
Chapter Ten

There wasn't much of a preparation for the wedding because it was meant to be small and discreet. Moreover it wasn't recognized by the family of the Smiths. A day was fixed for the wedding.

Civil Administration Bureau.

"Congratulations Young Master. Congratulations Ma'am." The maids and guards complimented as soon as both parties signed to be legally married.

"Thank you everyone." Albert replied smiling happily.

Sofia only maintained an expressionless face as they aimed for the car and they drove to  the Smiths residence.

As soon as they stepped into the building,they were giving a warmth welcome. Food were served,lots of merriment and the rest. Dinner was nothing  different from lunch. It was abundant. Even the smallest in the  house that day,enjoyed to the fullest.

After dinner,Smith decided to speak with his son and daughter-in-law (whom he did not wholeheartedly recognized)

"You're welcome to my house." Smith said sneeringly. Even a kid could notice the mockery in his tone.

"Thank you." Sofia said not minding the mocking compliment.

"It's good you've packed in. You'll be living in this residence but in..."

"Dad, can we adjourn this discussion till tomorrow please?" Albert interrupted. He wanted to enjoy his wedding night. He was yet to consume the forbidden fruit. If his Dad should upset Sofia then it would really be difficult for him to convince her .

"If you say so. You can go to your room."

"Thank you Dad." Albert said happily, taking Sofia to his room.

   **Rings** Rings**

Smith picked his call.

"Master, Valerie is back in town."


"That was so quick and gosh..." Smith said in a  disappointing tone.Anyways thanks for the information. Please be alert. Make sure you tail after  her. And inform me about her movements."

"At your command Master."

Smith cut the call. 

Valerie is the daughter to Adams ,a  wealthy man  who owns one of the high ranking companies in the  fashion world.

Smith's father and Adam's father were childhood friends. They grew up together but got separated due to Adam's family relocated to England where his father worked in a fashion designing company. But they were still in touch and would visit each other during vacations. This love extended to their children. It has always been the wish of Smith's late father for Albert to get married to a Valerie.

Although Smith was not against that decision but he felt he could play tricks like he did in his youth.

 "Something must be done as fast as possible." He mused.



"Don't you dare come close to me." Sofia yelled. 

"Really?"Albert asked angrily. "Why shouldn't I? Am I not your husband? Why are you depriving me of my rights? Haven't I waited enough?" Albert kept on pouring questions upon questions on Sofia.

"I don't care. I've never approved of this marriage. And....."

"Why is your approval needed? " Albert's voiced increased.

Sofia kept on going backwards till her back hit the wall. Yet Albert did not stop coming close to her. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh". Sofia screamed.

"You can shout as much as you can but I assure you that no one will hear you. I knew I was going to face something like this,so I prepared for the task."

"Bitch." Sofia cursed 

"What?" Albert covered the distance between them. He held Sofia's throat making her choke.


Sofia coughed endlessly as soon as Albert released his grip on her throat.

"Why are you been difficult?" He stormed at her.

Sofia continued coughing,her eyes was dark red,red marks circled round her throat, where Albert held her tight. She let tears travel down freely on her face.

Albert looked at her with mixed feelings. Anger, guilt engulfed in him. His sexual urge vanished. When he couldn't control his anger,he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Sofia squatted down crying her eyeballs out. She cried for hours and soon slept off. 

Albert went to the next flat in their residence. 

He took a bottle of whiskey and poured it into a glass cup. He thought about what to do with Sofia.

He doesn't understand how he felt seeing those tears drop from that Innocent looking face.

"Shit." He cursed. " But why the heck is she been difficult? I'm rich, handsome, influential. What is it that she needs that I can't provide?" He mused to himself, gulping down the whiskey,the third time. He continued till he was tipsy and he slept off.




Mary kept on dialing Sofia's number but Sofia wouldn't pick  her calls,which was unusual for her to do.

"Why isn't she taking her calls?" Mary complained. "What if...?" Her heart skipped when a negative thought came to her mind but she shoved it off with a shrug. "No It can't be."



The room beamed with the early morning lights. Sofia woke up from sleep. She looked at the strange environment and remembered she wasn't in her father's house. She wanted to stand up but she felt pains all over her body resulting from staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time. She kept on trying to stand up but the pains were so much on her,so she just remained in that position. The incidences of the other night travelled down her memory lane, making her sob.

"How long are you going to stay there?" A voice startled Sofia. She looked at the direction from where she heard the voice , she saw Albert sitting down on a chair with a book on his hand.

"Goo..good morning." She stammered.

"Morning." Albert replied." Get on your feet and freshen up."

Sofia tried getting up but the pains pinned her back to her position. She kept on trying to stand before a hand stretched towards her.

Albert helped her to her feet and still held her tight because she was still not balanced on her feet.

"Thank you." Sofia said as soon as he helped her sit in the bed.

"Don't thank me. Thanks to you. I slept;a drunken man."

Sofia bit her lips making Albert smile a little.

"Gosh. She doesn't know how beautiful and seductive she looks when she does that." He said inwardly. Speaking to Sofia."Rest for a while and freshen up,then come downstairs for breakfast."     


"Dad." Albert called out to his Dad , whom he noticed looked  carried away. "Are you ok Dad?" He queried.

"Not much problems son. It's just concerning business."

"Really?" Albert asked not believing a word from his father. "The last time I checked, everything was perfectly ok. Infact we've been making progress. So what else are you thinking about?"

"Son please ask no more."

"But Dad....."

"I'm ok. Let's go and eat."

"How was the Honey-moon-night-together?"

"I don't want to talk about that, Dad."

"Was she not satisfied with the joystick? Or has it fallen?" Smith teased.

"Dad." Albert exclaimed. His face was now as red as a tomato.

"But where is she?"

"She's upstairs. Just refreshing herself. She'll soon be here." He said sitting down on the dinning chair.

"Enjoy." Smith said with a wink and both burst into laughter.



Sofia sat down beside her drawer. She took her phone to look at the time but was stunned to see several missed calls and messages from Aunt Mary.

"Omg. She must really be worried." She called back but Aunt Mary didn't pick the call,so she decided she was going to call back later.

A knock came to the door followed by the opening of the door.

Albert stood dumbstruck by the view he beheld.

Sofia was sitting down on the bed and had only a white towel on, revealing her sexy, straight legs. 

As soon as the door flicked open Sofia looked at the intruder who as expected was Albert. He was the only one that could enter the room without waiting for a 'come in order'. She was confused when Albert stood at the door looking at her without saying anything.

"Are you ok?" Sofia asked.

" Oh yes." Albert said coming back to his senses. " I only came to check on you. The food is getting cold."

"Oh really" 

"Yes. Can I come in?"