
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Wrong bed in dark

Wei Xiaobao flashed a mischievous smile and said, "Brother Song, I cannot keep any secrets from you. Pray tell, what transpired in your encounter with Yuan Chengzhi?"

Song Qingshu, having assessed Yuan Chengzhi's martial arts prowess based on their previous clash and Ah Jiu's rescue, calmly replied, "It ended in a draw." He knew that admitting Yuan Chengzhi's superiority would only lead Wei Xiaobao to underestimate himself. Claiming superiority, on the other hand, would contradict the fact that Ah Jiu had been saved. Thus, he settled for a measured response.

Wei Xiaobao's face lit up with delight. "Excellent!" he exclaimed. "With Brother Song, a master capable of matching Yuan Chengzhi, I have enough confidence to befriend Xiao Xuanzi."

Moved by Wei Xiaobao's trust and camaraderie, Song Qingshu seized the moment to offer a word of caution. "Brother Wei, while my martial arts may be on par with Yuan Chengzhi's, news of your intention to confront him has surely leaked. As we make our way back to Beijing through Shandong, along with the Blood Knife Sect's enmity, it will be challenging for my brothers to ensure your safety with limited resources."

A chill ran down Wei Xiaobao's spine, and his expression turned grave. "This is dire! It seems the enemy has uncovered our plans. Should we call for an army escort? But that would undoubtedly alert the snake in the grass, and Xiao Xuanzi will be displeased..."

Sensing the urgency in the air, Song Qingshu feigned hesitation before proposing a plan. "I have an idea, though I am uncertain of its efficacy," he began.

"Brother Song, please enlighten me," Wei Xiaobao implored, his eyes shimmering with anticipation.

"Brother Wei, you could orchestrate a grand spectacle, attracting attention by sending Zhang and Zhao as envoys to the north. Meanwhile, we shall discreetly travel south..." Song Qingshu paused for a moment, preparing to reveal his intentions.

"Why south?" Wei Xiaobao interjected, his curiosity piqued. He couldn't help but wonder if this fair-faced man harbored a hidden agenda.

With a faint smile, Song Qingshu maintained his composure and explained, "During this period, there resides a peerless master in Gusu. If we can persuade him to seek refuge in the Qing Dynasty, we shall have two formidable companions at our side. Need I mention the Shandong Golden Snake Camp?"

"How does this master's martial arts compare to yours, Brother Song?" Wei Xiaobao inquired, his skepticism lingering.

"Without exaggeration, he is no less exceptional," Song Qingshu declared with conviction.

Wei Xiaobao's heart stirred with excitement. The prospect of securing two towering martial arts masters of such caliber would undoubtedly earn him Xiao Xuanzi's adoration. Perhaps, in his exuberance, Xiao Xuanzi might even bestow upon him the prestigious title of a Duke. Lost in his daydreams, Wei Xiaobao couldn't contain his laughter, envisioning a future filled with grandeur and beauty.

"Very well, Brother Song. Let us disguise ourselves and head to Gusu alongside Zhang Kangnian and Zhao Qixian," Wei Xiaobao declared, raising his voice.

"Present and ready, at your command, Lord Wei Jue," the two men responded obsequiously, promptly appearing at the door with fawning smiles.

"You shall find someone to impersonate me, creating a spectacle and attracting attention as usual. Brother Song and I shall make our way to Suzhou first," Wei Xiaobao instructed, distributing a handful of silver tickets to the two. "Inform our comrades to remain vigilant. The journey ahead is fraught with danger. Exercise caution in all matters."

"It is truly an honor to serve under the benevolent Wei Jueye," Zhao Qixian chimed in with a smile.

"Indeed! Life has become so effortless with Duke Gui around…" Zhang Kangnian caught himself mid-sentence, correcting, "Apologies for my slip of the tongue. It's Wei Jue now."

