
Dorm mates

Turns out, Orochi is a female snake and a young one too. I had contacted Morgan about my stowaways and she wasted no time getting them what they would need to survive in my dorm. She appeared around an hour or so after I had called her, hands full and barely making it through my door without falling. She was kind enough to buy a suitable enclosure for my cold-blooded friend and instructed me on all the ins and outs of keeping a snake. Lucky for me, Orochi is one of those snakes that don't require much care and don't need to eat rodents. I just need to make sure her home is the right temperature for her and keep it clean at all times and she'll be a happy snake. Kurama for his part was happy to finally get his bed back and has not left it since I had put it in his designated corner. He has his food bowl and water bowl and some of his toys scattered. Just to annoy him, I put a party hat on his head and watch him attempt to get it off. Naturally, he fails and gives up some time later. Surprisingly he doesn't throw a fit and start screaming at the top of his lungs. Let just hope neither Kurama nor Orochi escapes my room when I'm not around because that would be a hassle.

Morgan left as soon as she helped me set up Orochi's home and I learned she had something important to take care of when she rushed off. Always the busy person, Morgan. Oh well. After seeing her off I find one of my hidden juice boxes in the fridge down in the common room and enjoy the beverage as I look around. It looks just like the anime, that's for sure. You can really tell that UA has tons of money to spend by how amazing their student housings are. My former dorm building could never even compare to this right here and I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay greatly.

I'm not by my lonesome for long as a familiar person rounds the corner just as I decide to leave. I'm met with a vacant stare for a moment before I'm offered a greeting in a simple wave of the hand. Dark green hair, vacant stare, oddly wide mouth, and slightly bigger hands.

Huh, I'm standing in front of Asui Tsuyu and she's incredibly adorable.

"Hello" She finally speaks and it's in that almost broken and sporadic manner that I'm familiar with. A voice like that shouldn't be as appealing as it is, but it has always been adorable. Perhaps it's because it's Tsuyu's voice. It would make sense, wouldn't it?

"Hey" don't be awkward, Zena, this is perfectly fine, you can interact like a normal person.

Well, I sure hope I can as I haven't attempted to actually befriend someone since Eijiro. Hell, it took me an embarrassingly long time to finally interact with my classmates, and even then it was barely worth anything. I hardly talked to them safe for when they had some concerns on certain topics or when I was partnered with someone.

Funnily enough, my social ineptitude was mistaken for aloofness and indifference, which was attractive to most, because, for some reason, a good number of students had crushes on me.

I was basically the Sasuke of the class and that was an odd experience. Never had I been the attention of anyone in that manner so it was something to get used to.

"I'm Asui Tsuyu" She introduces with a smile.

Aaaah, okay.

"Fox Zena" I still do not like introducing myself in that manner. It has always been Zena Fox, which sounds incredibly better than Fox Zena. But it is common to introduce oneself by family name first, or even just the family name so I have to deal with it.

"Fox?" She does this thing where she places her finger on her chin when she's thoughtful.

"You can call me Kitsune" I've come to understand that people simply do not like saying my name as it is as the Japanese pronunciation of it can be quite the hassle. And I've gotten so used to Kitsune that it might as well be my actual name at this point.

"I think I will" as expected, she seems more at ease with the alternate name. And I'm sure she would have started calling me that eventually as people naturally do when around me. Even my teachers had started calling me Kitsune.

There's silence for a moment as Tsuyu does whatever it is she came down here to do. Turns out she's down here for the same reason as me, as she looks through the fridge and comes out with a small container of jello. Oh yeah, she likes jello. So she's the one who has a dozen of the stuff put away in the fridge. I wonder if we should start labeling our stuff. I've lived in a dorm long enough to know that any food in the fridge will naturally be consumed by anyone who's in the mood. Even with labels.

"May I ask a question?" Tsuyu is standing right next to me and for some reason, I had not noticed her there. Actually, I haven't even been paying attention to her thoughts and when I do, I realize why she was so easy to ignore. I'd like to think that most people have an inner voice, that little voice that you hear in your mind when you're reading or simply thinking. Some people don't have this, which makes it easier to ignore their thoughts, as well - they have no voice. But, Tsuyu does have a voice, it's just oddly quiet? It's calm and somewhat laid back, like her I suppose.

