
A Mysterious Woman

After a long day at university classes, Zain was famished and decided that instead of going directly home that day, he would stop by a nearby restaurant and eat something first. He found a place and ordered some stir fry noodles. But immediately after he ordered, he realized he made a huge mistake because a lot of the other university students were eating there too.

He tried to block out the noise, but many girls kept coming to his table and trying to talk to him. He hated these kinds of girls who always threw themselves at guys. He kept on ignoring them but that behavior only seemed to encourage more girls to take pictures of him "secretly" and approach him. It didn't help that at his university, he was known as the Ice Prince always ignoring any girls that came his way. He felt really annoyed so he quickly ate his food and left the restaurant to head home. But instead of calling his driver like always, it was this day that he decided to walk home.

He slowly looked around the busy streets and thought about his parent's worries. Lately, his father and mother had been very insistent on him finding a woman and getting married. Since he was about to graduate, his dad, the CEO of the biggest financial company in London was going to leave Zain in charge of the company and now Zain had his life practically laid out. He just needed to make his company the best in the world and he was already secretly working towards that goal in his free time.

While he was thinking intently, his eyes set upon a woman who was walking in his direction. She seemed strange considering the way she dressed and acted. In the times they lived in today, girls don't wear long loose dresses and cover up their hair and chest anymore. He couldn't see anything except her eyes that were firmly pointed towards the ground. Even though he didn't have a clear view, he could still tell she had very huge and beautiful eyes with very long eyelashes. He wanted to get a closer look at her face but all of a sudden, he noticed a bicyclist coming her way.

He didn't know what got over him. Usually he was a very cold person who stayed away from any issues that had nothing to do with him. But something about that girl struck a chord within his heart and he immediately ran over and pulled her aside.

He heard a soft gasp and for a very brief second, the girl looked up. He only needed that brief glance to tell that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. He held on to her soft small hand and tried to think of something to say but before he could do anything, the girl immediately pulled away, gave her thanks and started to leave.

He realized the girl was leaving, so he just said whatever came to mind "I haven't seen you around here before. Do you need any directions or anything? I can help."

She turned around for a brief moment still looking down and just said she's fine and left. He knew that the girl was basically trying to avoid contact with him so he let her go but after that night, he couldn't stop thinking about her.