
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Mrs. Guo Huang Rong

Song Qingshu's heart tightened, and he quickly composed himself to address the situation. "I have a lead," he announced.

"Really? I'm all ears," Ling Tuisi set down his teacup and fixed his gaze upon Song Qingshu. "I heard that Young Master Song visited my daughter's chambers recently and then had a conversation with Ding Dian in the cell. What ideas might you have, young man?"

As a member of the party, Ling Tuisi emanated an aura of authority and intimidation that made Song Qingshu uneasy. Bitterly contemplating the situation, he thought, Brother, I'm navigating through treacherous waters here, and you're wielding your dominance in turn.

Of course, he dared not voice such sentiments and explained in a slightly deferential tone, "Allow me to be forthright, my lord. After years of futile attempts using various methods of persuasion, I decided to take a different approach. I stumbled upon information suggesting that Ding Dian has long coveted your daughter. So, I devised a plan to exploit this. I used Miss Ling as bait, feigning assistance in their escape. Ding Dian fell for the ruse, and his stance began to soften..."

"How audacious! To exploit my daughter's reputation as a mere jest," Ling Tuisi angrily interrupted, picking up a picture from the table. Startled, Song Qingshu silently criticized in his mind, Your old man is willing to sacrifice his own daughter for the sake of the treasure. Now he's putting on a show of righteousness.

"Did he say anything?" Ling Tuisi changed his tone, asking in a calm manner.

"He promised to reveal the secret of the Liancheng Jue after the task is completed," Song Qingshu replied while carefully observing the other's expression.

Ling Tuisi responded with anger, "So, you expect this mansion to offer up my daughter in return for some knowledge of the Liancheng Art?"

"Absolutely not," Song Qingshu replied with a smile. "The esteemed lord wields great power and numerous experts. Once he divulges the secret, whether to spare or eliminate Ding Dian will no longer be within the lord's contemplation."

"That is true," Ling Tuisi glanced at him, a smile forming on his lips, though inwardly he snorted. By the way, even you will meet your demise.

Ding Dian, lurking in the shadows, seethed with fury upon hearing their conversation. He yearned to burst forth and slay the shameless villain Song Qingshu. Ding Dian, having experienced the perils of the world, was now reluctant to place trust in others. Having achieved martial prowess, slipping out of the cell unnoticed was a simple task. Witnessing Ling Tuisi summon Song Qingshu earlier, Ding Dian stealthily trailed behind, his heart brimming with treacherous schemes.

Suddenly, a frown creased Ding Dian's brow as he caught sight of a formidable master in the distance. In this moment, his thoughts were consumed with soaring to new heights with Ling Shuang Huayuan—unwilling to invite trouble. Casting a hard glare at the two figures inside the house, he turned and departed.

"Master Qi, a messenger from Xiangyang City sent by Master Lu has arrived in Jingzhou City, seeking a meeting outside the government," a government official hurriedly reported at the door.

"Dismissed," Song Qingshu, who was inside the house, knew that military matters were about to be discussed and prepared to take his leave with keen interest.

Observing Song Qingshu's departing figure, Ling Tuisi pondered inwardly and spoke, "You may as well stay and meet the people in this mansion. It's a shame that someone as talented as Song Song wastes their abilities in the martial world. Strengthen your connections now, and perhaps you'll become an influential figure in this household in the future..."

Song Qingshu discerned the undertones in Ling Tuisi's solicitous words. He quickly realized that the apparent solicitation was merely a ploy to disarm his own defensive instincts. Understanding this, Song Qingshu composed himself, maintaining a calm demeanor, and followed Ling Tuisi to greet their visitors.

Before long, a group of individuals approached. Leading the way was a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. She possessed the ethereal beauty of a blooming spring flower, radiating a mesmerizing glow. Her delicate, crimson lips seemed to hold a hint of mystery, and a smile played upon them, suggesting a touch of hidden affection.

Song Qingshu stole a quick glance, but then hastily lowered his gaze, unable to look again. His heart raced, exclaiming inwardly, "Oh my, such beauty exists in this world!"

