
Chapter Thirty - Eight

“What did you do to Sofia? “ Albert asked in a dreaded tone. He was already fuming in anger and glared intently at Valerie. Valerie was shocked, she wasn’t expecting such a reaction from Albert. She kept mute and continued staring at Albert without saying word. That simple action from her irritated Albert. He didn’t know why she kept quiet and was staring at him as if she didn’t hear him talk.

“ Didn’t you hear me? “ Albert roared.

“ Why? Why do you ask me such stupid questions? And by the way, should I be questioned for treating a maid the way I like ? “  Valerie spoke arrogantly. There wasn’t a bit of remorse in her tone because she felt that Albert was overreacting.

“ Point of correction, she works for the Smiths and we have rules here. What is even giving you the audacity to talk to me like that? “ Albert asked angrily.

“Well the deed has been done. Warn her to learn her lessons. “ Valerie finally said and left Albert standing with mouth agape. Albert followed suit after a while of standing alone. 

Valerie went to another corner in the house. She was upset about the incident. Moreover, this was the first time she shouted at Albert. She bit her lips in frustration when she thought about it. What would she do to Lady Lily and Mira to get even? Valerie thought for a long time before smiling to herself. 

Albert was so annoyed that Valerie shouted at him instead of apologizing.  He went straight to his father’s room. Andy was standing in his father’s attendant room when he entered.

“ Is my father in ? “ Albert asked impatiently.

“ Yes. But do I … “ Before Andy could continue with whatever he wants to say, Albert was already inside his father’s room. Like a flash. 

“ Hmmmm. What happened this time ? “  Andy wondered.

“ So, what is wrong with that? “ Smith asked Albert. 

Albert wasn’t expecting to hear that from his father. He had just told him of what Valerie did but Smith didn’t see anything wrong with that. 

“ Dad, her face was badly bruised. You should have seen it. “  Albert complained.

“ Son. I used to think you would follow my footsteps but what is this? Don’t tell me you stormed into my room to tell me that a maid was slapped by her Mistress! “ Smith roared.

“ She is my wife! “ Albert retorted angrily.

“ Shhhhhhhh. “ Smith cautioned. “ Do not let this slip out your tongue again. “

Albert sat down in anger. He felt confused. 

“ I’ll call Valerie to come over now. “ Smith told Albert. He called on Andy to get him, his phone, which Andy did. Smith gave the phone to his son Albert to search for Valerie’s number.

“ Dad you can do that yourself. “ Albert said in an angry tone. “ Moreover, I don’t know what you saved it with. “ Albert complained.

“ Scroll through the numbers you’ll see an attractive name. It’s Valerie’s number. “ Smith told him.

“ What kind of a description is that? “ Albert asked his Dad through flapping eyebrows. 

“ Just do what I asked you to do. “ 

Albert scrolled through the hundreds of contact on his father’s phone but did not see the line. He was so irritated after a fruitless search. Albert exhaled loudly. His father was strict a times but that didn’t sit down well with Albert’s life. Albert stopped searching. He kept the phone on the chair beside him. He slouched frontwards and rested his face on his chin. He remained silent after that.

“Have you seen it?” Smith asked Albert who kept quiet and continued looking around,  fixing his gaze at nothing in particular.

“ Search for My Daughter-in-law. “ Smith commanded.

Albert looked his Dad with furrowed eyebrows when his Dad told him what he used, to save Valerie. Albert swallowed his words and searched for it. It was very easy to locate it. He dialed the line and gave it to his Dad. Smith took the phone waiting for Valerie to pick the call.

“ Hello Dad. “  A soft voice rang out. Smith had earlier turned on the speaker, so, Albert could hear their conversation loud and clear.

“ Hello, my daughter. I need you to come over to my room, asap.”

“ I’ll be there in a jiffy. “ Valerie answered him. And Smith ended the line. Valerie joined them as she said.

“ Sit down. “ Smith commanded her to sit on a sofa close to Albert. “ Albert, I need you to apologize to Valerie. “

Albert raised his eyebrows at what his father had said. He looked at Valerie and kept mute.

“ I don’t know if I need to repeat what I just said. “ Smith said in anger.

“ Dad what’s going on ? “ Valerie asked Smith. Smith narrated all his son told him to Valerie. He showed his unhappiness towards his son’s attitude to Valerie. Albert remained quiet. He wasn’t going to apologize to Valerie no matter what it takes him. 

“ I’m sorry Dad, but I can’t. Excuse me please. “ Albert left the duo inside astonished.

“ He dares to walk out of me. “ Smith said fuming in anger. Valerie loved the drama. Though Albert was annoyed with her, she was happy that she still had a backbone.

“ Dad please don’t be upset. I’ve forgiven him and I pray you do so. “ Valerie pleaded. Smith loved Valerie the more because according to him, she had a kind heart. Kind enough to let go of wrongs. Valerie stayed a while with Smith before she retired to her room.

