
Sensual Harmonies: Conquests of Desire

Ater Vates, a middle-aged-man working in a low-level company, finds himself unexpectedly reborn in the beguiling realm of Yggbellum, where majestic dragons take flight and mythical creatures abound. Endowed with an enchanting gift, Ater discovers that his melodies possess a seductive power, capable of awakening sexual desires in any being. Thus commences his mesmerizing journey to unite the warring queendoms and bring peace to Yggbellum.

SciroccoPublishing · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A Woman. A Retreat. A Cup of Tea.

Ater stands before the group surrounding the woman, his eyes fixated on her regal presence. As he steps forward, he takes in the sight of the woman, her beauty surpassing that of the ordinary Yggarra people. Her features are sharp, her pointed gaze demanding attention. And while it was clear from her posture and mannerisms that she was very much Ater's senior, she still radiated youth. Her flawless skin resembles polished diamond, accentuating her striking appearance. Ater notices that her hair, nearly pitch black, is a stark contrast to the predominantly fair-haired population he has encountered thus far.

With a haughty demeanor, the woman raises an eyebrow and scrutinizes Ater, her voice dripping with arrogance. "And why, may I ask, are you so dreadfully late?" she inquires, her tone laced with dismissiveness.

Ater, unable to contain his nerves, responds truthfully, "I apologize, Grand Sorceress. I am still unfamiliar with the city and had to ask for directions multi-."

The woman's dismissive expression remains unchanged as she waves a hand nonchalantly. "Inexcusable. You should have been better prepared. Follow me," she commands, her voice carrying an air of authority.

As they begin their journey through the sprawling grounds of the academy, Ater finds himself pondering the identity of this enigmatic woman. Despite their interaction, she has yet to introduce herself, leaving him in a state of confusion. His mind a mess as he tries to comprehend the significance of her presence and the role she plays within the academy.

Ater, continuing to observe the woman while they walk, couldn't help but notice a recurring mannerism of the woman. Her chin was always held high, a subtle gesture that conveyed a sense of superiority, as if she perpetually looked down upon her peers. It added to the haughty aura that surrounded her.

Moreover, Ater couldn't shake off the allure in her voice. There was a seductive quality to her tone, a hint of mischief that dared you to make a move only to be swiftly torn down. It was a captivating yet unsettling combination, leaving Ater intrigued yet cautious enigmatic sorceress.

Their path leads them to a circular building situated near the entrance of the academy. Turning her attention to the guards. "Remember his face," she commanded, her words laced with an undercurrent of power. "He is to be granted access to this building at all times as my apprentice." The guards bowed in subservience, their respect evident in their gestures.

They entered the building, and Ater's eyes widened in awe at the sight that unfolded before him. Divided into large rings, the interior was adorned with rows of teleportation circles akin to the ones he had seen in the palace. The vibrant hum of magical energy filled the air as mages bustled about, seamlessly moving in and out of the circles, their destinations unknown.

The woman's voice pierces through the bustling atmosphere. "Keep up, Ater." Urging him to keep pace as they make their way toward the largest teleportation circle positioned at the center of the building. Ater quickenes his steps, his curiosity mounting with every passing moment.

The woman guides Ater through the building's corridors, their path weaving through the bustling mages and teleportation circles. A symphony of voices and the occasional crackle of arcane energy filled the air. They stop in front of the center circle.

Without a warning, the woman steps through the circle and Ater quickly follows. The moment his feet touch the other side, he is greeted by an awe-inspiring sight. Clear skies stretch above him, uninterrupted by a single cloud. But as he takes in the surroundings, he notices something peculiar—there is no sun in the sky.

The surrounding landscape is a breathtaking display of nature's wonders. Trees unlike any he has seen before scatter the area, their leaves shimmering in a mesmerizing array of colors. They seem to shift and change hues, like a painting never finished. Ater can't help but marvel at the ever-changing foliage, as if the very essence of life flows through each leaf.

Beneath his feet, the ground is covered with a gentle carpet of grass, its blades tenderly brushing against his ankles. But it is the magnificent tree right behind them that captures Ater's attention. Rising tall and proud, its trunk exudes a radiant energy that seems to pulse with a life of its own. A soft glow emanates from within, casting an otherworldly luminescence upon the surroundings.

The woman gestures towards the towering tree and speaks with commanding authority. "Welcome, Ater, to the Mage's Retreat," she says, her voice resonating through the underground chamber. "Here, deep within the earth, we nurture the ancient arts of magic. Within these hallowed grounds, you shall discover the depths of your potential and unravel the mysteries of our craft."