She had a question?

I can only nod for her to continue as I'm still focused on her mind, and quickly enjoying her calmness.

"I've been told I need to get my student pass, but I'm not sure where I need to go or how I need to sort this out, kero"

Ah, kero, I've been waiting to hear her little sound.

I can fangirl over her at a later time, right now she needs my help.

"Oh yeah, that's a bit confusing" Mina had the same problem just a few hours ago and the only reason I know the procedure is because Israel had carefully instructed me on how to take care of it. He did all that, just to sort it out himself and save me from the trouble. "There's this faculty member by the name of Hoji, and they're th-"

I suddenly lose everything I was about to say, which is annoying. I sigh, greatly disappointed in myself. To be fair, I don't know much about this person since Israel took care of the whole student pass situation for me.

"Sorry, just, I can bring you there?" I offer and I'm not confident in my ability to give her directions when I'm barely able to get around as is.

She agrees, thankfully.

"Do I need to bring anything?"

"Oh no, they have everything already, I've been told" It explains why they needed all that information we gave them as well as a picture.

I've never been to this faculty member or their supposed office, but I had followed Israel around the school yesterday and got a layout of the place. I even located the famous class 1A as I was not about to end up like Izuku and lose my way. So while I'm not confident in my ability to give directions, I'm competent enough to properly lead Tsuyu to the office I was told about and am quite proud of myself for this achievement.

Office number three is the name Israel had given me and here I stand before a massive door with office number three written on it. You'd expect the office to have a special name or perhaps the name of the user, but that'll do, I suppose.

"This is it"

"The doors here are incredibly big"Tsuyu notes as she looks up and compared to the door, she's tiny. I wonder if she's shorter than Alissa. They can be short together.

"Well, there are some people who are massive in size" I shrug, thinking of the dupliarms kid and Cementos and All Might and all the other massive men I know of.

Tsuyu makes that sound again as she knocks on the door and I'll take it as an agreement to my statement. Soon enough we're permitted to enter and finally meet this faculty member who turns out to be someone I've never seen before. Welp, not too surprised since I hadn't recognized the name to begin with.

The most notable thing about Hoji is his chosen attire, which is simply a hoodie and jeans. See, you can never go wrong with a hoodie and jeans and this man understands that, I'm sure. He smiles when we enter, leaning against his desk and looking through some documents absently. His hair is white with streaks of blue in it and I quite like it. He hasn't put effort into it at all as it's a mess atop his head, pointing in every which way. He doesn't care or doesn't know, either way, this guy is dressed in jeans and a hoodie, has cool yet messy hair, and a nice smile.

I like mister Hoji.

"Let's see, you're Asui and Fox" He hums and places the documents on the desk, though he holds something familiar between his fingers. "Fox, you already have your pass, no?"

"Yes sir, I do"

"And you need yours," He says as he hands Tsuyu her student pass, the thing he had between his fingers. Our student passes aren't what I had expected them to he and Tsuyu is just as surprised it seems. She's handed a small rectangle device that looks like typical glass. I was confused at first too, but it works a bit like that little device Alissa had shown me once. You simply press your thumb on it and it comes to life, in this case, it displays a picture of the student who owns it and a list of their information. Fun thing about it is that it only activates for the student who owns it so no one else can gain access to their information. It also has our schedule and classes on it, so that's a plus.

"Make sure to have your pass on you at all times as it is the only way you can get in and out of the school" Mr. Hoji explains. His voice is almost chipper when he speaks and light too. Must be a fun guy. I wonder if he's a teacher or if he has other tasks. "It is also the only way you can gain access to certain things on the school, but you'll discover them as time goes"

Same thing Israel said to me.

Our time with him doesn't last long because he ushers us out after receiving a polite "thank you" from Tsuyu, who is still inspecting her card.

"A weird device" She concludes after her inspection and watches as the information on the screen fades away and she begins to see straight through it once more.

Weird but just as fascinating.

