
Sensual Harmonies: Conquests of Desire

Ater Vates, a middle-aged-man working in a low-level company, finds himself unexpectedly reborn in the beguiling realm of Yggbellum, where majestic dragons take flight and mythical creatures abound. Endowed with an enchanting gift, Ater discovers that his melodies possess a seductive power, capable of awakening sexual desires in any being. Thus commences his mesmerizing journey to unite the warring queendoms and bring peace to Yggbellum.

SciroccoPublishing · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A Feeling, A Chill, A Pursuer.

Ater and Sylsie step out into the vibrant streets of Yggarra-Lise, their eyes wide with wonder. The city comes alive with every breath, its narrow alleys and bustling marketplaces filled with the harmonious sounds of laughter, music, and the chatter of its inhabitants. Hand in hand, they meander through the colorful streets, weaving their way through the crowd. They pause to admire the beautiful artwork displayed on the walls, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and enchanting landscapes.

Sylsie points out the various landmarks, sharing stories of the city's history and the traditions of the Yggarra people. Ater marvels at the unity and harmony that seems to permeate every corner of Yggarra-Lise. The inhabitants move with grace and elegance, their attire reflecting their connection to the natural world around them. It's a place where magic and reality intertwine seamlessly, captivating the senses and igniting the imagination.

As they continue their exploration, Ater can't help but feel a sense of belonging. The city embraces him with open arms, as if recognizing a kindred spirit. And with Sylsie by his side, he feels an even deeper connection to this wondrous realm.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Sylsie asks Ater if he would like to visit her secret place, a hidden sanctuary she used to escape to as a child. Ater's face lights up with anticipation, he eagerly nods in agreement and they venture deeper into the heart of Yggarra-Lise, where the enchanting gardens await.

As they enter the gardens, a sense of tranquility washes over them. The tall trees, with leaves of vibrant blue, form a natural maze, enticing them to explore further. The air is alive with the sweet fragrance of blossoming flowers, and the soft whisper of the wind carries a melodic tune. Sunlight filters through the lush canopy, casting a gentle glow on their path.

Sylsie leads Ater through winding trails, her steps graceful and assured. Each turn reveals a new discovery—an intricate fountain adorned with intricate carvings, a hidden nook with a bench draped in colorful vines, and delicate butterflies dancing in the air. It feels as if time stands still in this azure oasis, a sanctuary untouched by the worries of the world.

Finally, they arrive at a secluded clearing, bathed in dappled sunlight. Here, nestled amidst the foliage, stands a magnificent tree with sprawling branches, its leaves shimmering in shades of emerald and sapphire. Sylsie gazes at it with nostalgic affection, sharing stories of her childhood adventures and the solace she found in this sacred space. Ater listens intently, captivated by her every word.

"When I was just a little Yggarra, I used to spend countless hours exploring these very paths. This garden was my refuge, a place where I could let my imagination run wild. I would hide among the blue-leaved trees, imagining myself as a daring adventurer or a graceful sprite dancing through the petals." Sylsie explains with a gentle fondness.

"It must have been magical growing up in a place like this. I can see how the beauty of Yggarra-Lise influenced your spirit, Sylsie." Replies Ater with an understanding smile.

Sylsie chuckles. "Oh, it was indeed enchanting! I would often chase butterflies and listen to the whispers of the wind. The garden seemed to hold its own secrets, whispering stories only I could hear. And the tree over there, the one with the shimmering leaves? It was like a sentinel, watching over me as I played."

Suddenly, Sylsie begins to gracefully ascends the tall sentinel tree, her movements swift and nimble. Looking down at Ater, she extends her hand, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Come, Ater. Join me up here. The view is breathtaking, and I want to share it with you."

Ater, slightly hesitant, attempts to climb but struggles to make progress. His lack of climbing experience becomes evident as he fumbles and slips. Sylsie, noticing his predicament, reaches out and provides a steadying hand.

"Don't worry, Ater. I'll help you up. Just take it one step at a time."

With Sylsie's assistance, Ater manages to ascend a bit further, his determination overcoming his lack of skill. As they continue their ascent, the leaves rustle with an unnatural sound, drawing their attention.

Sylsie, curiosity piqued, looks towards the source of the noise and decides to investigate.

"I wonder what could be causing that rustling. It's familiar, but out of place. Let's find out, shall we?"

Ater nods, and with a sense of adventure, Sylsie leads the way, maneuvering through the branches and foliage towards the mysterious disturbance, with Ater following close behind.

The duo ventures deeper into the foliage, their senses heightened in search of the elusive source of the rustling. However, to their surprise, they find nothing. The disturbance has vanished without a trace, leaving them perplexed and with a lingering sense of unease.

Ater's brows furrow as a wave of foreboding washes over him, causing him to pause and reflect on the eerie feeling that had been gnawing at him ever since they left the palace.

"Sylsie, I can't shake this unsettling feeling. It's as if something is amiss, something lurking in the shadows. Have you noticed anything strange too?"

Sylsie, sensing Ater's unease, places a comforting hand on his arm and gazes into his eyes with understanding.

"I understand, Ater. There's an air of unease that's been lingering since we ventured out. Perhaps it's nothing, but let's not ignore our instincts. We should stay vigilant and keep each other safe."

The couple descends from the towering sentinel tree, their descent slow and cautious. As they reach the ground, Sylsie turns to Ater with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling.

