
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · อื่นๆ
40 Chs

Crazy Show 3rd edition

???: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 3rd edition of the CRAZY SHOW. I'm Zack, your host tonight. Tonight, we have a special guest. He's chasing omnipotence for a while now and desire to become an infinite dimensional being. He started as a lowly human without much talent and is now own of the most powerful being of the omniverse, I named ZEN BUU.

***************************LOUD APPLAUSE******************************

Zen Buu: Hi.

Zack: Mister, you don't seem moved by our reception.

Zen Buu: Indeed. I have already been at so many parties that I became numb to all this setting. Do call me Buu.

Zack: Sure. So you were invited tonight to answer some question about the biography you provided us. Is it alright?

Zen Buu: Go on.

Zack: First question. Did you have family in your first life?

Zen Buu: Yes, three older siblings plus my parents. But we weren't so close of each other due to my sociopath tendencies. Nevertheless, once I acquired the powers to go back to my world I explained to them what happened without lingering on my less than moral acts. I then proceeded to grant all their wishes for eons until they got bored of living.

Zack: Surprising. All staff members bet that you would just ignore them. No offense.

Zen Buu: None taken.

Zack: Anyway, next question. How do you feel about getting suddenly ROBbed?

Zen Buu: At the beginning, I was angered and shocked. Progressively, I accepted it. Soon after, I became glad of having this chance.

Zack: No surprise there. After your rebirth, you assumed you were on Earth? On what basis did you make this assumption?

Zen Buu: I knew I was in the world of Dragon Ball or at least hoped thanks to ROB message. Then, my parents and I were humanoid infinitely close to humans. It was less an assumption and more a prayer.

Zack: After ten years of learning, you managed to hide yourself from divination and shield your mind. Did you have any particular talent in those fields?

Zen Buu: None. I knew that for any of my plans to work I have to hide my thoughts and intentions from others less I be labeled as a villain and dealt with. So I focused my efforts on mastering this two fields. It was difficult as I had to avoid my master curiosity and act like I was expected to.

Zack: Enlightening. What was the relation between your master and the old Kami?

Zen Buu: After some screening, I found out they were both from an order appointed by Shin to safeguard Earth and prevent Buu cocoon from being found. The Guardians were appointed to choose worthy beings and make them protectors of the planet. They were assisted by Mr Popo in this endeavour. The Fortune Tellers were granted the authority to call upon deceased heroes if the situation became too dire as well as magic from gods.Unfortunately, after many generations and due to many accidents like aliens invasions, the information was distorted so much that the later generation of Guardian and Fortune Teller didn't know anymore about their original role. Also they were old friends.

Zack: So the Kaioshin didn't just let Buu without monitoring. That would also explain why Earth was so different from others planets. So where does Mr Popo come from?

Zen Buu: He is the only one of his specie at least was until I created more given the extent which they are useful. He was created by Shin to assist the Earth Guardians in their duty. He was then linked to the lookout and became a sort of spirit of the lookout. He was forbidden to fight besides during training and had to obey every orders the Earth Guardians.

Zack: Informational. During all your story, you seem to avoid any life-threatening situation even if it means undermining others for one less chance of dying. This could seems stupid as a question, but why were you doing that?

Zen Buu: Even if I was reincarnated in the world of Dragon Ball, I didn't knew if I would go to the Other World once I died, if I would conserve my body, if I could be resurrected, if it would be me resurrected. Due to all these unknowns, I decided to not try to know. Others could always be resurrected, anyways.

Zack: I see. When you made yourself younger, how did your family react?

Zen Buu: I said to them that during my adventures I met a strange insect and was knocked out by it. When I woke up I was younger. They were jealous but ignored it soon enough.

Zack: It's said here that around the time canon came, you stopped your playboy tendencies. Was there a special reason for that?

Zen Buu: Nothing special. I just got bored of that life after 300 years of debauchery. But I regained my interest some decades later.

Zack: When you noticed that you were in the wrong timeline, why not go to New Namek and use their Dragon Balls to wish back the Z warriors or tell them about the telecommander and Cell? You could have used Instant Transmission to locate New Namek.

Zen Buu: Don't get me wrong. My goal wasn't to save the world. My only objective was to achieve omnipotence an following canon was a great part of my plans. I needed Bulma to send Trunks to the past and him to take me along. For that it was necessary for the Z warriors to die and the androids to go on rampage.

Zack: Talking about Bulma, you abandoned her when she was pregnant to go to the canon timeline. Wasn't there any feelings between you? Didn't you regret it?

Zen Buu: I wouldn't go so far as to say that she was the love of my life but she was the first girl I stayed with for so long. I was bound to develop some feelings for her. Unfortunately, she was less important than my goal. Once, I achieved omnipotence in the Dragon Ball world, I went back to her and told her all the truth. I proposed her to come with alongside our little girl and stay with me forever. Obviously, she refused and hated me. She was too kind to accept someone like me. As a goodbye gift, I gave her the Dragon Balls that I tweaked a little to only obey her. I also get rid of all future threat to them like Buu, the God of Destruction, the Angels, Zeno the others Universes,... She wished back Trunks as well as all those killed by the Androids. Goku was back as healthy as ever and she lived a good life for some decades with her friends and her two children before passing away. When she died, I went to our child and asked her if he would like to come with me. Unfortunately, her education didn't allow her to be with someone as 'evil' as me so she refused and stayed with her family.

Zack: My respect. If Bulma got this treatment, I suppose that 18 wasn't ignored either.

Zen Buu: Indeed. She is my only lover to stay to this day. When I went to tell her the truth she was angered not because of my true nature but because I lied to her all those years. She wasn't as lawful as Bulma to begin. Seeing that I still had a chance, I stayed there and begged for her forgiveness. After some years and thanks to our son, she forgave me after making me swear to not lie to her anymore. She accepted to travel with me alongside our son. We often came back to this timeline to see her brother, her nephews and her friends. I can say that she's the love of my life.

Zack: I didn't expect this, but in hindsight, it's logical. You made an allusion to one person you would have killed if Mirai Trunks of the original timeline had recognized you. Can you clarify?

Zen Buu: Sure, if he had recognized me it would have meant that a copy of me existed in his timeline. I would have had to kill him as he would have been the greatest threat to me. He could have even come along and ruined my lifelong plannings.

Zack: What was your reactions meeting canon Bulma after having abandoned her older counterpart with a child?

Zen Buu: No reaction. I knew they weren't the same. They had different lives and different behaviors. They are different from each other.

Zack: At the end of Buu saga, you didn't know if it would be GT or Super, and you didn't have any means to change the outcome. What would you have done if it was GT afterwards?

Zen Buu: After Kid Buu death I decided to wait four years and if Beerus didn't come, I would have gathered the Namekian Dragon Ball and wished to become of the same specie as Buu. If it didn't work out I would then use my backup plans. From Doctor Gero research on Cell and my own research, I had managed to create the embryo of a Bio-Android (like Cell but human looking). I gathered the Z warriors cells, Freeza, Buu and all species with interesting traits I met along my journey like Yardrats and this embryo was the culmination of my research. I would have wished to change body with the embryo (which isn't a difficult technique as Ginyu could do it), and put it in dimension with accelerated time until its maturity. I would have stayed in the dimension to re-train my techniques and my new body. When I would have reached strenght higher than all I knew (Super Saiyan 3) I would go out, told my wife some part of the truth (I only tell the truth when there's no threat to me) and continued my life hoping to one day find a way to fulfill my dream. Fortunately, it didn't come to that. I destroted the embryo and all traces of my researches and followed my plan A.

Zack: Indeed, you had prepared for the eventuality. I didn't expect anything less of you. We came to the end of your story. Now some little questions to finish this show. Is there somewhere where the movies events happen? Does the Legendary Super Saiyan and what is his level of power? What about the S-cells?

Zen Buu: All movies events happened in parallel to canon. Others timeline where there was some twist changing some things. About, Broly yes he exist. The Legendary Super Saiyan is a special Saiyan with demonic Ki inside him pretty much like Buu. It's the opposite of divine Ki. So with this demonic KI, the Saiyan could reach height equal to someone with divine Ki if his body can handle it as it is very chaotic. It's even easier to use than God Ki but many times more dangerous. With this explanation, you understand that the Legendary Super Saiyan is just a particulary gifted Saiyan having access to a higher kind of energy since his birth. Unfortunately, it tends to mess with their undeveloped brain and their instincts. Any Saiyan could reach the Legendary Super Saiyan state if he learn to haness th demonic Ki same as each saiyan could become a Super Saiyan God. Now the Broly movie where he beats Goku and Vegeta in their God transformation and kept getting stronger didn't (couldn't have) happen(ned). He would have long exploded before reaching such a level as his body wasn't used to such a power. With more training and a progressive release of his power,he could reach the level in the movie. Now about the S-cells, I never met something like that in my travel. It could have been a delusions of Universe 6 saiyans or Akira Toriyama trolling everyone. Now they had the required level to reach Super Saiyan but they needed a trigger. Their subsequent transformations are less logical for example. For Kale, it's the same problem, she should have exploded before reaching the level she reached.

Zack: Thanks. Last question. When you reach omnipotence, can you create something you can't destroy? In either, would you be omnipotent then?

Zen Buu: Sure. I could create something I wouldn't have been able to destroy at the instant I created it but besides that I could destroy it without much effort.

Zack: Anyway, thanks everyone for following us tonight and see you next time for a new edition of teh Crazy Show.

Here some of my theories about Dragon Ball.

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