
Meeting My Gang for the First Time

When Carrie said that I immediately ran up to my floor and got dress into something cute but also badass. Then I went into my makeup room and did my makeup. When I got done with my makeup I quickly straighten my hair. Then I ran downstairs and almost crashed into Asher but stopped before I did and then I realize he had changed and was waiting for me. Finally, after he was done checking me out he said that he was told to take me to the gang house. Ok. I then went to the garage and got on my bike and open and backed out to see Asher on his bike. I motioned for him to lead the way. It was about an hour away and when we reached the front gate it was beautiful and I have not even seen the house yet so after Asher told the guard who I was they opened the gate. We then drove up to the house and it was breathtaking. We parked and walked up the stairs. There were these guards at the main door and like twenty more walkings around the front yard. I then opened the door and walked in and saw that there was a huge group in this huge room that looks like important meetings take place in there. So when I walked in every single person's eyes were on me. To speak the truth I was clam and ready to take over the gang so, I walked to the front of the room and cleared my throat and said my name is Maddie Grace de Ferrari. One of the girls who had walked up to Asher and hooked her arms around him and tried to kiss him but, he turned his head. She looked up at me and with the look of discustisn in her eyes she said "How do we really know that your are the granddaughter of the boss for all we know you could be a lying bitch?" I looked at her and then everyone started talking at once. I looked right next to me was a guard so I quickly took his gun and shoot upwards to get everyone's to be quite so I could talk and didn't have to scream. I looked at her and thought to myself "Of course there is all way that one everywhere they think that because they are sleeping with one of the intercircle members that they can ask the boss or person in charge and not get hurt." I took the gun and handed it back to the guards and then turned to Asher. I asked him "Who is slut and why is she in my house but most of all why is she not in the basement waiting for me to kill her very slowly." I looked at her and she seems scared to death. The guards came in and took her to the basement and then everyone looked back at me I just shruged my shoulders I tried to tell her what I was capable of.