
Chapter 313

"Just a minute " Kent replied back

"Mr. Lee the mansion seems a little too quiet than usual" Aliesha said

"Wow, you know his name? What's mine and theirs?" He said pointing to himself and the two men sitting beside him.

"You are Adams, he is Strings and that's Jonathan, Joey for short " Aliesha replied. Of course she knew their names.

"Wow, that's really true, '' Adams said, sounding very impressed. This was a part of him that made him a disappointment to his friends. Something very little could impress him.

They felt bad also.Kent could tell that no one was home.But why was no one home? He couldn't figure out anything. They rarely leave the mansion empty without a servant to take care of it.

Grandpa never left the field immediately after Lily and Sammy left.He took some time out searching for his car which also help ease him off his so called anger.They both got mad at themselves.Going along with Sammy and Sam without telling himvwhere they were off to was what got him angry even though he could locate them. There was nothing that could escape his eyes, he virtually knew everything but plays dumb to them. Just like now he also knows what had happened to his vehicle. It was just that the old man had too much, so he barely cared about things getting stolen or missing.

"If I was a human..without any powers to locate them..Is this how I would've suffered? My wife would go out of my reach and I wouldn't know where she was headed?" He thought within him. It seems he was really very angry, but what was the need? He knew where she was going anyways, so what the hell was he angry about?

While turning back to leave, he saw Grandpa heading to the mansion from an opposite direction.

This has become more complicated than it was.Kent never expected that the first person he gets to see would be the old man. What he was longing for was a warm welcome from his grandmother with a warm hug as usual. But now he had to deal with the old man. Kent didn't know this neither did the old man, if there was someone who takes after the old man in looks, attitude, aura and pride, it was no other person than Kent himself. The sooner he accepts this fact the better it would be and the friendlier the world would become.

"What a pleasant surprise,See who is here, Kent.."Grandpa said with his arms wide open to welcome him with a hug. Kent was more than dumbfounded, he was thunderstruck. This was the exact opposite of what he had imagined. He wanted such a welcome from his lovely, nice grandmother and not the cold old man. Whose hug was as cold as ice, it seems the hug had been placed in a freezer for weeks and now it was offered to him raw.

"This is indeed a great surprise you never informed me nor your grandma that you will be coming over,We would've made preparations" grandpa said while patting his back looking amazed. If he didn't know the old man as much as he did, he would have believed this welcome scene, but gosh.. when the old man is being this nice, then its nothing but horror. 


"Common..let's go in." The Old man said jacking him in with a tight grip. It was as if he felt his grandson could escape any moment and he didn't want that. 

"Oh..Kent..it seems you came in with my vehicle."Grandpa pointed to the car which was approaching the mansion. His friends had gotten so bored so they had to come inside so as to keep him company but they were still miles away, the main door entrance was already open. The old man had opened it himself from outside. This showed that the old man himself hadn't been a home. 

" How did it get here? I have been searching for it because I couldn't find it where Sammy parked it. Your grandma had ordered Sam to go get it but then he noticed that it wasn't there" grandpa asked looking so surprised. The most unique tactic of war is a 'surprise attack' on your enemies and this was the strategy he was using.

"Is that so? I had come across it so I took it in" Kent replied, it seems he wasn't as cold as he expected himself to be around the old man.


"Yeah.. I didn't ship kime over and I couldn't wait because I was on urgent work. And your car needed a few touches so I got a mechanic to make it work for me on time. And I know you wouldn't notice if it's ever gets missing so it seems i calculated right."Kent explained, he hadn't done anything wrong, he knew the old man very well, he was carefree about almost everything.

"Oh that is OK that is ok.So tell me..why didn't you inform us about your coming?" Now the old man had forced him to stand within the entrance for questioning. There weren't at the main entrance actually, the were in the second entrance which leads inside the mansion. Looking around, Kent kind of felt empty, since he came he hadn't seen his brother and grandmother. This wasn't like them at all, Sammy would have come running to him at full speed just at the sound of his voice and his grandmother would do the same thing as well. He couldn't help but look at the quiet looking mansion. It was already weird enough that it looked deserted.

"Well, I never knew I would be in town today so I didn't bother telling anyone about it." He answered plainly 

"Really?what brought you to town then?" The old man said, looking at with curious eyes. You could tell at a look that the old man was interested in whatever he was about to say now.

"Urgent business " he replied, he wasn't going to jump to that so soon "Seeing you open the door with a key from outside has made me figure out something.."

"And what's that?"

"It has made me figure out that Sammy granny and Sam are not home where have they gone? Did you lay everybody off?" Kent asked this question looking so surprised because he very well knew that his grandmother barely kept the key to the mansion.

Such occurs if and only if granny is not around and by this time of the evening granny ought to be home but no one was home except the old man.He couldn't provide answers to all these questions which became very serious that he couldn't hold it but ask. It made things more creepy.

" Well.. get in fully and do have a seat, I will explain everything to you. I am just reaching home now and your grandma Sammy and Sam has gone out."Grandpa said making a hand movement this was more like 'make yourself at home. As he leads him into the mansion. Kent getting to this point could tell there was a unique different and a pleasant scent of flowers he was perceiving it.

Opening the door, grandpa and Kent were surprised at what they saw. Grandma had made preparation for Kent's arrival. This was something she never discussed with Old man but as usual he knew about it. Even the day she had left the mansion, he was aware of everything including her movements. She was a ye only one who didn't know this. After all it was his mansion, nothing could happen in it without him knowing about it.

