Power-hungry MC? Check! Evil MC? Check! Pervert MC? Check! Harem? Check! What? You are still here? Go read the damn story! ************************** This is my first time writing a story. Also English is not my first language. As for grammar? What's that? Is it eatable?
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late chappy, I was really busy with IRL things.
It's 7:30 pm and both Tsunade and Shizune had gone out to have dinner. I was not in the mood to eat Japanese food, so I stayed at the inn, and since I stayed, Belfast also stayed with me. In the past few hours, I started to get to Know Belfast, while watching Tsunade teach Shizune about medical ninjutsu. Now that Tsunade and Shizune have gone out, I am finally alone with Belfast.
I looked at Belfast who was sitting next to me, seemed like she wanted to say something, so I asked her, "Something bothering you?"
Belfast shook her head and asked with a concerned face, "Master, will you not be having dinner tonight?"
"Is that what is troubling you?" I asked her.
Belfast nodded her head.
"Don't worry, I was about to make dinner," I told Belfast.
Belfast shook her head and said, "As your maid, it is my job to cook and clean for you."
"And how will you cook without any ingredients?" I asked her with a teasing look.
Belfast became stunned.
"Don't worry, just tell me what you want to eat?" I asked her.
"I will have whatever you will," Belfast replied.
"Have you ever eaten a burger?" I asked her.
Belfast shook her head, "No, I haven't had junk food at all."
(A/N: heresy detected!)
"What! You have never eaten junk food before? We have to fix this right away." I said to Belfast.
I used Creation and created a plate of avocado guacamole fries and two glasses full of coke.
(A/N: I love avocado guacamole fries, but McDonald's stopped making them. Icry.)
I created two kitchen forks and handed one to Belfast and said, "This is avocado guacamole fries and these drinks are coke. Try it, you are going to love it."
As Belfast took her first bite of avocado guacamole fries, I could her eyes lit up in delight. Finishing her first bite, Belfast quickly went for her second and third. I too joined her in eating our dinner. After finishing avocado guacamole fries, I made more snacks for us to eat.
Quickly time passed by and it was 9:40 pm when a slightly drunk Tsunade and Shizune came back.
(A/N: Almost forgot about Tsunade and Shizune, lamo.)
After Tsunade and Shizune came back, we all decided to go to sleep. Tsunade and Shizune shared the bed I 'woke' upon, on the other hand, I used Creation to create a large king-sized bed for me and Belfast in the room I summoned Belfast. Walking up to the bed, I dispersed my clothes and stood naked as the day I was born. I looked at Belfast who was looking at me with a slight blush and asked, "Will you sleep in your maid clothes?".
Belfast thought for a few seconds and then used some magic spell that removed all her clothes. I was dazed when I saw Belfast naked. She had beautiful jade-like skin, big boobs with pink nipples that made me want to suck it. Her plump ass made my hands itch with a desire of wanting to grope it. Her long legs and thick thighs made me want to do unspeakable things to them.
(A/N: Jade-chan Supremacy.)
All in all, she was very hot, sexy, and beautiful.