
New Method

"Took longer than I thought"

After running for about 2 hours his mana was almost depleted. He sat down and took out some food that he had bought earlier that morning. The plan was to use up all 9 Pokéballs, he didn't quite know how long it would take so he bought supplies for a whole week. This included 21 PKchickens which were really good and surprisingly cheap, 3 new changes of clothing, and a blanket.

"This is good, but according to the man who I bought it from it's not all that healthy, I guess that I should find something else to eat if I can."

After he ate his PKchicken and the Pokémon ate their Pokémon food he climbed down from the tree and began stretching.

"Alright, Pidgey you know what you have to do."

The brown bird nodded and flew off. Ethan turned around to look at the two Bellsprouts and smiled, "You guys are in charge of wrapping and keeping the Pokémon we find still. I don't want to hurt them so I'm going to try something strange that might get scary. Make sure that no matter what you don't let go. If what I try doesn't work we will have to use what we practiced last time alright?"



He smiled and took out his armor, dagger, and their Pokéballs, "Alright then I'll call you guys back when we arrive where the other Pokémon is, stay quiet when you come back out alright."

Ethan leaned on a tree and closed his eyes as he listened to the forest. It didn't take long before he heard wing flaps. He opened his eyes and looked in the direction from where he had heard the noise.

Pidgey who saw that he had noticed it turned around, guiding Ethan to the nearby Pokémon. Just like before he maintained his distance from Pidgey and pretty soon he found Pidgey circling the sky over the treetops. He looked down and spotted a Pokémon that he had seen before when he met Samurai.

'Oh a Pinsir, I read about him in one of the books I was looking at. Can't say that he would be my first election for a Pokémon but he does have a good defense. At the moment I only have a scout and two long-range attackers so a close-range fighter to accompany me is severally needed.'

Ethan signaled for Pidgey to stop circling, the Pokémon did as it was told and flew to a branch nearby. Meanwhile, Ethan began placing the Bellsprouts in position once he was done he went back to Pidgey and gave it a thumbs up. "You're up again, keep him distracted."

The bird nodded and flew in front of the Pinsir who had stayed in the same place since it was eating a Beedrill that was crushed to pieces. Pidgey walked closer to the Beedrill but was chased away by a swing of Pinsir's arm and it continued eating. Pidgey kept repeating the process and little by little the vines of the Bellsprouts slithered towards Pinsir. Once they were close enough the vines quickly wrapped around Pinsir's feet and arms and they pulled.

The brown insect Pokémon came crashing down on the ground and tried pulling on the vines. The Bellsprouts had dug their roots into the ground and also wrapped their vines around a few trees so no matter how much Pinsir struggled the two twig Pokémon didn't budge.

Ethan walked out of his hiding spot and towards the startled Pokémon. "Pidgey if he gets out make sure that you use gust on him and then sand attack, you are a flying-type so you should have an advantage."

He made sure to keep his distance from the two pincers on top of the head of the Pokémon. He picked up a piece of the shell from the dead Beedrill and threw it up. As it was coming back down he used his dagger and cut it to pieces.

Ethan took a deep breath and remembered the lesson that his father had taught him when he was younger. He had only used it on kids his age who kept on whispering about him since his father's power had started to decrease. When his father showed him this technique he had said that making them submit without actually fighting would be the only way to make them stop.

To learn this skill his father had to make him go through a tremendous amount of mental torture to make it easier to release.

'Remember the death of my mother and unborn brother, all the suffering I had to secretly endure so that father didn't make even more enemies, the betrayal from my father's men and the so-called alliance, the rage of not being able to do anything.'

As he felt his blood began to boil he started infusing mana into his eyes, when he opened them he found his body surrounded by a layer of red mana.

The very second that he opened his eyes the surrounding forest noises quickly quieted down and the Pinsir froze in place.

His father called the skill eyes of intimidation, the user's mana contains all the anger, rage, and pain-causing the target to feel it all but magnified. Sadly he still hadn't mastered it completely. It was hard to focus mana at one part of the body so the effect of the skill was weakened and the mana required to keep it up was much higher since he can't control the amount of mana he releases. Not to mention that it takes him significantly longer than what it should.

