
Chapter Thirty-four

Annie was standing in the entrance of the building, so she witnessed Eddie rushing into the house. Eddie walked briskly towards the entrance door and met Annie.

"Are you ok?" Annie asked her. She smiled as she looked at Eddie's face, which was scarlet red. Annie gave way for Eddie to come in, and when she did, Annie locked the door behind her.

"Well, well, well, what happened to my friend? Mmmm, what was her complexion? She used to be like yellow pawpaw, now she's like red tomatoes" Annie teased, sitting close to Eddie, who's already sitted on the sofa.

Eddie blushed the more, she slouched on the sofa and began fiddling with her fingers. Annie brought her face, closer to Eddie's face, as if searching for something. That made Eddie chuckle, she pushed Annie's face away from her face and sat up. 

"Do you really want to kiss me girl?" Eddie asked her. 

" So, what happens if I kiss you? Shouldn't be a problem, should it?" Annie looked at Eddie's dimmed face and began to mimick a baby crying. " You're bad, I've been with you for years, helping you, all this while but you prefer others to me."

Eddie looked at her friend's childishness. She shook her head in disapproval and slammed her bag on Annie. Annie winced. Dark lines were visible on her face. She glared at Eddie and left without saying a word.

"I'm sorry." Eddie shouted after her. She was so exhausted and didn't have the energy to go after Annie, she just slouched back on the sofa and closed her eyes, reflecting on all that happened to her that night.

That can't be forgiven! For the second time that night, Eddie hit Annie. Annie held a big bag as she trundled towards the sitting room. As she entered the sitting room, she hit the bag noisily on the floor, enough to wake a sleeping soul.

"Annie...?" Eddie flinched open her eyes, as the heavy noise woke her up. She stared at Annie in confusion, with mouth agape. "Where are you going to with this big bag?" Eddie asked her.

"Enough is enough!" Annie screamed at Eddie. She carried the bag, walked straight to Eddie and opened it. The next thing, she started bringing out the pillows she stuffed into the bag. As she's bringing them out, she's throwing them at Eddie.

Eddie was so shocked to see her friend acting in that manner. "Hey, what..." Eddie trailed off. She winced in pains as the pillows fell heavily on her.

Eddie gathered her energy and stood up with great force. That didn't stop Annie anyways. She picked some pillows and continued chasing Eddie as she  threw them on her.

"Annie please I'm sorry." Eddie apologized still running around in the sitting room. She stooped to the floor when she became exhausted and Annie caught up with her.

"Hahahaha.." Annie laughed out hard and began to hit Eddie till she (Annie) was exhausted. "Moral lessons: Do not hit me like that again, else, you will face something worse than this!" Annie yelled. She helped Eddie up to her feet and then led her back to her room. As soon as Eddie opened the door to her room, she hit and pushed Annie aside, raced into her room and locked the door securely.


Albert was also exhausted when he came back. He quickly freshened up because he felt hot as the thoughts of what happened between him and Eddie kept propping up in his mind.

The waters that gushed down Albert’s body, had no effects on him. His libido increased by the minute, when he couldn’t control himself any longer, he quickly showered and left his room. 

He halted in front of a room and began to knock heavily on its door. Immediately the door was opened and he rushed inside the room. Sofia locked the door behind her and moved to meet Albert. She looked at Albert, who had turned red and was sweating heavily. “This is strange.” She thought, but before she could open her mouth to talk, she was already lying on the bed with Albert on top of her.

“ Wh…at are y…o..u doing? “ Sofia stuttered. She couldn’t breathe well because of Albert’s weight on her. She struggled to wriggle free from him but she couldn’t compete with the strength of a man. 

“ Please be calm. “ Albert pleaded softly. Sofia melted in a heart beat and allowed him to take over her.


