
Chapter Twenty-Six

Lady Lily and Mira were going about doing their own duties as usual, when they stumbled into Valerie.

" Good morning Ma'am." They greeted, bowing down, so as not to be caught by Valerie.

"Morning." Valerie responded and went pass them. She stopped when something flashed through her memory. She looked back at the two people that greeted her, squinting her eyebrows as if trying to remember something, she kept looking at the duo who were almost out of sight. When she couldn't recall anything, she shoved away the thoughts of those two and left.

Meanwhile, Lady Lily and Mira went to a quiet corner, each had her hands clamped on her chest as they could finally breathe.

"That was close." Mira told Lady Lily.

"Yes it was. Thank goodness I can finally breathe again. What if she recognized us? " Lady Lily asked. There was a hint of fear in her tone.

"I doubt she did." Mira said trying to be positive in her talks.

 "It's best we inform, My Lady." Lady Lily suggested and they went immediately to inform Sofia.

Sofia was washing her clothes somewhere within the compound, when Lady Lily and Mira rushed in.

"Oh my Goodness?" Sofia exclaimed, her heart skipped when the two rushed into the washing area.

"We're sorry Ma'am." They apologized. (Mira held her hand over her mouth)

Sofia tried to steady her breath, she moved to a bench and sat down.

"Pardon my rudeness My Lady, but permit me to express myself."

Before Sofia could react to the unclear statement, Mira was already laughing out hard, as she gradually fell to the floor. Tears were already dripping down her face.

"My .... La....dy." She stuttered. "That was funny, I mean your expression, a while ago." She then got up to her feet and went to sit with them.

Sofia and Lady Lily ignored her childishness and  Lady Lily began explaining what they experienced.

Sofia gave them an assurance to stand by them, should anything happen. And they returned to their duties.



Valerie sat on her bed, munching some slices of apple. Her thoughts flew to her experience at Jasons Unique boutique. The faces of the two people she clashed with appeared again. "Something is fishy." She thought. The two people she met while going back to her room looked similar to the two she met at the boutique. She promised to find out herself later on. 

Valerie began looking out for the two. She sharpened her gaze so well, looking intently at any maid she comes across.

"Excuse me." She said to the pair (maids) she saw.

"Good morning Ma'am." They greeted in Unison.

" How are you doing?" 

"We're fine Ma'am." They responded and Valerie smiled leaving them stunned. They wondered silently what came over Valerie because they've never seen her do that.

Meanwhile, the duo, Lady Lily and Mira were going inconspicuously back to their room when they saw Valerie with the two maids. They hid themselves and was watching to know what would happen. They couldn't hear what they were saying but the suspected Valerie's movement. When Valerie left the two, Lady Lily and Mira rushed back to their room.


Valerie received a call from Albert to meet with him in his room. Valerie was excited because it was her first time going into Albert's room. She immediately changed into a see-through flair gown that has a slit in-between her chest revealing her cleavages.

 The feeling of excitement which boiled in her, was all over her, as she moved swiftly to Albert's bedroom.

*Knock* Knock*

A guard opened the door for her. "Hello Dear" She greeted. She traced her curves facedown with a blushed face. 

"Good morning Ma'am." The guard greeted with a furrowed eyebrows. He wondered what came over her.

"Good morning, Ma'am." Those words echoed into Valerie's ears and immediately she looked up at the man standing before her.


She took two steps backwards, shocked to see a different person, all together. Her face was flushed red and she couldn't find words to say. Then something came to her mind.

"How come, a man is Inside Albert's room. Could it be that he is .....?" She couldn't complete her statement, she only stared, mouth agape at the guard in front of her. The guard found Valerie's actions weird. 

"You..." She pointed at the guard. 

"Valerie." Another voice called from behind.

The duo looked at the owner and the guard bowed in respect. 

"Are you Ok?" Albert asked her, snapping her out of daze.

"Oh..  No.. ..I mean ... Yes." Valerie was lost for words. 

" Yes? No?" Albert became confused.

"I'm fine." Valerie tried to comport herself. 

