
The Town

So I set off to just get as far away as I could but, being on an I-land you kind of can't go that far. I went to Starbucks to get some food when I walked in I swear I saw an angel. He had beautiful blue eyes, honey-brown hair, with abs that could cut through glass. Then I looked away cause the line was moving when I looked back over there he wasn't there so, I looked around and to my surprise, he was right behind me checking out my ass. I guess that is what I get for wearing tight and short ass shorts. He must have felt eyes on him cause he looked up at me right into my eyes I swear I thought he could read my mind. I then try to turn back around in the line but he caught my arm and said "Nice ass can I get a piece of it?" When he said that I swear that I felt something weird in my stomach like a feeling I have never felt before. Then I realize he still had a hold of my arm so I looked at his hand and then back up to him and said "Can I have my arm back" I swear again that I saw him blush. I then heard my name being called for my food and drink so I turned around and walk off to get my food cause he may be hot but not even god could come between me and my food. After I got my food I went to look for a place to sit down there was not a place inside so I went outside cause who wouldn't want to sit outside on a beautiful sunny summer day. After a couple of minutes outside the door opened I look up from my phone to see who it was and it was the hot guy so, I looked back down at my phone and was about to text my mom and tell her I will be home in a little bit so she would quit blowing up my phone. When I heard the chair beside me move and someone sits in it I looked up to see who it was and guess who I saw the hot guy. I said what the fuck are you doing cause I don't like it when people just walk up to someone's table and sit down. He said whatever the hell I want. Then he said I think we started off on the wrong foot lets start over. I looked at him like he has lost his ever fucking mind but, then I thought having a friend here couldn't be that bad. I then said ok let's start over. He then started by saying I'm Asher and I think you're really hot. I then said thanks and I'm Maddie and I think you're really cute too. I'm just moved here from Los Angels and I'm going to President Theodore Roosevelt High School for my senior year. Asher said cool I go there I'm the bad boy there so you can hang when me and my crew till you find your own thing or you can just stay with us. I then gave him my number and he gave me him then he walked me to my bike and little did he know that I to am a bad girl. When he saw my bike he was in love with it. I then said bye and drove home. Not ready for what was to come.