable, feel free to share. You might find relief in expressing what's weighing on your heart."

I locked eyes with Elizabeth, employing the silent art of manipulation, and soon enough, she confided in me about her infidelity to her husband. She divulged the clandestine affair with a younger man, admitting that she had never felt such a profound sense of love before. However, her world crumbled as her younger lover decided to end their relationship, leaving her in emotional disarray.

As she unraveled her tale of deceit and heartbreak, a tumultuous storm of emotions raged within me. Beneath the surface of my feigned sympathy, a torrent of contemptuous thoughts surged through my mind. "Fucking whore," I cursed in my mind.

Despite my inner disdain, I maintained a composed exterior, responding to her narrative with practiced empathy. "I can only imagine how challenging this must be for you. Breakups are never easy, especially when emotions are deeply involved," I offered my voice a soothing balm to her emotional wounds.

Elizabeth, desperate for solace, clung to my words. "I don't know what to do," she confessed, her vulnerability laid bare before me.

"It's a difficult situation, no doubt," I replied, my tone measured and supportive. "Perhaps some time for self-reflection and healing would be beneficial. You deserve to find happiness, even if it means navigating through this painful moment."

Elizabeth offered a tentative smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and relief. "I don't know why, but I feel relieved when I speak to you," she admitted, her trust in me seemingly solidifying. 

"You're welcome," I responded, my tone gentle, as if extending a lifeline to someone drowning in their emotions. The game was set, and it was just a matter of time before she unwittingly stepped into my carefully laid trap.

As if scripted, Elizabeth, yearning for a confidante, took the next step. "Can I have your cellphone number?" she asked, a plea for connection. Without hesitation, I provided her with the digits. 


From a vantage point concealed by the embrace of nearby trees, Sean observed the unfolding scene. Leaning subtly against the trunk for support, a self-satisfied smile graced his lips. The anticipation of the forthcoming entertainment Astrid would unwittingly provide him fueled his intrigue. If he hadn't been a spectator to the unsettling events of that night, he might have fallen prey to the illusion of her angelic facade.

The contrast between Astrid's displayed innocence and the calculated precision of her actions intrigued Sean. Her ability to seamlessly switch between personas fascinated him, raising questions about the depths of her character. As he observed Astrid and Elizabeth bidding their goodbyes before parting ways, a sense of curiosity mingled with a newfound appreciation for the complexity of the woman he had become fixated on. Sean couldn't help but wonder what other facets of her persona lay beneath the surface, waiting to be unraveled.

Sean keenly observed as Astrid gracefully vanished from his line of sight. His movements were deliberate and stealthy as he ventured into the forested expanse of the Raven Park. Swiftly, he broke into a silent run, his figure navigating through the shadows with practiced ease. Unbeknownst to Astrid, he discreetly trailed her, maintaining a careful distance as she retraced her steps towards her parked car. Overhead, ravens soared through the sky, their dark silhouettes adding an ominous backdrop to the unfolding events.