
SERENDIPITY_The Alchemist's Secret

In the kingdom of Veridian, where magic intertwines with destiny, a tale unfolds. At its core is Jovana, an alchemist tormented by loss. Her parents perished from an unknown affliction, leaving her with only one fragile bond - her brother, Elijah. But Elijah also exhibits symptoms of the same sickness, fueling Jovana's desperation. She delves into prohibited alchemy, concocting bluish vials that glimmer like forgotten reveries. These are serendipitous elixirs, their purpose veiled in enigma and their effects both marvelous and unpredictable. But when Caspian enters her life, his gaze fixated on her every move, their meeting becomes a clandestine affair. Unaware of her dual identity, Caspian falls under her spell. His pursuit intensifies, driven by desire and duty, yet oblivious to the truth that the woman he seeks is the same one who haunts his thoughts. For how long can Jovana conceal her secret from the frightening Duke of Veridian? What will happen when Caspian discovers that the woman he craves is the same one he has been searching for? Will they defy fate or succumb to its whims? Come closer, dear readers, and enter the game of cat and mouse, intimacy and a love that defies dukedom. Destiny awaits within these pages!

Anya_Vale · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The Debuntee Ball

As the sun set on the royal palace, the night was transformed into an enchanting display of music and lights, beckoning the nobility and maidens from all corners of the kingdom.

As she tightly gripped her brother's arm, Jovana couldn't help but silently reflect, 'Finally, the Debutante ball has arrived, and so have I.'

Noticing her nerves, Elijah questioned, "Is everything alright, Jovana?"

"I'm fine, Eli. I was simply watching the procession of competitors, all dressed to impress. It's quite daunting," Jovana responded, pursing her lips together.

"Don't let that bother you, Jo. You are the most stunning girl this palace has ever seen," Elijah replied with sincerity, causing Jovana to beam at him.

"Thank you, Eli. I'm grateful to have you by my side," Jovana said gratefully.

"Don't mention it, little sister. It's the least I can do," Elijah smiled, offering his support.

"You truly have faith in me, don't you?" Jovana inquired, gazing at her brother with adoration.

"Of course, you silly girl. You are my pride and joy," Elijah declared, looking at her with affection. "And I know mom and dad would be proud of you too."

With a wistful smile, Jovana's gaze drifted towards the stars as she murmured, "I wish I could hear that from them directly."

Their parents had been killed in the battle between the Veridian Kingdom and their neighboring kingdom, or so everyone believed. But Jovana and her brother discovered the true cause of their death, prompting Jovana to establish a hidden laboratory to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

Saying nothing, Elijah ruffled her hair gently and led her into the room, where members of various families had gathered.

The lavish grand hall within the royal abode, embellished with exquisite crystal chandeliers, mirrored ceilings, and fresco adornments, enraptured Jovana as she gazed around in amazement. She had never witnessed such opulence and grandiosity before, enough to make a whole army seem insignificant in comparison.

The towering mahogany doors of the ballroom swung open, revealing an expansive space. The air was perfumed with the scent of roses and beeswax. The walls were adorned with heavy brocade curtains, embroidered with the royal emblem. Sparkling crystal chandeliers hung from the ornate ceiling, casting a warm radiance upon the polished parquet flooring.

Leaning in closer to her brother, Jovana whispered, "This place is beyond belief."

"Indeed, the entire palace is designed to match the king's regal persona." Elijah responded, nodding as he took in the grandeur of the room.

Jovana recognized some of the familiar faces, but for every person she knew, there were at least ten she didn't recognize. Turning to her brother once more, she inquired, "Eli, how many people are in attendance tonight?"

"Countless. Every family with a stake in the kingdom is here, hoping to make a profitable deal." Elijah observed.

"I see..." Jovana nodded in understanding.

In every corner of the room, mothers were fussing over every aspect of their daughters' appearance.

"Why didn't you wear the necklace I picked out? It makes your neck look shorter." An aristocratic woman commented to her daughter.

"It's fine, Mother. This one complements my eyes better." The daughter retorted.

"It will be fine if you have secured the hand of the Lord of the Northern region. Now, go and mingle." Her mother urged her on.

Jovana shook her head lightly at the scene and turned her gaze to the other side of the hall, where fathers were conversing with young heirs.

"I am Darren Warth, the heir to Warth Castle and all the lands surrounding the Narrow Lake." Darren boasted.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lord Darren." Another nobleman greeted respectfully.

As Jovana ruminated on the situation, she couldn't help but think, 'I can't believe these people. Yes, a title comes with responsibilities, but shouldn't there also be a sense of dignity?' She observed, silently judging the behavior of those around her.

"This is like a market for meat. These people are practically selling their daughters to the highest bidder," she remarked to herself, disgusted by the actions of some low-ranking families.

"Numerous lowly families engage in such practices; however, it should not occupy your thoughts. Our family possesses ample credit to allocate towards high-end society." Elijah commented, causing Jovana to form an 'O' with her Iridescent eyes as she surveyed the hall. Eventually, she caught sight of her dear friend, Xena, across the room.

