
Seer: King of the Wasteland

XueKun_Yu · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Denmark will definitely tie!

Yang Shuang rode an electric bicycle through the streets and alleys, and the order notifications kept ringing in his ears.

Three years ago, he was a young man full of dreams, joining the hot B-circle, hoping to get rich overnight.

The world is ruthless. After a 100 times leverage stud, Yang Shuang was saddled with millions of debts.

"If you keep sending it like this, I won't be able to pay off my debt even if I keep this little battery bike smoking." Yang Shuang was secretly unhappy. Due to the helplessness of life, he could only make a living by delivering food.

Riding a battery-powered bicycle at crazy speeds on the street, who wants to do that? Suddenly, the scene in front of him began to blur, and his head became violently dizzy. Yang Shuang wanted to hold the handlebars steady, but felt that his body was not in control, and he fell heavily to the side of the road.

The moment he fell, the world seemed to have stopped, and Yang Shuang's consciousness was pulled into a strange space.

He saw some images, flashing past him like slides:

30 seconds later, a pedestrian passed by him;

8 minutes later, a red car had a slight collision at the intersection;

Everything was so real, like watching a movie, playing in front of him.

Yang Shuang struggled to stand up, and the images he had just seen were still echoing in his mind. He felt a splitting headache, but the feeling of foreseeing the future was too real, so he had to verify it.

He held the battery car, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down. A few seconds later, a pedestrian really passed by him, just as he saw. Yang Shuang's heartbeat accelerated. Could he really foresee the future?

Not long after, Yang Shuang rode the battery car to an intersection, and he stopped to observe the surroundings. About eight minutes later, a red car had a slight collision with another car at the intersection. The drivers got off the car to negotiate, and the scene was chaotic and real.

Yang Shuang's heart beat violently, and his predictions were fulfilled one by one!

This ability is a godsend for a debt-ridden deliveryman like him.

He quickly returned home, constantly thinking about how to use this ability to change his destiny.

There is a European Cup tomorrow!

Denmark vs. England, Spain vs. Italy, Slovakia vs. Ukraine. Yang Shuang secretly thought about it. He closed his eyes again and wanted to see the result of the game that did not happen. He focused on the game between Denmark and England, trying to capture the key scene.

Suddenly, his consciousness was pulled into that strange space again. He saw an intense game where every move on the pitch and every goal was clearly visible. The match between Denmark and England was extremely fierce, and the final score was fixed at 1-1, and the two sides shook hands and settled for a draw.

He then turned to Spain's match against Italy. With a clever combination, Spain scored a goal in the second half of the game and finally defeated Italy 1-0. In the match between Slovakia and Ukraine, Ukraine won 2-1.

The picture gradually disappeared and Yang Shuang opened his eyes, his heart filled with excitement and tension.

He knew that if all these predictions came true, he would be able to become rich overnight and completely change his destiny.

Yang Shuang immediately turned on his mobile phone. If he didn't borrow money at this time, when would he wait for a certain treasure, a certain time, and a certain thing? For a gambling dog who already owed a huge debt, this was a familiar journey. Yang Shuang quickly masturbated on these platforms. I bought more than 200,000 yuan, and hurriedly raised another 50,000 yuan with my friends.

With the money, Yang Shuang hurried to the betting point. 3 strings of 1, boss helps me get 250,000!

The owner of the betting station was shocked. He looked up at Yang Shuang, as if to confirm whether he was really determined to bet such a large sum of money. "Are you sure you want to fight so much?"

Yang Shuang nodded, his eyes firm and calm. "That's right, just fight as I say."

The boss shrugged and started processing bets for Yang Shuang.

"Okay, good luck."

The boss said: 'Brother, Denmark versus England are sure to be 1-1.'

Yang Shuang saw the score from his awakening ability, and Denmark and England were locked at 1-1.

He firmly said to his boss again: "Denmark will definitely draw! Let's play like this." This was a big gamble, and Yang Shuangli knew it. But he knew that his ability to predict would not go wrong, and this ability would be the key to his turnaround. He held the betting slip tightly, as if holding the key to changing his destiny.

Back home, Yang Shuang couldn't wait to turn on the TV and wait for the game to start. Every second tested his patience and faith. The match between Denmark and England started first, with both sides going back and forth, and the scene was very tense.

In the last minute of the game, the score was still 1-1. Yang Shuang's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, almost jumping out of his chest. Finally, the whistle sounded and the game ended 1-1. Yang Shuang breathed a long sigh of relief and showed a victorious smile.

Next up is the game between Spain and Italy.

Spain scored a goal in the second half with a clever combination and finally won a narrow victory over Italy 1-0. Yang Shuang's prediction came true again.

The last game was between Slovakia and Ukraine. Ukraine performed well in the game and defeated Slovakia 2-1. When the result was announced, Yang Shuang felt a strong sense of joy and knew that he had won.

Yang Shuang's mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he was so excited that he almost jumped up. His predictions came true one by one, and every minute of the game was exactly in line with his predictions. This huge sum of money can not only pay off all his debts, but also allow him to start a new life.

He held the betting slip tightly, with a firm light in his eyes. "This is just the beginning." Yang Shuang murmured to himself, and a raging fighting spirit ignited in his chest.

Back in the small rental house, Yang Shuang felt an unprecedented sense of relief and joy. He finally got rid of the shadow of debt, and the future was full of infinite possibilities. To celebrate his victory, Yang Shuang decided to reward himself.

He walked around the room, excitedly thinking about the next plan.

He knew that with this ability to predict the future, he could succeed in more areas. He planned to save some of the money first for a rainy day. Then, he would invest in some safe projects to ensure that he could continue to make profits.

Yang Shuang took a bottle of beer from the small refrigerator, opened the bottle cap, and drank a big sip.

"Cheers!" He shouted to the empty room, raising the bottle to celebrate his victory. Although he was alone, the joy was indescribable. He finally saw hope and the opportunity to change his destiny!