
Secrets of Elvenjur

Kaya of the Feralite, a Fera is a liten elf, Fera in Elvenjur means a Fire Elf but in this era it is called a Feralite for certain reasons. Liten elves: Crystalite - Ice elf from the north. Feralite - Fire elf from the Main Castle. Riverlite - Water elf from the eastern forest. Jeralite(heralite) - Earth elf from the western forest. The elf King is an Averdale. Every after 200years the king or queen gets replaced with an Averdale. An Averdale is a very rare elf that is only chosen by the Hera(moon goddess) every 200years. An Averdale is a master of the four elements, an Averdale is trained for 3months whole months. One of the THREE Averdale that was chosen shall reign. The elves have chosen to join forces with the Wolf pack called FF(FierceFangs), The pack of wolves are to protect Elvenjur, and Elvenjur are to protect FF. The wolves and Elves has been working together for decades and since, they never lost in a battle. They were the Feared kingdom, and no one ever dared to come their way, or even challenge them. For those who has the guts to even do so, they were easily executed with Elevenjur's 10 thousand warrior unit, and Wolves. The Elves and Wolves built this kingdom with all their might and to this day it is still standing with the title of the Feared kingdom. From just a group of 4legendary elves and 20wolves they built.. ELVENJUR

Cha_Hayven2 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Plan of execution

Recap ....

Its been a rule ever since King Harry ruled Elvenjur. god.. Can being a Fera get any worse??...

- Chapter two -

After a long day, I was thinking it could possibly get worse. And... Jayden comes my way, "there come the devil on the way" I sigh.. but he surprisingly didn't bother me.. "Yo!" He greeted me and held up a fist, I fist bumped him and he just went on his way with a crazy big smile on his face. And gosh that was odd, I thought he is gonna come running and locking my head in a head lock or something.

Wonder what made his day, it sure went better than mine. Well I walked my way home bothered about what happened.. Just earlier during my shift he looked kind of nervous and just disappeared somewhere.. I laid down on my bed and slowly drifted to sleep..

- Next Morning -

I heard a howl, "Morning egg head!" Jayden's voice echoes while I slowly become conscious.. "Gosh even in my dream he bothers me" I groan. "Kaya, I can assure you you aren't dreaming" I hear his voice again, "ugh, why the hell am I still hearing him" I groan frustratedly. "Kaya!" he shouted, "WHAT" I shouted back angrily, "you're gonna be late" he responded.

I jump up, "what time is it!?" I asked with wide eyes. "6:30" he responded. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER!?" I shouted. "Was it my duty to?" he responded with his brow up high. "WELL- no but.." I said panicked but before I get to finish my sentence he responded "you've wasted one minute kaya" he said to me in bore.

I run to my bathroom and tripped, I caught myself by hand. I immediately stood up and ran while I was losing my balance repeatedly but I succeeded running into my bathroom. I didn't have time and it takes 20mins to get to the castle which leaves me with 10mins to get ready. I did a quick shower and toothbrush and ran to my wardrobe in a robe..

"Well?" I said realizing Jayden is still on my cabin window. "what?" he asks unable to catch up. "are you just gonna Stand there and watch?" I said with a brow of concern. "I mean I could bu-" before he finishes I slammed my window close in his face. "perverted parasite.." I mumbled. I dress up and ran outside immediately, i immediately ran to the castle, "rude" Jayden shouted. I rolled my eyes and just ran, saying pardon me repeatedly as I ran through the crowd.

I ran inside the castle gate while general moon is standing at the large castle door, "and you were doing so well. You're late" he scolded as he pointed to his watch. "But general I'm only one minute late" I responded, "no buts, now head to the throne room, your majesty wants to give you a special order.

"Sir yes sir!" I saluted and walked my way to the throne room. "Get the royal ball room ready. The powerful princes from the three other Lite nations will soon come to show their worth of marrying my daughter princess Flor." your majesty explained.

"Yes sir, I shall prepare it to your liking" I responded formally. After I prepared the ball room in 3hours I was exhausted.. I walked to my private room to grab some water, but I saw someone suspicious trying to hide from the guards guarding the king's room.

My private room is next to the king's so whenever he needs something I'm always present. I saw the guards getting their weapons ready as they saw the person walk towards the room.

I was shook as I saw the head of the Fera lite, she was holding a pocket knife, hidden behind her. "Hey! guards.. heh, how are you?.. I just need to borrow her for a minute.

"what do you think you're doing?" she whispered through gritted teeth. "Saving you from getting in trouble, what do you think!?" I whispered back trying to control my tone.

"You may be the servant of the king, but your king won't last long. I have waited for 229 years JUST to get to this throne, I won't waste a MINUTE Fera. now get your pathetic hands of me." the head of the Fera explained.

but then she was in shock of her own actions.

"I mean, I was just gonna check something" she stuttered out. "Yeah right, I've heard enough LEAH. " I said sternly. "Everyone knows you can't enter the king's chambers with no consent from the king himself." I said, stating she can't get away with this.

"don't you dare tell anyone" she shouted. There was Fera 13, one of the maids she asked "tell what head mistress?", Leah placed her hand on my mouth and I bit it. "That she plans to eliminate the king, tell everyone but don't cause chaos in the village, only the highest of ranks from fera's 40 and above. Don't spread this to your fellow fera." I explained almost immediately.

The maid fera ran and I held leah to stop her form running after her. "come back here!" she shouts out loud.

"You will not get away with this" Leah shouted. "I think I already have" I responded with a grin, she head butted me and I felt dizzy.. I fell to the ground and she took something from her pocket and injected me with it. "What do your think.. you're doing?.." I said while I slowly lose my consciousness. "Looks like you didn't get away with it after all" Leah said with a grin before I completely blacked out...

(Hi guys! I'm sorry for the late update, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Stay tuned for the next one, please vote or follow thank you my dear readers <3 )