"Grab my hand," she commands, her voice resonating with authority.

Without hesitation, Ater reaches out and firmly clasps her outstretched hand. As their palms touch, a rush of energy pulses between them, and a soft gust of wind rustles through the leaves of the tree. The air around them shimmers with a vibrant blue light, swirling and dancing like ethereal wisps.

In an instant, the world around Ater transforms. They find themselves standing beside a smaller tree, its branches adorned with delicate blossoms that radiate an enchanting glow. Across from them, a large wooden log house stands, its rustic charm harmonizing with the natural beauty of the retreat.

The woman gestures towards the inviting structure, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of pride and expectation. "Come," she says, her voice nonchalant. "Step into my humble abode."

As Ater follows her lead and enters the log house, his eyes widen in awe at the sight that unfolds before him. Shelves line the walls, adorned with numerous glass vials containing colorful liquids that seem to emit a faint magical aura. Jars filled with mysterious substances stand side by side, their contents whispering secrets of alchemy and arcane arts. Books of varying ages, from weathered tomes to intricately adorned volumes, rest upon wooden tables and shelves, promising boundless knowledge and hidden wisdom.

With a mischievous smile, the woman poses a playful question, "Would you care for some tea? Rest assured, I won't subject you to any of my experimental brews... for now." Ater chuckles softly, appreciating her sense of humor, and graciously accepts her offer.

womanleads Ater to a small, cozy kitchen within the log house. She gestures for him to take a seat at a quaint wooden table, while she moves with graceful ease around the room. A sense of anticipation lingers in the air as Ater watches her every move, intrigued by the extraordinary display of magic that has unfolded before him.

In one swift motion, the woman retrieves a jar filled with vibrant purple and pink leaves, delicately pinching a small amount and placing it into a charming metal kettle. She raises her hand, her index finger pointing upward, and to Ater's amazement, droplets of water begin to materialize in the air. Each droplet gracefully descends into the kettle, joining the awaiting leaves. She then takes hold of the kettle, her palm resting gently against its base. As she concentrates her magical energy, a soft blue glow emanates from her touch. The temperature within the kettle rises, and soon, wisps of steam dance upward, carrying with them the enticing aroma of the brewing tea.

With a flourish, the woman sets the now-steaming kettle on a beautifully crafted tray, adorned with intricately designed cups and saucers. She gracefully pours the fragrant tea into the cups, the liquid mirroring the colors of the leaves within.

As she carries the tray with practiced elegance, she joins Ater at the table. The enticing aroma of the tea fills the air, inviting him to indulge in its comforting warmth. He takes a sip, savoring the delicate blend of flavors that dance across his palate sweetness with a slightly acidity and bitterness, notes of floral and spice. The taste is as enchanting as it is calming.

Lilia's eyes flutter closed as she brings the teacup to her lips, savoring the delightful flavors that dance upon her tongue. A serene smile graces her face, reflecting the satisfaction derived from the simple pleasure of a well-brewed cup of tea. With a contented sigh, she opens her eyes and sets the teacup down gently on the table.

"Now that I've had my tea," Lilia begins, her voice carrying a melodic cadence, "I believe an introduction is in order." Ater's attention is immediately captured as he eagerly awaits her revelation. With a regal air, she continues, "I am Lilia Myrn, the Grand Sorceress of the Academy."

The weight of her title settles upon Ater, reminding him of the significance of this moment. He finds himself in the presence of not only a skilled sorceress but the highest authority within the Academy itself. As his mentor, Lilia will guide him through the intricacies of magic, honing his abilities and shaping his future.

Ater offers a respectful nod, acknowledging the magnitude of Lilia's position. He takes a moment to absorb the weight of her words, realizing that his journey has now intertwined with the destiny of the Academy and the remarkable woman who stands before him.

With the introduction complete, the air in the room carries a sense of anticipation and possibility. Ater's heart quickens, knowing that this is but the first step in a remarkable odyssey. The shelves lined with arcane knowledge, the mystical potions, and the enigmatic books whisper promises of untold secrets waiting to be unveiled.

As Lilia takes another sip of her tea, her gaze never leaving Ater, a silent understanding passes between them. The Mage's Retreat becomes a sanctuary where boundaries blur and realms of possibility unfold. Ater finds himself standing at the precipice of a grand adventure, ready to embrace the challenges that lie ahead under the tutelage of the esteemed Grand Sorceress, Lilia Myrn.