
Serendipity...Where true love makes your destiny.

Xiao Xing, the most gorgeous omega of the town, got captured by a mafia lord due to his father's great depth. That depth put him into the life situation that he never wished even for his enemies but only to save his handicapped sister’s life he accepted his fate to become a puppet of a rich man. With the heart of gold, a gorgeous smile and alluring amber eyes, he became the imposter, Mo Yuan in the Mo family when Mo Lin the younger brother of real Mo Yuan paid millions to the mafia to buy him. He got engaged with Mo Yuan’s fiance Xie Jayden and started to live Mo Yuan’s life at his place. But was that deal that simple? No, it wasn’t just the only thing in the deal that Xiao Xing understood when slowly many secrets started to come out in front of him. Gradually when he understood everything was a white lie in the big family, he understood his simple life was much better than those rich people. But even when he found every person around him wearing some mask he could not find himself hating all of them and got entangled with them even more when he fell hard for Xie Jayden. What will happen with Xiao Xing when knowing the secrets of Mo's family will push him into the biggest trouble of his life? What will happen when Xie Jayden will know that Xiao Xing is not his fiance Mo Yuan but an imposter? Will destiny play a role in their story or will their love change their destiny? ~~~ English is not my first language. Try to accept the story as it is. Sorry in advance if it doesn’t make any sense to you.

Scarletheart84 · LGBT+
255 Chs


The wind got news of his coming to the raging heart that was waiting for him for so long and something churned inside his guts that pained him like anything. His heart was bleeding the tears for the loss of love in his life. That love again knocked on the door of his heart and he opened it till the extent of his life allowed him.

"Wasn't it easier to let it die than going into the turmoil of waiting for the return of the love into his life without a single hope from God?"

Xie Jayden thought to himself while he was waiting for Mo Yuan to come out of his room for lunch.

Though he searched for Mo Yuan for the whole two months like crazy, that waiting was killing him every day every second but since yesterday night that calls from Mo Jin, made his waiting worse.

The hope that wasn't going to die anytime soon, flared up thousands of times in his heart when he heard that his Mo Yuan is alive and coming back to him the next morning. That anxiety of finishing the work fast to come back home to meet his love nearly got him a heart attack.

He tried everything to let go of this anxiety but soon understood that it is not going to go away with mere thinking. He drank that night to get to sleep, the same way his love used to drink, the same way his love used to get high, the same way his love used to deep dive into the slumber of numb sensation.

Xie Jayden never understood why Mo Yuan drank so much, why he always said that he loves the feeling of numbness, why he felt secure in the embrace of apathy. Yesterday night he learnt what his love used to do. The feeling of being senseless made it easy to wait for his love but still, he didn't understand why Mo Yuan always craved it.

Coming out of a senseless feeling when he sobered up in the morning, the first thing he decided to do was to make Mo Yuan feel loved by him. His love for Mo Yuan will have a face now. He will embrace the second chance given by God to him.

That day the journey back home felt like crossing the seven seas and mountains. Only a four hours journey felt like thousands of stabbing moments of the time. That time tortured him so much that he almost felt like he would die soon.

But the footsteps and his aroma that reached his heart eased away all the pain it had in it. He took a deep breath before looking at his life who was standing behind him. He turned away and everything stood still.

"Is it another existence of his essence or another lifetime? Is he standing in front of me or am I watching a dream? Is my pursuit of happiness showing me the mirage of him? Is he there? I want to go near him and touch him but will he go away if I touch him? Am I supposed to go?"

Hundreds of questions surfaced into his mind and he sensed that he would go crazy at this rate of reckoning.

"A-Yuan, Why are you standing on the step? Why are you not moving? Come, dear. See Jay is here."

Xiao Xing's steps faltered when he tried to come down from the last two steps of the staircase and without realising he was about to fall down strong arms took him into their embrace. He was saved from falling on the floor but…

But he still fell deep, deep into those dark chocolate orbs which had a layer of golden colour around them.

He fell in love with those eyes.

He fell in love with those red-tinted luscious plum lips.

He fell in love with those brown locks which came on that long forehead.

He falls in love with those sharp jawlines and ears which shade the pink everywhere.

He falls in love with that peculiar aroma that smelled like deep flavour sandalwood and roses.

He fell in love with alpha which was never meant to come his way but still, destiny is written like it.

"Thump Thump...Thump Thump"

The only sound of his loud heartbeats echoed when Xiao Xing saw those brown doe eyes' gaze penetrating his soul. His heart fluttered like butterfly wings in a minute. Not stopping at all at any time.

Those eyes...Xiao Xing saw those eyes somewhere before, those luscious plum lips, that high forehead, the sharp jawline, scarlet coloured ears, everything of it he felt known and so close to his heart.

"Why is this gaze so intense and heart-wrenching? Why am I feeling the agony of those eyes inside my heart?

Stop its heart, just stop making a sound he is so close to you he will know that you are beating so erratically. Just stop...stop."

But that heart hasn't listened to Xiao Xing, further, it got louder. Make sure to take the message to the other heart.

It was bound to beat at that rate. In his embrace, Xiao Xing lost himself like a needle lost in the vast sea. Nowhere to be found again. Not even in millions of years and then slowly it will melt away with the salty water like they weren't the different but single soul.

"A-Yuan, you are smelling like plum blossom? Have you changed your perfume? You never smelled like this. It's intoxicating."

Xie Jayden whispered in Xiao Xing's ear. Xie Jayden's lips touched Xiao Xing's ears lightly, the blast of pheromones ensued in the air like never before.

The amber eyes gazing straight at chocolate orbs and chocolate orbs not leaving a single moment to look anywhere else like it got locked into them. They both lost themselves in each other's embrace, looking at each other's eyes, diving deep into the sea of emotions that aroused in both of their minds.

Was it the start of their journey together for the life they were destined for?