SNU-SNU TIME (X-rated)


The atmosphere of the next morning was bright. It was exactly 6:am when Sofia woke up. She was about to get up from bed when she felt a strong hold on her. She rubbed off the sleep from her blurry eyes and saw a handsome man lying next to her. It was then that her mind flew back to the incidences of the other night. Sofia blushed recalling that. She slightly raised the duvet that spread over her and saw her nudity and that of Albert. That made her blush the more. She didn’t want to wake Albert up, so she made to leave the bed but her leg was entangled with Albert’s legs. Sofia resorted to forcing herself to sleep which she did.

Albert woke up by 8 am, Sofia was fast asleep by then. He smiled looking at her and then stood up to carry her to the bathroom. 

“Sofia.... “ He called out several times but she was still sleeping. Albert dropped her under the shower and turned the shower on.

The warm water gushed down Sofia’s body and she woke up immediately. 

“Clean your body, I’m out.” Albert told Sofia and left the bathroom. Sofia let tears flow down her cheeks. She was tired of suffering. She looked at the hickeys that were all over her body and took a deep sigh. Then she slowly walked to get other materials she’ll use for her bath. When she had done that, she took her bath and went to lie down.



Valerie was moody when she woke up that morning. She promised to give Albert an angry face when she meets him. When it was time to eat, Smith and Valerie went to the dinning table. They sat waiting for Albert but he did not join them. 

Smith called on John, to go check on his son, Albert. John left and reappeared within few minutes. He went close to Smith and whispered some words to him. Valerie wanted to know what they were saying. She looked at John in anger and murmured few words under her breath. 

“ Let’s eat. He’ll soon join us.” Smith told Valerie and he began to eat. Valerie stared at her plates, she refused to eat, at a point, he stood up to go.

“Are you done eating? You have not touched your plate. “ Smith said to Valerie.

“Daddy, I’ll wait for the Love of my life to join me before I eat.” Valerie spoke with boldness.

Smith laughed when he heard her say that. He was so excited seeing the relationship between his son and Valerie.

Valerie left the dinning room to Albert’s room. As soon as she knocked at the entrance door, the door opened and Albert walked out. Just in time.

“Valerie…” Albert said looking at Valerie whose face was red.

“Why don’t you want to eat? Do you want to die?” Valerie said to Albert as tears strolled down her cheeks. “Let’s go.” Albert said in a deep hoarse voice, ignoring her.

Smith was happy to see Valerie and Albert together. Valerie held Albert’s arms as they descended down the stairs. 

As they joined the table, Smith clapped joyfully. The maids and guards in the house were shocked to see Smith do that. No matter what you’ve done, Smith would never thank you, not even a “well done.” Greeting.

Albert and Valerie were marveled to see Smith react that way.

“ Son, you’ll have to thank Valerie in the future. You see, she refused to eat till you've joined us. She also said, she’ll get you to dine now and she did! “ Smith said laughing . Valerie smiled lightly at what Smith said.

Albert didn’t react to what his father said. He began opening the plates.  Eva rushed towards Albert to serve him his food.  Valerie didn’t want to set her eyes on any lady beside Albert. She felt uncomfortable with Eva coming close to Albert.

“Eva…. I’ll do that myself.” Valerie said.

Eva rolled her eyes downwards and left them. She got so pissed off again but maintained composure.

When they were done eating, Eva called on some maids to clear the table which they did.

Albert received a call from Melissa that afternoon. He made an excuse to call her back later and rushed off to see Valerie.

“You mean, she wants to meet us?” Valerie asked Albert. 

“ Yes. I just told her that I’ll call her back later. “ Albert replied her.

“What do we do now?” Valerie panicked.

Albert breathed out a deep sigh. He got an idea and said, “Let’s go.” 

Albert grabbed Valerie and the went to their rooms.  Albert instructed her to get dressed. They informed Smith before they left. Albert also warned the guards to stay distance away from them. Albert left with John and Valerie. He personally instructed John to drive them to a supermarket. As soon as Albert and Valerie got down from the car, they made towards the entrance door. The doorman greeted them and they answered politely. As they turned to go inside, they met a lady approaching the entrance door, she was going out of the supermarket.