"Enough with the flattery. Go and make the necessary preparations," Wei Xiaobao dismissed them with a wave, allowing the two men to depart.

Once the door closed behind them, Song Qingshu's expression shifted, as if he had just recalled something important. "By the way, Brother Wei, perhaps we should travel light this time. It might be too troublesome if we bring along that water maiden. It could prove burdensome..."

Before Song Qingshu could finish his sentence, Wei Xiaobao regarded him incredulously, as if he were a creature from another realm. "Brother Song, are you suggesting we abandon such a beautiful and graceful woman?"

Perceiving the misunderstanding, Song Qingshu's face contorted with exasperation. "No, I mean it would be better if we let her go..."

Wei Xiaobao's thoughts raced through his mind. The journey would be dreadfully dull with only two men for company. Subconsciously, he rejected the idea. "Aren't we trying to deceive our enemies? Those individuals at Jinsheying are unlikely to know that a woman accompanies our mission. Bringing her along would further conceal our true identities. Moreover, if we find ourselves in a dire situation, we could use her as a hostage. Yuan Chengzhi, the paragon of benevolence and righteousness, would undoubtedly suffer a significant blow to his reputation if an innocent woman were to perish because of him..."

Song Qingshu glanced at Wei Xiaobao, taken aback by his unexpected reasoning. He had once perceived Wei Xiaobao as a simple-minded fellow, but this encounter only served to highlight his astuteness and quick-thinking.

"Very well, let us follow Brother Wei's suggestion and take her on our journey," Song Qingshu conceded, deeming Wei Xiaobao's arguments sensible. At present, Wei Xiaobao was an enigma to him, and Song Qingshu couldn't afford any missteps.

Returning to the room, Song Qingshu intended to release Shuisheng from his acupressure restraints. Yet, a cunning smile crept across his face as he extended his slender hand from behind and swiftly tapped several vital acupoints on Song Qingshu's chest.

To his dismay, I found nothing available to secure him after turning around. Frustrated, I slumped back onto the bed and brooded silently. Suddenly, a spark ignited in my eyes, and I swiftly spun around, beginning to untie my belt.

"Fair maiden, are you planning to assault me?" Song Qingshu feigned a terrified expression. "Is this your first time, my dear Ya Lidie?"

"Ugh!" Although I couldn't comprehend his words, I discerned that his outburst carried negative connotations. I glared at him fiercely. "If you utter another word, I will remove your socks and stuff them into your mouth."

"Those socks are positively rank and putrid. It's an unpleasant taste, I assure you. However, if you were a beautiful woman, removing your socks and placing them in my mouth, I vow I would remain silent," Song Qingshu leered lasciviously, eyeing my petite boots.

"Disgusting and shameless!" My anger surged, and I swiftly bound his hands behind his back using the belt I had just untied, securing it tightly around the bed frame.

"Well, it smells delightful~" As I bound him, my hair inadvertently brushed against Song Qingshu's face, and he inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the scent.

With Song Qingshu now securely restrained, his vital points tapped earlier, I finally felt a sense of relief. I cast a bitter glance in his direction. "If you dare to speak out of turn again, I truly will stuff your mouth with those socks!"

It turns out that the mere thought of using a man's shoes and their foul-smelling socks disgusted me. I had only been bluffing all along.

"Okay, I won't say another word, I promise," Song Qingshu hastily sealed his lips shut, feigning obedience.

Satisfied, I dusted off my hands, my nerves having been on edge throughout the day. Exhaustion washed over me, and I suddenly felt drowsy. I turned around, ensuring that Song Qingshu remained securely fastened to the bed frame. I decided to rest for a while, replenishing my energy. By dawn, when the guards were most likely to be groggy, I would find a way to escape.

Observing me remove my boots and arrange the bedcovers, Song Qingshu couldn't help but wear a bewildered expression. "Fair maiden, in the dead of night, be cautious not to mistake this bed for your own. This is my room, after all..."

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