
Chapter Thirty - Nine

“Eddie! “ Sarah yelled this time. She didn’t know what to do. The environment became stuffy for her. “ How did I get into this mess? “ She thought to herself. She stared helplessly at the two who stood looking intently at themselves. Eddie had an evil grin plastered all over her face as she looked at Valerie with disgust while Valerie held a part of her cheek as she looked furiously at Eddie. 

“ How dare you? “ Valerie bursted out in intense anger.

Eddie folded her hands and maintained the mockery-looking-face. 

“ How! Dare! You ! “  Valerie screamed and the next thing, she grabbed the dusty documents and began to throw it at Eddie. Eddie dodged the attack as she bent to get her own books for retaliation.

Sarah ran out of the office to call Albert. She knocked heavily on the door. It was John that opened it.

“ Why are you knocking on the CEO’s  office’ door, like one who has lost her brains? “ John shouted at Sarah.

“ I’m so sorry about that. But, there’s a serious issue to handle at Eddie’s office. Ma’am Valerie and Eddie are engaged in a physical combat and Sir Albert needs to come to their aid else things get out of hand. “

John went in and reported the case to Albert. Albert left the room, almost immediately after he received the news. He quickly went into Eddie’s office. 

“ What’s going on here?” Albert roared. The ladies stopped fighting immediately they heard the familiar baritone voice. They only exchanged angry glances at each other.

“ Is this what you’ve turned this place to? What if I had a visitor and he sees you doing this, what will it portray about this company? If the higher-ups are acting like this, what then will those below do? In fact, the both of you should follow me to my office! “ Albert roared and left the two ladies who were standing, charged for another attack.

Albert came into his office. He slumped into the swivel chair waiting for the ladies he just summoned. That really shocked him. He couldn’t believe the two could engage in such an act. He felt really embarrassed by their actions.

Valerie was the first to leave the office and Eddie followed suit. Sarah stayed behind to help arrange the office. 

John stood outside the CEO’s door, he saw the two ladies walking heavily towards him and immediately, he gave way for them to enter. He closed the door as soon as they’ve entered the room. John wished he was inside to listen to what happened. An idea struck his mind and he immediately left in search of Sarah. Maybe, she could tell him. Luckily for him, it was only the Vice president’s office and that of the CEO that had closed binds. The rest of the offices had transparent windows and doors, so it was easy for him to locate Sarah.

Sarah squatted to the floor arranging the books there. She was so concentrated in her business that she fail to notice John in the room. Maybe because of the sounds that emanated from the hitting out of dirt from the documents or because of the sounds that emanated from flipping through the pages of the documents.  John stared at her not knowing what to do. He cleared his throat after standing for a while.

Sarah rose speedily from the ground when she heard someone cleared his throat. She turned to face the intruder and was relieved when she saw it was John. Her hand clamped on her chest as she tried to steady her breath.

“  I’m sorry. “ John apologized to the lady who glared at him furiously. Sarah swept her gaze all over him and squatted to continue what she was doing. “ I only wanted to help you. “ He said to her and stooped to her level when she remained quiet.

“ You can start with that. “ She said as she pointed at the dusty documents that was flung all over the place. “ Dust out those documents, while I go through them. “

John did as he was told, he really wanted to know how everything happened. “ What really happened here? “ John asked all of a sudden. 

Sarah looked at him and returned her gaze to the documents she was holding.

“ What was that ? “ John mused. His heart skipped as soon as Sarah gave him that awkward look.

“ I think Ma’am Valerie has personal issues with Eddie. And it caused all of these. Ma’am Valerie brought these documents to Eddie and instructed that she sort out the important ones. That’s really difficult, you know. I see no reason why she would need these, so, there’s more to it than just arranging them. You’ll have to dust all of them and go through the contents to be able to put it in place. I think that is why, Eddie needed my help but Ma’am Valerie found it a wrong thing to do. She expected Eddie to do it herself. Ma’am Valerie attacked Eddie but Eddie dodged the attack and it infuriated her and that led to all these.


