After a few minutes, the coaster came to a stop and Leila let go of Nolan, who had a grin on his face. Once Leila composed herself and turned to him, the grin was nowhere to be found.
Nolan stepped out of the coaster and gave her his hand to rise. Reluctantly, she took his hand and his grin reappeared.
Leila noticed this and instantly regretted taking his hand, but it was too late. Their next stop was another roller coaster ride, but it was different from the last one.
Nolan paid the lady at the front, got two tickets and handed one of them to Leila before pulling her into the small building. Unfortunately, they had to wait in a long line as more people have flooded the park now.
After twenty minutes, they were able to get closer to the ride. Nolan, with his hand wrapped around her wrist, pulled her closer for them to get on.