
Secrets and Shadows - The Celestial, The Mortal, and The Infernal

"Secrets and Shadows" unfolds across realms where mysteries shroud reality in an enigmatic tapestry. The kingdom of Descarith, once glorious, now fades into obscurity, haunted by spectral memories and concealed truths. Its people, isolated and guarded, face the perilous darkness of the mysterious forest and the malevolent Shadow Beasts. Razor, a mortal by day, a berserker by night, and a charismatic figure, is the kingdom's protector. He not only battles the Shadow Beasts but commands their loyalty, while his magnetic charm captivates the hearts of villagers. In Heaven, celestial warriors known as angels guard a divine paradise. Among them, Sraptor, a formidable guardian, harbors a forbidden love for a goddess, leading to his exile to Earth. Driven by love and a desire to save Heaven, he becomes a warrior with the power to reshape celestial history. In Hell, where demons collect tainted souls, The Hell Prince Lizen reigns in malevolent secrecy. Ambitions and motives remain shrouded in darkness. The cosmic struggle between light and darkness teeters on revelation and upheaval.

DreamingWrath · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Trial of Death – Part VI

As Sephir and Sraptor moved forward, a foreboding tower loomed before them, known as the "Prison of Desolation." This sinister edifice bore witness to the eternal struggle between good and evil, a place where malevolent demons of unspeakable power were imprisoned by divine forces. Within its obsidian walls, the very essence of darkness churned, and the captive entities yearned for freedom, their presence casting a malevolent pall over the tower.


The tower's architecture mirrored its torment, once a proud citadel now twisted by eons of darkness. Its jagged spires and turrets, misshapen and corrupted, spoke of the suffering endured within. Grotesque carvings of monstrous beings adorned the outer walls, their malevolent visages etched in black stone. The surface bore cracks and crevices, revealing eerie glimpses of the unnatural crimson light that pulsed from within.


The guardians of the Prison of Desolation were celestial beings of unmatched virtue and grace—angels of immense power. They stood as eternal sentinels, radiant and resplendent, their silver wings spanning wide and glowing with ethereal light. Forged from the very essence of the heavens, their weapons were a testament to their divine purpose, as they watched over the tower with unwavering vigilance.


Curiously, the tower possessed no conventional entrance, as if it rejected intrusion by mortals and demons alike. Those who sought to approach it faced a shifting, treacherous landscape, as if the tower itself were a mirage in the desolate wasteland that surrounded it. Only the angels themselves could cross this boundary, doing so with solemn reverence, understanding the grave responsibility that had been entrusted to them.


Noting Sephir's curious gaze, Sraptor, performing his role as a guide, began to explain. "This tower is not within the heavenly realm, my Lady; we currently stand outside of it. The Prison of Desolation was constructed by demons who aspired to ascend to heaven, seeking to conquer it. Yet, they are now imprisoned within the very tower they built, powerful as they may be. Each year, new demons are sentenced to this tower. As the champion and a deity-in-training, it is your duty to defeat these demons and prove your worth to the heavens."


Approaching an angel who stood guard near the tower, Sraptor presented a token and spoke, "Ludiclous, grant us passage. The champion of wind is here to challenge the tower." Ludiclous, recognizing Sraptor, embraced him warmly. "Ah, Sraptor, old friend. It has been a while since our paths crossed." He turned to Sephir, offering a respectful bow. "My Lady, you are even more beautiful than the rumors suggested. Both of you may pass. Sraptor, you know the way, but be cautious. The demons within have hungered for far too long."


Sraptor then turned to Sephir, drawing her close and enveloping her in his wings. The unexpected intimacy took Sephir by surprise, leaving her flustered in the dim light. Sraptor, with Sephir in his arms, took flight, soaring upward above the tower. Suddenly, he halted his wings, and they plummeted toward the tower's heart. As they descended, Sraptor once again shielded Sephir with his wings, and just before they struck the tower, they vanished into thin air.


Sephir's mind was still reeling from the unexpected embrace as she was jolted back to reality by Sraptor's voice. "We have arrived, my Lady. Be on your guard, for this place is infested with beasts and demons. We must..." His words were cut short as a horde of shadow beasts encircled them, their dark forms looming menacingly. In a swift and instinctive response, Sephir summoned the Tempest Vase and conjured four Soul Burning Tempests. At the sight of the fiery tempests, the shadow beasts scattered, but before they could escape, they were consumed by the searing flames.


Sraptor, impressed by Sephir's rapid reaction, had little time to offer praise. Shadow demons emerged from the darkness, a nightmarish embodiment of pure malevolence. Cloaked in ever-shifting shadows, they moved with an eerie grace, their ember-like eyes radiating ancient malevolence. Elongated limbs, ending in razor-sharp claws, and gaping, serrated-toothed maws revealed their grotesque forms. They seemed to meld with the darkness itself, a harbinger of doom and despair.


As Sephir, Sraptor, and the shadow demons clashed in the heart of the Prison of Desolation, the atmosphere crackled with dark energy. The demons, hissing and snarling, slithered through the darkness, their ember eyes ablaze with fury. Sephir's Soul Burning Tempests encircled her like ethereal guardians, their eerie radiance illuminating the grotesque forms of the shadow demons each time they clashed.


Meanwhile, Sraptor wielded his Death Scythe with a supernatural grace, guided by his innate soul power. With each swing, the blade grew more luminous, and the demons' attacks, though ferocious, were futile against its relentless momentum. The scythe carved through their ranks with chilling precision, sending shadowy ichor spraying into the stygian air. The prison seemed to hold its breath as the battle unfolded, a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow, good and evil.


However, this battle was just the beginning, and these demons were but foot soldiers in the endless Trial of Death. The prison held far greater challenges in store for Sephir, and her journey had only just commenced. In this world of secrets and shadows, would she emerge as the Goddess she was meant to be, or would she be devoured by the beasts of darkness? The answer remained shrouded in the unknown, awaiting the next turn of fate.