Immediately Albert left his father’s room, he called John to get their family’s doctor. Then he went straight to Sofia’s room. 


Mira went to open the door. She saw Albert as soon as she opened it and bowed. Albert went inside the room and Mira locked the door.

Sofia was awake by then. She was sitting with Lady Lily while Eva returned to her duties when Albert came in. Sofia was surprised and angry when she saw Albert. She tilted her head to a corner not wanting to look at Albert. Lady Lily and Mira left them in the room to discuss. As the duo (Lady Lily and Mira) left the room, they bumped into Sarah.

“ Hi. “  Sarah said to them.

“ Hello “

“ Hi “ They responded. 

Lady Lily took Sarah to a corner and told her that Sofia is with Albert in the room. Sarah went out to run errands for Smith and she hadn’t returned till that time. 

“ Eva will explain the details. “ Lady Lily told her. So, the three of them went out to hang around for a while.


“ I’ve told you not to come close to me. “ Sofia repeated. 

“ I came to apologize on behalf of Valerie. I already cautioned her and the doctor will soon be here to treat you. “ Albert told her.

“I don’t need your treatment. The heck with all of you in this home. How can a mere lady treat the daughter-in-law of the Smiths like a maid. Well, I don’t blame her. Look at me, dressed like a maid. But it’s fine. I’m recovering as you can see, just get out of my sight. “ Sofia told her and lay down. 

“ I don’t know if you listened to me a while ago. “

“ Get out ! “ Sofia screamed and winced because of the headache that popped up in her head because of the pains. 

Albert flared. He couldn’t understand why Sofia behaved that way. He stood up and left the room in anger.

Sarah, Lady Lily and Mira saw him going out so they went into the room. Sarah was shocked to see Sofia’s face.

“ How did he know I am here? “ Sofia asked immediately they locked the door.

“ I told him about it. “  Lady Lily answered. She didn’t want to implicate Mira.

“ But why did you do that, Ma’am? “ Sofia asked her.

“ I’m sorry. “ Lady Lily apologized.

Sofia lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. Just as she said, Sofia refused to bed treated by the Smith’s family doctor despite the pleas from Lady Lily and Mira.


“ This is the letter, Master “ Festus handed the letter to Williams. 

Williams requested to see the letter, Festus gave him the other time which he (Festus) brought to him (Williams).

Williams opened the letter and read it carefully. He handed it to Festus to read through it. Festus already know the content but he took it and read it again.

“ I wonder why he wants to meet with me. “ Williams said.

“ Yes Master. He works for the Smiths. Hope it’s not one of their ploys to get to you. “ Festus said.

“ Well, I don’t know the outcome of this meeting. Write an acceptance letter to him and wait for his response. “ Williams ordered Festus.

“ Yes Sir. “ Festus left the room to write the letter as instructed.

Ever since Albert went out with Eddie, Valerie hated her the more. She’ll complain about this, and about that of Eddie. 

Today, she packed a whole lots of the old office documents and instructed Eddie to sort out the important ones.

Eddie was so upset. She looked at the dusty documents packed inside the big carton.  She exhaled loudly just looking at them. At a point, she stood up and left for Sarah’s office .

She knocked at the door and pushed it open . Sarah was surprised to see her because each time she comes to visit her in her office, it’s either she found a fault and they would quarrel or when she wants to act arrogant before her.

Eddie slumped into the office chair directly opposite to Sarah. She looked upset and tired at the same time.

“ I need you to help me out. This time I really need your assistance. “  Eddie told Sarah.

“ What can I do for you? “ Sarah asked her. This was the first time Eddie was talking to her in a polite manner.

“ Let’s go to my office. “ Eddie told her.

The duo left for Eddie’s office. Sarah stood rooted to the ground when she saw the documents.

“ What’s this all about? “ Sarah asked in shock.

“ It’s Valerie again. “ Eddie responded. “ Can you please help me with this? Let’s sort the important ones. “  Eddie pleaded.

Sarah agreed to help Eddie and Eddie thanked her in return. So, they swung into action. First, they got a nylon pull over to prevent dust from resting on their work clothes. Then they began cleaning and sorting out the documents.

Valerie was already giggling to herself thinking about the pains Eddie might be going through at that moment. She wanted to see her face, she wanted to see sweat drench her entire body, so she left her office for Eddie’s.

“ What is going on here? “ Valerie asked. She was expecting to see Eddie alone. Sarah quickly stood up in fear while Eddie continued what she was doing. 

Valerie was so angry that she kicked Eddie. Eddie winced in pains. She stood up with great speed and faced Valerie.

“ Am I not talking to you? “ Valerie screamed at Eddie. Eddie smirked, and that simple action from her riled Valerie.

Valerie was so upset that she raised her hand and slapped Eddie. Sarah was shocked but the greatest shocker was that it was Valerie that held her face in pains while Eddie was smiling at her.

“ Eddie…! “