It was indeed surprising.Kent knew he never said a word to them about his arrival yet everywhere was well decorated with dishes prepared and arranged on the dining table and everything done appropriately all for Kent. Unknowingly to Kent, his grandmother had kept this strict instructions before leaving. She had instructed that a good and nutrious meals should be cooked every day.

They got in, Everywhere looked so quiet there was no one behind the door to give him a welcome greeting this got Kent surprised.He intended to surprise them but got surprised instead.He knew his grandma, she was always the first welcoming figure he would see. And she would bring in a present as well. She will definitely come to say hi even by hearing the door open. He suddenly felt sad and also at lost.

"Well why not get in you just got back get some shower and eat something

I am sure you must be very hungry by now. Please eat something from the dishes prepared on the table." The old man said politely pointing to the dinning table filled with dishes. Kent couldn't believe what his eyes was presenting to him. His grandfather could never be this nice, never. There must be something off his sleeves for sure.

Grandpa was not surprised his wife Lily never said a word to him about the preparation.But as always men finds it difficult to understand the heart and intention of a woman"Could it be that she wanted to throw him a surprise party?"He asked while heading to close the door

"Who are those in the vehicle?You came along with your friends?" the old man asked, he recalled the young men he had seen through his split vision. The car's window is tinted, you could never see what is inside except if you are to use another method like one's powers.

" Let them come over," Grandpa said with a smile "It would be rude having to leave them outside" he continued 

"Those men are Adams, Strings ,Lee and Joey." He replied

"How young ones grow this days" he said nodding his head on an opposite direction like he was disappointed

(Speechless) "What was that for?"

"You all are very weak and hungry. I could sense it all over you. Call those little boys in"

"It would be surprising if you have nothing to do with it" Kent said with disdain 

(Laughs) The old.man wasn't in the mood to battle words with Kent, deep down he had his own plans, there was still a lot he was yet to settle with his eldest grandson" I guess this preparation will favour them as well, there's quiet a lot on the table. Bring them over.

It will be just the six of us tonight having dinner I guess."Granpa said with a faint smile on his face.

Kent immediately created a mind link with all of them "Come into the mansion, the old man is here. Hurry up," he said and immediately cut the link.

Inviting them over..they were pleased.Adams and Lee kept smiling while Joey and Strings kept a cold look on.For the first time …They got to meet Kent's Grandpa as adult men.They last time they had gotten to see the old man in the human age you could say they were about 10 years old then, but that's over centuries. So they were pleased. Getting into the mansion, they greeted the old man as courtesy and respect demands.

Reaching the mansion..they noticed preparation was made but were surprised to see Grandpa alone.

They all wondered what the preparation was all about and decided to wait for Lilly to return back home knowing that no one makes preparation for no reason.Neither will she stay out and not return.They waited so long for them to return but saw no sign of their arrival. The Old man would have politely explained the fact that she had travelled and wouldn't be coming anytime soon.

This preparation was only known to Grandma and Sam. It seemed like she totally forgot that she had a preparation done for Kent's arrival because of Recca's condition which was why she never remembered to tell them about the preparation. Lily was someone who is always prepared, to avoid mistakes she would give instructions immediately to avoid errors.

The men were already starving, so the old man's invite to the dining table was like inviting a dog to eat bones. They had no choice than to accept the offer with gladness. They immediately made themselves comfortable, the rule of respect was that the eldest person who is the head of the house eats first before the younger ones would. So seeing the old man sip his hot soup, they served themselves properly. Thought they were terribly hungry, they didn't allow that to affect their manners and eating etiquettes.

 It was too bad that they weren't around to bring the surprise to their faces because of Recca's condition which they ought to treat with urgency.

"I wonder why your grandma never said a word to me about this.She ensured that the preparation was greatly done but never said the word to me about it. Was she expecting anyone? " He said as he countinued to sip his soup slowly.


"She left the training grounds angrily taking Sammy along and still not saying a word to me about where they were going to" he said with a sigh

"You must have done something very extreme, we all know how calm and nice she is. She wouldn't get angry until you did the extreme " Kent said glaring at him, if Lily was there at that point she would have been oroiyd of him and his cuteness.

Who would believe that? Everyone knows who the old man is.

After they were done eating, finally some maids could be scene. It means there were more lives in the mansion. After they were done clearing, it was time to give the old man and Kent some privacy. Kent friends sat in the sitting room leaving Kent and his grandfather as he walked up the stairs. No need to be told, sure Enough they were heading to the study to talk business and serious matters as expected.

"Well..I and Sammy were in the training field when your grandmother and Sam came in"

"Ok, what then happened then?"

"Well..it seemed she came with an urgency but never told me what it was. She requested to see Sammy for an urgent work which is why she went out with Sammy and Sam but before that we got into an argument. (Pauses and sighs like a depressed husband) "I asked her what the urgency was all about that she couldn't call to let me know.I never knew she was there for Sammy but jokingly spoke out. She then told me how long she had been trying my line complaining that i haven't been picking up. That was how we got into an argument which made she her leave with Sammy in anger without saying a word to me which got me mad at her too while she left. My wife, left me without remorse"Grandpa explained sounding depressed

(Speechless) "What are you really angry about? That she left without telling you her whereabouts or the fact that she left you behind?" He asked

"Why would I be angry over little things?"

(Shocked) "Then what were you angry about?"

"I am angry with the fact that I wouldn't be able to cuddle her in my arms as I fall asleep "


"My wife is very important to me, so I have decided to go and meet her wherever she is so I can cuddle her in my arms"

(Speechless) "Then if you knew such a way why the hell were you angry?" Kent said coldly. WTF! The old man was rubbing sh*t on his face and here he was happily taking it.