
secrets of the library

"paper!" he screamed out, "you're telling me that everything I had to do and all the people I killed all for a fucking piece of paper!! what the hell Margaret!" he shouted at the open safe "maybe it's a cheque" said the guy next to him. ..... Adeline, a simple girl living her simple lonely life finds herself unknowingly falling for a girl who works part time at a library. How will she deal with something she doesn't even understand. it's all connected, the books, the co-ordinates, Margaret. Join Adeline on her journey into the deepest darkest part of her past and how she holds the co-ordinates....

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
13 Chs

She escaped

Adeline sat in the dark and silent room. She stayed stiff in that corner, perplexed by her current situation.

She didn't get why she and the other girls were placed on display and priced like goods. 

Minutes after she was brought in, she found out that she had a room mate who wasn't all different from herself. Her roommate introduced herself as Karie, 12 years old.

Adeline explained her situation to Karie and concluded that her being there had to be a mistake. She laughed at how much of a novice Adeline was, after all she was five, not much she knew about the world.

Karie decided to nuture Adeline, teach her how cruel the world was and how unfortunate they were being born into it. 

Slowly, Adeline began to hate the place, she was devastated each day realizing that girls like herself are only treated good to be sold.

The organization was called the happy house, they use spa treatment as their cover while they did such deeds in secret. 

Adeline as well as Karie and other girls who were either physically or mentally challenged and had thin bodies were subjected to harsh labor which made them thinner nonetheless.

It had been a long year, Adeline spent most of her time adapting. Her sharp nature allowed her to understand things easy. The happy house had a great number of clients who were willing to pay anything to get their filthy hands on a female for whatever reason.

They termed their purchasing process auctioning. In a year, they hold the auction three to four times if business is good and each time Adeline gets displayed but ends up back at the happy house.

Unable to bear with the cruelty of their fate, Adeline, Karie and some other girls decided to escape the place in search of a better future for themselves.

They were caught and severely punished, Adeline and the others below ten were forced into harder labor while the rest were whipped. Karie explained to Adeline that in a world were the high and mighty feeds off the poor and less privileged, no one could be trusted not even family.

Perhaps that's why her uncle was after her. After that day with Karie, Adeline never saw her again.

Adeline spent two years at the happy house and never got sold, the other girls she had been with from the beginning where all gone leaving her to cope on her own.

"This little thing is still here??" The man pulled her by the elbow. Her weight was no big deal at all, he swung her frail body however he liked.

"What do we do with it?" Another asked and the man holding her shrugged, "I don't know" he tossed her aside like a ragdoll.

The man rejoined the others to drink and play cards.

Adeline regained her stamina and stood, she picked up the broom. She was instructed to sweep the place, had she known the men would be present she would've waited.

"I hear boss Jones is looking for some kid" 

Adeline shuddered at the sound of her last name. She peered into their discussion and it seemed as though they didn't know exactly who it was he was looking for.

It had been two years since she heard her last name, which meant Uncle Ben was catching up to her. 

She pretended not to care for their discussions while she swept. She thought of how life would be living with her uncle instead but immediately scratched the thought after she reaclled her mother's words.

She smiled bitterly, how could she even think of going to the man who mercilessly killed her mother. In her terms, it was betrayal running to her mother's murderer for the sake of batter life....it wasn't even guaranteed.

She knew it wouldn't be long before they get the description of the child boss Jones was after and soon a bounty would be on her head.

Although she was seven and chances of her changing her fate were slim she was determined to find a way, her mother never taught her to back down.

She had a plan. She spent two years at the happy house, not sweeping and cleaning only, but she was learning and plotting her final escape.

Men who come for the auction were no ordinary men, they were of high status and big class with expensive ornaments and cars.

That night, she snucked into one of the vehicles and luck being on her side the trunk of the car was open. She crawled in and kept her mouth shut.

She was quivering in fear and anxiety, if she were to be caught in that position, attempting escape for the second time she might not get hard labor but something more brazen.

That night, underaged minors of 14-16 years were auctioned off. It took a lot of time because everyone wanted to get their hands on what they termed 'fresh blood'. Adeline eventually felt sleepy and her stomach grumbled nonstop.

The feeling of slumber and hunger immediately vanished after she heard footsteps heading her direction. She held her mouth tightly.

"Finally got my hands on one of these" she heard a man speak followed by a muffled sound.

Adeline stayed still in her uncomfortable posture and tried to remain as quiet as she could. She knew the man had gotten one of the girls and was setting off, she shut her eyes tightly hoping that she would get out in one piece.

The vehicle kicked off and drove out of happy house. Adeline was relieved but still anxious, she still wasn't safe in his trunk. He might return her if he finds her there.

Suddenly the car stopped, Adeline laid still. She heard the door open.

"Please sir, please sir" she heard a young girl's voice but what was she begging for? 

"Shh don't worry just stay quiet" the man urged in a whisper

Adeline's heart sank at the sound of her constant pleading and sobbing.

She flinched as the young girl began screaming out "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! HELP ME PLEASE, ANYBODY PLEASE"

"You're too noisy, we're in the middle of nowhere kid but just to be safe..." the man turned on the radio to it's loudest volume 

Soon the girl's voice was enveloped by the music.

Where Adeline was, tears trickled down her eyes, the entire vehicle was shaking and the back seat kept nudging her. She could still hear sounds coming from the girl.

Using the loud music as an advantage she gently opened the trunk and rolled down to the ground. Her body didn't even as much as make a sound as she fell.

The man was right, they were really I'm the middle of nowhere. The tall trees made it difficult to see further plus the only thing that shone was the moon.

Adeline battled with herself, her guts told her to run as far as she could but her heart kept replaying those pleading words of the girl.

Adeline ran off, only to return with a big rock her hand could carry. The car door was opened and the man hadn't noticed her, still her body quivered.

Summoning courage, she dumped the rock on his head and he fell unconscious. She backed away and ran into the direction of the tall trees 

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