Albert’s office buzzed with arguments. The duo ( Valerie and Eddie ) explained each other’s experiences, contradicted and exchanged words. Albert hit his hand angrily on the table to hush the two ladies .

“ What exactly is wrong with the both of you? Where do you think this argument will take you to? “ Albert was fuming this time. 

The two ladies kept quiet but continued throwing daggers at each other, with their eyes. 

Albert punished Eddie for disrespecting a higher official. He told her that she would be paid half of her salary for that month. For Valerie, he led her off the hook as the Vice president but with a great scolding attached. Albert further warned that no one should reveal the Incident to another person, After that, he dismissed the both of them.


John wasn’t satisfied with all that Sarah told him. He wished she could tell him more about the attack. Before he could say anything else, the door flicked open and Eddie came in looking upset and tired. She went straight and slumped into the swivel chair.

“ Sir Albert wants to see the both of you. “  Eddie said before she bent her head on her table. John exchanged glances with Sarah. They looked at Eddie with worries written all over their faces but none of them summoned courage to ask her about the outcome of the judgement.

The duo left for Albert’s office. Albert warned them strictly not to tell anyone one about what happened, not even to discuss it amongst themselves. After that, he let them retire to their offices.


Festus went to meet Williams. He came inside when he heard the ' come in ' order from him. As soon as he entered, he bowed in respect and handed a letter to Williams.

“ Sir, it’s a letter from Gregory. “

Williams read the contents of the letter, “ Tomorrow at D’Classic hotel, by 6 pm.” Williams mused. He handed back the letter to Festus. “  Make preparations for this meeting. “

Festus bowed again and left the room to do as instructed.


Valerie hadn’t been herself ever since the incident with Eddie. She wanted to get even with her but how was she going to execute that, especially now that Albert instructed that it remains a secret? She was lost in thoughts when she heard a knock at her door .

She stood up to open the door. The maid greeted as soon as the door was opened. She informed Valerie that her food was ready and served and that she should come downstairs as Smith and Albert were waiting for her.

“ Is that why you knocked at my door like that?”  Will you get out of my sight! “ Valerie screamed at the maid and immediately she ran out. Valerie came inside and locked the door behind her. She tried to suppress her anger but that wasn’t easy to achieve. Anyways, she forced a bright face and went downstairs for dinner. 

Albert was already sitting with his father when she joined them. She greeted them and sat down. 

Smith noticed the awkward behavior of Valerie, her face was dimmed and she ate like one who wasn’t hungry.

“ Are you ok? “ Smith asked Valerie.

 Valerie threw a glance at Albert and Smith followed suit. “ Is there something you are not telling me son? “ Smith asked Albert who remained silent. 

“ Albert…” Smith called out.

Albert flapped his eyelashes in surprise. “ Did you say something, Dad?” Albert asked.

“ You seemed to be carried away. I want to know your problems. “ Smith told him.

“ Problems? “ Albert asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“ Are the both of you Ok? “  Smith repeated.

“ Yes Dad.” They responded in unison. 

Smith let it slide and they continued eating. The table was cleared as soon as they had ate to their satisfaction.


“ Did something happen today at work ?” Eva asked Sarah. “ I mean, Valerie had been acting strange. The maid I sent to her reported her to me and her attitude at the dinning table was a confirmation to what the maid told me.

Sarah told Eva all that happened in the company but that was after she had promised to keep it a secret.

Eva was already laughing out loud at the end of the narration. She was so happy that someone got even with Eddie. “ I wish I was there to witness all that happened. “

“ Mrs. Wish, it wasn’t funny today. Just concentrate on your work. I’ve told you about that before now.” Sarah cautioned.

“ I’ll do that ma. “ Eva stood and bowed and the both of them laughed.


Aunt Mary wanted to go out to see some of her friends. She admonished her maids and guards to be extra careful as she kept on remembering what happened to her the other day.

She got into her car and drove out of the house. At one corner of the house, a maid stood as she watched Aunt Mary leave the house. She dialed a line on her cellphone.

“ Hello. “ She said to the person at the other end of the line. “ She just left.” The maid revealed and listened keenly to what the receiver had to say. After that, she ended the line and left for her room.