
Chapter Twelve

"Impossible!" Albert's voiced echoed throughout the room. We're married and nothing changes. I have the rights to sleep with you and from henceforth you dare not disobey me. Get that into your head." Albert said before going to change into a casual house wear.




Sofia decided to pick her calls considering the  name flashing on the screen.

"Aunt Mary." Sofia called out in pains. 

"What is it Sofia?Are you ok?"

"Aunty,he took me forcefully."

Exhaling loudly,"Calm down Sofia. It's ok. I'm thinking of what to do and at the same time trying to be careful."

"Dad hasn't visited?"

"Has he called to check on you?"

"No. Well I expected worse than this. It's not like he had ever cared about me."

"What of Lady Lily and Mira?"

"They were kept separately. They're living with the other maids.

"You should go at intervals to check on them. At least,you need people you can talk to. More especially moments like this when your heart is bittered. Please, and I want you to take care of yourself. It's not your permanent position.Soon we'll do something about it. But let's first of all watch them because you might not know if they're watching us."

"Thank you so much Aunty. Like I said,I will fight till I win. It's just that as a human being I have feelings. I get hurt by all this.

"I understand but just take things easy."

"Ok Aunty."

"Take care. Love you"

"Love you too, Aunty."




"Hello?" Williams picked his call.


"Why did you call me?"

"Sofia said you haven't checked on her since she left the house. Not even to talk of calling her."


"What do you mean by 'so..' ?"

"Isn't she married? Why should I check on her when another person is now eating the fruit I laboured for?"

"Which fruit exactly? Julius have you ever for one day thought of training your daughter? I took care of Sofia. I trained her. You never cared about her. Now what fruit are you referring to?"

"Since you took care of her.Who brought her to this world?"

"You know what,I don't think I have time for this. I actually wanted to tell you to tell that beast giving you the morale to be wicked to let you be. Try to be human sometimes."

"Who gave you..?"

Mary cut the call without waiting for any other reply from her brother.


"What audacity! I'll need to put her to her place. Very soon I will." Williams said as soon as Mary cut the call on him.


"My Lady.How have  you been?" Mira asked with concern. 

"I'm so tired."

"Ma'am,I just don't know why they've decided to keep us here. I mean we should be with you. I'm going to talk to them."

"No." Sofia said waving a hand of disapproval. "Please I don't want them to throw you out or back to my father's house please."

"I'll be coming to see you both."

"My Lady...." Mira wanted to complain.

"It's ok. I'll be alright."

"Please take care of yourself Ma'am." Lady Lily added.