"All this adventuring has made me hungry. How about we head back to the markets for a delightful meal?"

Ater's stomach rumbles in agreement, and he nods eagerly, grateful for the suggestion. They stroll hand in hand through the streets of Yggarra-Lise, the locals recognizing Sylsie with adoration and greeting them warmly.

The citizens of Yggarra-Lise hold Sylsie in high regard, and it fills Ater's heart with joy to witness the genuine love and respect they have for her. They stop frequently to exchange pleasantries, with Sylsie introducing Ater to her fellow townspeople.

Ater is moved by the warmth and acceptance he receives from the locals. It is clear that Sylsie's kindness and compassion have endeared her to the hearts of the people, and he feels fortunate to be by her side, sharing in their genuine affection.

Together, they continue their leisurely stroll towards the bustling markets, guided by the scented trail of delicious food wafting through the air.

Sylsie guides Ater towards a charming inn nestled in a quiet corner of the lively market. The weathered wooden sign above the entrance reads "The Merry Hearth," and as they step inside, the savory scents of hearty meals fill the air. Ater's unease persists, but Sylsie's assurance encourages him to follow along.

Upon entering, they are greeted by a burly, genial innkeeper named Basker. His broad smile and friendly demeanor exude a sense of warmth and familiarity, making them feel instantly welcome.

"Well, if it isn't Princess Sylsie herself, gracing my humble inn once again! And who might this fine gentleman be?"

Sylsie returns Basker's warm embrace, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Basker, meet Ater, a dear friend who has come to experience the delights of Yggarra-Lise. We're famished and in need of a satisfying meal. Do you have a table available?"

Basker's eyes crinkle with a grin as he gestures towards a cozy corner table.

"Princess Sylsie, it's an honor to have you and your esteemed guest here. Your table is always ready. Take a seat, and I'll ensure you're treated to the finest dishes our kitchen has to offer."

With gratitude, Ater and Sylsie settle into their seats, basking in the friendly ambiance that permeates the inn. Basker's genuine hospitality and the comforting atmosphere momentarily alleviate Ater's lingering unease, allowing him to focus on the pleasures of good company and a satisfying meal.

As Ater observes Sylsie enthusiastically devouring her meal, he can't help but be captivated by the stark contrast in her dining etiquette compared to the grand feast they had shared the previous night. The humble fare before them, though modest, carries a rustic charm that seems to awaken a different side of Sylsie.

Her manners shocked him. While she ate like a proper lady at the feast, now she looked like a child, wolfing down mouthfuls of stew and chugging mugs of fruit juices. it was an unexpected sight.

Ater, curious and intrigued, leans closer to Sylsie and whispers with a playful grin.

"Sylsie, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but your manners at the feast were as graceful as a swan gliding across a serene lake. Yet now, I see you relishing this humble meal with such gusto. It's quite a delightful surprise. Care to enlighten me?"

Sylsie pauses mid-bite, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before responding.

"Ah, Ater, my dear friend, there's a time and place for everything, isn't there? The feast was a grand occasion, where I had to uphold the decorum befitting a princess. But here, in the cozy corners of Yggarra-Lise and in the company of friends, I can let go of such formalities and embrace the joy of indulging in simple pleasures."

She takes another hearty spoonful of stew and continues, her voice laced with a hint of nostalgia.

"Growing up, my escapades through the streets of Yggarra-Lise often led me to humble inns like this. It was here that I discovered the authentic tastes of our city, shared laughter with the locals, and felt the freedom to be myself without the weight of royalty. These moments remind me of the genuine connections and the sheer bliss of savoring life's little pleasures."

Ater listens intently, his gaze fixed on Sylsie. He finds himself mesmerized not only by her words but by the genuine joy emanating from her as she relishes the simple feast before them. In that moment, he realizes that the true essence of Yggarra-Lise lies not in the grandeur of its palace, but in the authenticity and warmth of its people, including the princess who wears her crown with both regality and down-to-earth charm.

They finish their meal, Sylsie much faster than Ater, and head back onto the streets of Yggarra-Lise.

Suddenly, a chill runs down Ater's spine and Sylsie's grabs a hold of Ater's hand tightly before taking off into a sprint. They make their way towards the central plaza, a place where safety and security are expected.

Breathless and with their hearts pounding, they finally reach the central plaza, a spacious and open area filled with lively activity. Sylsie releases Ater's hand and takes a moment to catch her breath, her eyes scanning the surroundings with caution. Ater looks at her, concern etched on his face.

Sylsie takes a deep breath, her voice filled with a mix of urgency and determination.

"I apologize for not telling you sooner. I noticed that we were being followed when we were up on the sentinel tree. It sent shivers down my spine. I knew we had to act quickly and lead them away from any hidden places. That's why I brought us to the central plaza, the most obvious and crowded place in the city. They wouldn't dare follow us here."

Ater's eyes widen in realization as he grasps the gravity of the situation. He scans the plaza, the bustling activity providing a semblance of safety. Yet, a lingering sense of unease tugs at him.

"But who would want to follow us? And why? We've done nothing wrong."

Sylsie's expression darkens briefly, a flicker of worry crossing her features before she regains her composure.

"I'm not entirely sure, Ater. Yggarra-Lise may be a realm of peace, but there are always forces at play. We must remain vigilant but for now, let's stay in the crowd, blend in, and keep an eye out for anything unusual. We can't let them catch us."

Ater nods in agreement, but a horrible knot builds in his stomach.