" Let's go." Albert told Valerie and she followed Albert immediately. For a minute, felt different. It should be a room but the room led to a narrow passage with different rooms.

"What kind of a building is this?" She wondered silently. She kept following behind Albert till they came to a room. Albert pressed a code and the door opened. They went in.

"Have a seat." Valerie sat down on the sofa. The fluffy sofa made her feel more relaxed.  Albert switched the lights. The atmosphere changed immediately. The room was originally awesome. But the introduction of lights was so breathtaking. Valerie felt different within. Albert went in and reappeared with a tray containing a bottle of wine and two wine glass. 

He filled the glasses with the wine and sat close to Valerie.

"Albert." Valerie blushed. She bit her lips when Albert winked at her. At a point she smacked Albert when she couldn't bear the sexy feelings that surged in her.

"This place is nice. Really beautiful." Valerie told him. "Is this your room?"

"No. But my room is somewhere around. Do you care to go with me?" Albert asked seductively.

"Hey, don't flirt with me." She said to Albert shyly.

" I'm not." He said replied giving off an evil grin. Valerie began hitting him while he tried to dodge away from her. The next thing, they two began playing and running in the room. Valerie was chasing him and he was at alert dodging all the moves. Valerie felt cheated she stopped running and stood at a place. Albert laughed out loud and moved closer to Valerie who turned immediately turned to hit Albert but he grabbed her hand pushing Valerie forward and closer to him. Their faces were only few inches apart. Valerie gulped looking at the handsome face before her. She traced his facial features and halted at the attractive lips.

"Ummm." Albert was the first to speak. The atmosphere became awkward. They separated and went back to the sofa. For a moment, the room was silent.

"Cheers" Valerie raised her glass for happiness and peace breaking the silence. They drank a little before Albert began to tell her, his reason for inviting her over.

"We haven't visited Melissa as promised. I mean, at least some gifts as an appreciation to her."

" Yes you're right." Valerie replied. 

"So when should we visit her?" It was Albert asking.

" Tomorrow or next." Valerie answered.

The two stayed a while before Valerie stood to leave. Valerie bade him goodbye which Albert returned with a smile.

"I'm still around."


The door was immediately closed by the guard inside. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Valerie said as  she stumbled into Sofia who looked at her surprised. 

"You..." Valerie was shocked to see Sofia again. And within Albert's premises. "What are you doing here?" She asked Sofia. Sofia made no reply, instead she looked at Valerie rudely and left. Valerie watched her knock at the door (belonging to Albert, where she just came out from) and entered inside. Immediately the door clicked shut.

Valerie looked at the door stunned. She could not believe what she saw. Anger rose up within her and she stormed off to her room.



Valerie was so restless, she wanted to know the truth. At first she was said to be a maid. "Why then did she enter Albert's room or what should I call it?" Valerie wondered.

She needed to get an answer to all these, so she picked up her phone and dialed some numbers.

"Come to my room now." She sounded rather cold. 

Within few minutes, someone knocked at the door and Valerie opened it.

Eva walked in. Eva was shocked when Valerie called her to come over to her room. She could trace anger in her tone.

"I need you to tell me the truth, nothing but the truth. And if I found out you lied, then you'll have me to contend with." Valerie threatened.

Eva shooked in fear of the lady standing before her 

"Who is that lady?"

Eva furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't understand what Valerie meant.

"Which Lady?"

"The lady that works as maid. A daughter to Smith's friend."

Eva sighed. The long description meant nothing to her. She began thinking of who Valerie might be referring to.

"This..." Valerie brought out a picture. Eva was shocked to the marrow. She glanced at the picture, wondering how Valerie got it. She was indeed a wolf. Eva became scared.

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Sofia Ma'am." Eva answered trembling in fear.

" Who is she to Albert?" Valerie questioned out of the blue. 

Eva became silent. Her silence angered Valerie.

"Speak up." Valerie's voice roared.

"Ma'am, I .. I'm sorry I'm not in the right place to say this." Eva stuttered fidgeting.

" How dare you?" Valerie roared at her. Eva fell down on her knees in fear and began begging Valerie.