The Pinsir tried avoiding eye contact but it could still feel some of the effect since it was shaking. Ethan knew firsthand how bad it felt to be targeted by this skill since his father had used it on him.

"Listen up Pinsir, as you saw earlier I'm able to cut through shells pretty well. I don't want to hurt you if I don't need to but if you give me no choice then know that the feeling you have now is nothing compared with what I'll make you suffer. I'm looking for Pokémon to join my team, I promise you that I'll treat you well if you join me. Isn't that right guys?"

He waited for a response but none came, "Oh come on wake up already you three, I won't hurt you remember you guys are already part of my team"



(("GY, GY, GY"))

All three Pokémon quickly replied but he had no idea what they were saying. He brought out an empty Pokéball and waved it around.

"Pinsir I know you won't trust me right now but you only have two choices, join or die. Do you understand?"

The Pokémon quickly nodded by lifting its head and crashing it back to the ground.

"Great, now just so you know, I'm limited on Pokéballs at the moment, so if you waste this one you're dead!"

He threw the Pokéball at the brown Pokémon and it was sucked into it. The Pokéball dropped to the ground and it began blinking.

Ethan raised his dagger and told the three Pokémon to prepare in case Pinsir got any ideas, fortunately, the Pokéball stopped blinking and rolling.

Ethan smiled and stopped using his intimidation skill

'Great, now I have a Pokémon that no one knows about, meaning that I can use it without having to worry about it being tied back to me using whatever these people have available to them. Now let's just see if there are any negative effects catching Pokémon using this method.'

He picked up the Pokéball and let out Pinsir. The Pokémon looked around wildly until he found Ethan and then began stepping back. It was still very afraid of him but at least it wasn't attacking.

Ethan sighed and put his bade away and hands up while he slowly walked towards the frightened Pokémon. "Easy big guy, from now on you are one of us so you don't have to worry okay. Now finish eating your food while we take a break and enjoy a snack."

It took a while for the bug Pokémon to calm down and finish eating but when it did he gave the Bellsprout and Pidgey some berries.

"Alright, guys we still have 8 more Pokéballs to go let's keep going. Pidgey and Bellsprouts you know what to do. Pinsir I'm sorry for scaring you, I would like to have you with me for our next catch but I'm afraid you've had enough for today."

Pidgey flew off to look for their new target and he called back the rest while he leaned on the tree and relaxed his body trying to increase his mana regeneration.

'Today helped remind me that even though it's great that I can tame beasts I should still focus on improving my skills. The first thing I need to focus on is mana control, I can't keep working with all or nothing. Then I can work on increasing the speed of activation of the intimidation skill.'




"Isn't Pidgey taking too long to find another Pokémon? Did he run into trouble? Maybe my status screen will help me find out. If Pidgey gets into trouble it might register for some reason."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Host: Ethan Guerrier]

[Reputation Points: 341 RP]

- RP records

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Upgrade: 2,000,000 RP]

[Unlock Host's World: 250,000 RP]

[Unlock New World: 500,000 RP]

[World Week Pass: 5,000 RP]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"((RP Records))"

[Pidgey feels scared(+.05)] (48M)

[Bellsprout feels scared (+.05)] (48M)

[Bellsprout feels scared (+.05)] (48M)

[Pinsir feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[Weedle feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[Spearow feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[Butterfree feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[Bulbusaur feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

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[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)

[OOO feels frightened (+1)] (48M)











































"..... Well, I guess this answers my question. I guess that the Pokémon in this forest haven't felt anything like what they experienced with my skill. This is a pretty effective method to get points but I can negatively affect the forest. Once I have my 8 Pokémon I'll stop using it until I master the skill so that only the Pokémon I target gets affected. I wanna go look for Pidgey but I don't want us to miss each other so it looks like I'll simply stay here and train my mana control."

Fun Fact:

Look at the cover of my story, does anyone also see a smiling clown with a Mario Hat. Also in the comments say Hi! I want to see if people actually read my fun facts lol

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts