
Seized by the System

Procrastinator extraordinaire, Fang Ning, had lost his consciousness after banging his head on a night of celebration. He woke up to a realization that he no longer had control of his body, as a System had taken it over. Will he eventually regain control of his body or will he be trapped in his body forever? How does he maneuver this situation? What's in store for Fang Ning?

Mu Heng · ไซไฟ
1166 Chs

Shadow King

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

In a small town in the southeast of China, the town was doing propaganda work, mobilizing everyone to the Land of Heritage to seek refuge.

"Everyone, listen up. These are the instructions from above. If you enter the arcane realm, your safety is guaranteed; if you remain outside, nobody will take care of you... If you enter the arcane realm, you'll have a job; if you stay outside, you'll lose your job," the mobile propaganda car went back and forth on a short main street of the town.

There was a coal mine nearby. Owing to the exhaustion of the coal mine and the collapse of the ground, most of the people had moved to a housing estate in the town where the development was concentrated. They had abandoned their farming work and changed to other occupations such as opening restaurants and involving in logistics, while young people went to school and worked part-time outside the town, etc...