After a moment, he chided himself for being as bashful as a novice, and cautiously raised his head to take a closer look.

Ling Tuisi's words swiftly dispelled Song Qingshu's doubts. "I wonder what has brought the esteemed leader of the Yellow Gang to Jiangling in person," Ling Tuisi inquired.

It was Huang Rong! Song Qingshu suddenly realized. She was the only one in the world who possessed such diverse charms and exuded such mature allure.

"I have greeted Master Ling. I have come for two reasons," Huang Rong spoke with a light smile, her delicate grin holding a certain enchantment. As Song Qingshu observed her, a woman over fifty, he couldn't help but be captivated. "First, Master Lu from Xiangyang has sent me to hasten the delivery of provisions for the coming month. Second, I have come..." Huang Rong's smile persisted, concealing a hint of spring-like affection as she shifted her gaze to Ling Tuisi, who was well into his fifties. The sight left him stunned. "The Beggar Clan received information that someone within the martial arts world is plotting an assassination attempt on you, sir. Your safety is crucial for the defense of Xiangyang City's rear. After discussing the matter with my husband and Master Lu, they immediately dispatched me to take the lead. We have come to protect Master Ling."

Song Qingshu's face paled by the side, his shock evident. Could Huang Rong be referring to him? It made no sense. How could she have received this news ahead of time?

Ling Tuisi cast a subtle glance at Song Qingshu and smiled. "We appreciate the concern of Master Lu and Daxia Guo. Does the esteemed Huang Gang leader have any knowledge about the identity of the assassin?"

"After thorough investigations, our gang has finally uncovered their identities," Huang Rong replied, gesturing with a slight bow. "They appear to be members of the Snow Mountain faction from the Western Regions."

"The Snow Mountain School?" Although Ling Tuisi, as a prefect, possessed only limited knowledge of martial arts, he had heard of the renowned Snow Mountain School. "Isn't the Snow Mountain School under the leadership of Mr. Weed in vain?"

"Yes," Huang Rong nodded, a trace of worry crossing her delicate features. "The Snow Mountain Swordsmanship of the Snow Mountain School is renowned worldwide, boasting numerous formidable masters. This time, you must be well-prepared to defend yourself."

"But why would the Snow Mountain School target this mansion when there is no history of animosity between us?" Ling Tuisi inquired suspiciously, contemplating whether Lu Wenhuan had taken advantage of the situation to infiltrate Jingzhou with his loyalists.

Huang Rong's mind was sharp and alert. Sensing Ling Tuisi's doubt and the potential lack of full cooperation, she swiftly explained, "Master Ling, you must understand. The Snow Mountain faction is based in the Western Regions, which are currently under the control of Mongolia, Mingjiao, and Hui. Various smaller factions have aligned themselves with different camps. Recently, the Snow Mountain faction has chosen to align with Mongolia. However, they fear being overlooked and wish to earn significant merits to gain recognition. Instead of seeking refuge with Ruyang King Chahan, who governs the Western Regions, they have turned to Kublai Khan. Hearing that Kublai has faced difficulties in conquering Xiangyang, they have decided to target you, my lord."

"Such audacity!" Ling Tuisi snorted disdainfully. "How dare a mere Snow Mountain faction bully the leader of this mansion."

"Master Ling, please do not underestimate them," Huang Rong cautioned. "This time, the Snow Mountain faction has mobilized all their skilled martial artists. The beggars have discovered that they seem to have infiltrated Jingzhou City in groups. We must exercise utmost caution."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ling Tuisi pondered for a long moment. He summoned his subordinates and ordered the selection of a hundred highly skilled martial artists from the army to join the prefect guard team. Additionally, he instructed the city guards to intensify their patrols and inspections within the city, remaining vigilant for any signs of trouble within the prefecture. The goal was to be prepared and swiftly respond should any untoward incident occur at the prefectural office.

After Ling Tuisi had made all the necessary arrangements, he observed Huang Rong's noncommittal expression and swiftly inquired, "Esteemed Huang, with your resourcefulness and ingenuity, I trust that you will handle this matter appropriately?"

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