
Secrets to Ascension

The vast universe is still a mystery to humankind. There are things that cannot be explained by science. Something can't just pop out of thin air. If all things are created by some God. Who created God and who created the creator of God? Join the adventure as Cen discovers the things beyond human understanding.

VoidSmoke · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Human race is said to be the most intelligent beings in the entire universe. But as time passes by, these beings pose a great threat to the planet they're living on.

After many eons, the planet loses its life. All the nutrients of the planet necessary to sustain life are depleted and the main cause of its rapid depletion are no other than humans.

God initially created a place where humans can live as long as they wanted. But humans, as an intelligent species, thrive for their life. They are created to have a free will. Destruction and life doesn't matter to them.

As countless years, decades and centuries pass, humans become more intelligent. They created machines for life to become easier. These machines can be for destruction or for human comfort. Humans pollute the land, the skies and as well as the waters causing a rapid bad impact to the planet.

Then comes the day that they decided to leave the planet. For the planet was too late for it to heal. They search and search and search until they find a blue planet which can harbor life. And that planet is called Earth.

But earth is a scary place to live. Dinosaurs roam this place or shall we call it "Dragons". The early humans used their weapons to slaughter these ancient predators of Earth causing extinction.

But humans didn't know that there are natives already living on the planet aside from dragons. These creatures band together and use some kind of force not known to mankind. It was not certain if it was magic or technology. But it caused a great loss to the humans. Those natives can rival the technology used by humans.

Many years passed by and the war still continued. Because it is a different planet, humans are having difficulty replenishing their resources. It was because their weapons and technology uses metals and elements that are rare and different on Earth. As a result after the long war they lost almost all their weapons, and it became scraps.

But in the end humans still achieved victory and forced the natives of the planet to hide and flee. It was said that the remaining natives hide at Earth's hollow insides.


Time passed by and human technology regressed. The technology that they are so proud of was slowly forgotten. The war caused a severe effect on the planet's weather. That is the start of the ice age.

Due to the weather effect on the whole planet, life became more and more difficult. Until all the advanced knowledge in technology and other fields were gone. Human technology has gone back to square one.

-In modern time-

Billions of years have passed. This is the year 2024 of the Gregorian Calendar. Technology and knowledge gained by humanity has progressed. They now begin to think that they are the only intelligent beings on the planet. Little do they know that the original natives of the planet that were casted away were now much stronger than them.

The original natives of the planet found a new suitable environment deep within the Earth. Their lives then became better than the humans that lived on the surface. The grudge of the natives against humanity was never forgotten. Now they are planning to take back what was originally belonging to them.

It was in the same year that they launched an all out attack on humanity.


"Hey wake up! It's already 9 in the morning!" His father shouted angrily.

"You shocked me!" He shouted back.

"Okay okay, get up and cook the rice after you wash your face." His father replied.

It was again a normal boring day. After he was done with cooking he just played his favorite game "Mobile Legend". It was a popular game due to the fair play rules of the game. You can rank up without buying anything from it. Cen was addicted to this game and usually used all of his time of the day playing it.

He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He passed the board examination later on. Now he was searching for a good job but reality was harsh, it was so hard to find a job especially when you don't have any work experience.

He applied for a job online many times but he then failed in just the first interview. It was because he became nervous when he was in an interview resulting in getting lost in words. He failed many times and became less and less motivated to apply for a job. That is why he just played a game when stressed.

Suddenly while he was playing the game, an earthquake occurred. It was not an ordinary earthquake, maybe the strongest that hits the planet. And yes the whole planet experienced the quake.

Many buildings and infrastructures were destroyed by the incident. Tsunamis and cracks on the ground followed the quake. Some might think that it was the end of the world.

Cen on the other hand, quickly got out of the building they are renting. A second delay could be his end as he watched the building crash and fall like a scene in a movie.

He was a little sad because all of their properties were buried on it. They contacted their relatives and asked to stay there as they recovered their things from the destroyed building. Luckily the tsunamis did not hit that area or else it was a truly saddening disaster.

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" A loud continuous sound of bombs echoed all over the world. It was a deafening sound that made everyone cry with fear. Gigantic holes appeared all over the world. A seconds later the humming sounds of engines can be heard.

The sky became dark as if a swarm of insects covered the skies. But it was no insects but unknown flying objects. It attacked everything in the way. Cities were scorched in fire. It was as if hell descended on the planet.

It was like the end of the world. The natives of the planet destroyed every country. Humanity can't even defend itself because of how quickly it happened. Even America got destroyed in just a day. They tried to counterattack but were later destroyed because of the huge gap in technology.

The technology used by the natives can be perceived as invincible. Those flying machines possessed some kind of barrier that even missiles became ineffective.

They can only think of releasing nuclear weapons. The effect can be unimaginable but it was their last option. Those things can't be destroyed by normal things, hoping that they can only take them down by using nuclear weapons.

A look of despair appeared on their faces. Even nuclear weapons are not so effective. When they launch the nuclear weapons, the enemies retreat immediately and only a few get hit by the bombs.

The enemy's aircrafts even have protective energy shields. Their technology is insanely advanced. Humanity can only see their ends, and there is nothing they can do except to pray and hope.

The next day was like a nightmare. There were only burning cities, sounds of explosions and dead bodies. It was not certain how many percent of Earth's population were annihilated. Humans have no other choice but hide to survive.

-Meanwhile on a certain city-

Under one of the destroyed buildings, a young man was lying unconscious. A drop of water falls on his face. "HAAAH!" He woke up as he breathed heavily. "What happened? I can't remember how I fell unconscious." He said to himself.

A look of shock can be later seen on his face. Everyone in the building got buried except him. "DAMN IT WHY! WHY DID ALL OF THIS HAPPENED!" he cried.

He slapped his face. "This is not the time to fall into despair. I should first observe and see what I can do in this situation." He looked all over the building gathering things he thinks can be usable.

"Sigh*, there's really no one here alive except me. I need to first observe the situation outside and get away from this place as fast as possible." He knows that this is not a work of human war.

Before the explosions the day before, he saw the flying objects. That was not a technology created by humans. "Those weird aircrafts are clearly from some alien civilization" He whispered.

He did not know that those were the natives of the planet. The original beings that live on Earth and humans were the aliens that invaded this planet millions of years ago.