With grace and poise, Xena bestowed charming smiles upon all the men she deemed worthy of her attention, status, and allure. Upon spotting Jovana and Elijah, she weaved her way through the crowd, eager to embrace her friend in a warm hug.

Jovana couldn't resist approaching her friend, who greeted her with a tight embrace.

"Jovana, Eli! I finally found you!" Xena exclaimed joyfully.

"Xena, you look stunning tonight. If you hadn't found us, we would have certainly found you," Elijah complimented, causing Xena to blush and divert her gaze.

"Thank you both. I spared no effort in preparing for this event," Xena replied proudly.

Before long, Elijah excused himself to attend to his duties, leaving Jovana and Xena to catch up with each other's company.

'Poor Xena. She tries so hard, but my brother's duty to his country will always come first,' Jovana thought to herself, feeling sympathy for her friend's unfulfilled desires.

Noticing Xena's change in demeanor, Jovana attempted to cheer her up. "So, Xena, any promising prospects tonight?"

Xena sighed, "Perhaps a few, but most of them are uninteresting and unimaginative. But luckily, I have a little something to spice things up," she said slyly, retrieving a vial containing a blue liquid from her purse and slipping it into Jovana's hand.

"Oh dear," Jovana murmured, her tone laced with concern, "Xena, what are you up to? This is not the appropriate time or place for such antics." She cautioned, while Xena simply shrugged in response.

"Really?" Xena retorted, taking a step closer to Jovana and subtly gesturing to the bustling crowd around them. Many were engaged in lively conversations, smiling and exchanging small vials.

"Let me tell you, Jovana...this is going to be an unforgettable night." Xena stated confidently, causing Jovana to chuckle in amusement.

"How could they possibly be swapping vials like that in such an important event?" She questioned, rolling her eyes in disbelief.

"Why not?" Xena replied nonchalantly, "The right vial of serendipity has the power to change the entire course of the evening. Just the other day, Susanne took one and suddenly became a brilliant painter." She explained.

"A painter?" Jovana asked incredulously, knowing how notoriously bad Susanne was at artistic pursuits.

"Yes, she was overflowing with raw talent." Xena affirmed, causing Jovana to look around the room, still unsure of what to make of the situation. Then, her attention was drawn to a young man drinking from his vial.

"So, how do you feel?" Someone nearby asked him.

"I...I feel like singing," The young man replied, his voice suddenly transformed into a melodious tune. "Vanish...oh night, vanish away. Vanish...away, oh right." He crooned, causing a wave of astonishment to ripple through the crowd.

"Wow," someone exclaimed with awe.

"That's nothing, let me tell you. The other day, I took a vial and I could leap ten feet high." Another voice chimed in, and the conversation continued, with people sharing their incredible stories of serendipitous events.

As Jovana turned her vial over in her hand, she felt the sharp edge of the glass and hesitated. "I'm still not sure about this, Xena," She admitted.

Xena nudged her playfully, "Oh, Jovana, don't be such a stick in the mud. A life worth living is full of risks and adventures. Maybe this vial will give you the push you need to fully embrace your seductive nature." She urged.

"Perhaps...but what will I do when the effects wear off?" Jovana questioned.

"Seduction is an art, my dear, not a science. You can't plan every move, sometimes you just have to dive in and enjoy the ride." Xena remarked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and Jovana couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief.

"That is not my usual way of having a good time," Jovana declared with a dismissive tongue click.

"I am aware, my dear, but the esteemed gentlemen in this room would not choose to marry a knitter," Xena replied with a laugh, and Jovana chuckled along with her.

"That is unfortunate...I am an exceptional knitter."

"With your captivating eyes, lovely features, and flawless figure, you could also excel as a lover. It is just a matter of experience," Xena persisted, refusing to back down until Jovana acquiesced.

"Perhaps, but I prefer to take things one step at a time," Jovana insisted.

"Do what you think is best, but keep in mind that even special men have their needs. And 'until death do us part' is a long time. Keeping things interesting in the bedroom is half the battle," Xena interjected once more, and Jovana looked around at the people in the ballroom, noticing the flirtatious giggles and seductive smiles that filled the room. She couldn't help but feel like she was falling behind.

Turning to Xena, she exclaimed, "You win, Xena. Let's give it a try and see what happens. I might get lucky." Xena clapped her hands excitedly in response.

"Yes! That's what I like to hear. I will find a secluded spot to take mine. We will meet back here in five minutes," Xena said, and Jovana nodded before finding a quiet corner away from prying eyes. She retrieved the serendipity and examined the small vial, then pulled out the cork and drank its contents in one swift gulp. The liquid burned down her throat, leaving a warm and refreshed sensation behind.

'Now, I just have to wait and see what the effects of the vial are…' Jovana thought, sitting patiently. After some time had passed, she noticed no changes or differences at all. Jovana then returned to the crowded hall, forgetting about the serendipity altogether.

A beautiful hello to you, dear readers. I hope you will give this novel a try and add to your library. It's a slow-burn romance but yet fast paced as well. I'm trying my luck on this one... hehehe!

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