"Thanks for the help"

"No problem"



I've barely stepped foot into our dorm building and this is what I hear. I'm not sure how to feel about that familiar shout so I simply try to locate the offending blonde who has surely alerted everyone to his presence. I knew he was loud, but it's truly something else to actually hear him. I'm not sure where he is but I'm certain he's not on this floor. Next to me, Tsuyu glances up as well, her expression hard to read. She's curious, I feel it more than see it, but as curious as she is she dismisses it a moment later and heads for the kitchen, likely craving some more jello.

While I'm debating further investigation, Izuku appears around the corner, having traversed the stairs to get here. His hair is a mess of curls and he's dressed in his signature shirt. I gotta ask him where he got that because I would like a blue shirt that literally has "blue shirt" written onto it.

Izuku is completely unbothered by Katsuki's shout and simply locates the TV remote and sinks into a sofa with a pack of chips. He offers me a wave of greeting as well as some chips and having nothing better to do, I join him.

"Guess we both made it," he says absently, most of his focus on the news. Apparently, All Might has done it again. "Looking forward to working with you some more"

I'm pretty sure he's looking forward to seeing me use my quirks more.

No matter, it would be fun to have him around and I'm sure his analysis skills would seriously help me out. He's very observant and sure to find countless ways for me to use my quirks.

The news displays the typical villain attack scene and a smiling All Might who answers the many questions thrown his way. I've seen him on tv countless times and have gotten used to his antics at this point.


Again, this time closer and I crane my neck to see the one and only Katsuki Bakugo stomping towards us, his eyes nearly slits as he glares at the green-haired boy who simply ignores him. Either he's too focused on All Might's interview or he doesn't give a shit.

"Don't ignore me, you damn nerd!"

In typical Bakugo mannerisms, he grabs the boy by the collar, holding him up with one hand and in the other mini explosions erupt. I can feel his emotions just rolling off him in waves and have to make a distance the lessen the growing conflict within my own mind. This boy needs to get a grip on his emotions, because if that's what's going on in his head all the time, I understand his violent behavior. He's conflicted, stuck between anger and a sense of betrayal as he cannot understand how someone like Izuku could have made it into the hero course. With flying colors no less.

"How the hell did you pass the exams?" He's not yelling this time, his voice surprisingly calmer now as he glowers at the still unbothered Izuku.

He's not jumpy or panicky around him, not like the boy I've seen in the anime.

Oh, I like this.

"I did say I would make it" Izuku finally speaks with a shrug. "It's not my fault you struggle to comprehend my competence and can't get over whatever issues you have with yourself"


I hope they fight, this Izuku seems like he knows how to handle himself.

At this moment I fully expect Bakugo to blow his top off and murder my eardrum with his shouts, but it doesn't come to that. The two simply have a stare-off, until Bakugo releases Izuku with a scoff and Izuku fixes his roughed-up shirt, though never taking his eyes off Bakugo.

"You better watch what you say, Deku" Bakugo warns through gritted teeth.

"Or what? Gonna kill me?" Izuku taunts in turn. "Try it, I dare you"

Whoa, whoa, whoa


I wanna know what happened to this universe's Izuku. I'm seriously curious right now, what catalyst created this person?

I see Tsuyu watching the confrontation from the safety of the kitchen, all the while eating her jello.

"Pretty brave for a quirkless loser" A condensing scoff and smirk from Bakugo that does little to Izuku's confidence.

Oh man, they might actually fight.

Izuku has some choice words for Bakugo right now, but he does not utter them. He rolls his eyes and drops back onto the sofa, his attention back on the TV and completely ignoring Bakugo now. I'm not sure what just happened and am left to watch the retreating form of Bakugo. The boy walks with his hands in his pants and in that stupid hunched manner.

Is this a truce? Did they realize that fighting would get them in trouble? Was it just not worth it? Are they waiting for the perfect moment? Are they secretly friends?

"Friend of yours?" Being the idiot I am, those are the first words that leave my mouth.

"Something like that" the sarcasm in those words could rival my mother's.

I don't know who this person is, but I'm loving him and can't wait to see what happens when these two get the opportunity to brawl.

Because I'm sure it would be attempted murder on both ends.

I have an Oc I want to add into the mix as well as two or three existing characters I wanna add into 1A. The problem is that I'm not sure if I should replace characters or simply add those I wanna include. If you have any thoughts, feel free to let me know, I would appreciate suggestions

OriosGrafeascreators' thoughts