
Chapter Sixty-one

" Sir Lois. " A girl called from the end of the shop. Lois turned to look at the direction of the voice but stood rooted to the ground when he felt someone hugged him.

" Lois " ...

" Dad. " Someone called him. Lois gently pushed the lady that hugged him, out of his embrace. He looked at the unfamiliar face quizzically as he tried to recall where he met her. Valerie noticed that Melissa was walking closer to them. So she looked at the man with plea and prayed pity on her. 

" Please help me this once sir. " Valerie whispered to the man. The man read her lips but wanted to refuse the offer. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Valerie hugged him again. Melissa was now close to them and was looking at them in confusion.

" Dad. I'm sorry. I know I wronged you, but don't give me this weird attitude." Valerie said almost crying.

The man was getting confused and a bit scared at that moment. He wanted to help the lady that stood before him but he didn't know the resultant effects of whatever action he may take and how It affects the other woman ( Melissa ). Valerie looked at him again, this time in tears that he wanted to give in to her plea but the gaze he received from Melissa made him refute.

" Who are you? "The man asked Valerie. Valerie was shocked to the marrow. She immediately turned to Melissa who stood mouth agape and drew her by her hand.

" Where are we going? " Melissa asked her. Valerie neglected her and  took her out of the coffee shop amidst weird looks from people around.

" I need to leave now. Ok? I have an emergency at home. I'll explain later on. " Valerie finally said and rushed off to the road. She stopped a cab and directed the rider to take her to the boutique where she parked her car. 

Melissa wasn't expecting that from Valerie. She looked around and felt embarrassed by the looks from passer-by. She walked swiftly to her car and drove off immediately.

Valerie got to the boutique and went straight to the parking lot. She was about to enter the car when she heard shouts from a distance. She turned and saw some security men rushing towards her. They greeted her and enquired who she was and why she was entering the car which they assumed to be someone else's. 

Valerie got so irritated by their actions that she quickly got into the car but the security guards were very smart that they blocked her from closing the door. Valerie alighted from her car and began shouting at the security guards. More security guards approached them, and one of them alerted the head security guard.

" What's going on here? " A security guard spoke from behind. Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice and the other security guards bowed on realizing who the person was. Valerie kept eyeing the head guard furiously.

" Hey. Can't you see that i have been made a  soldier because of you. Now, tell these things here to get out of my way.

The security guard smirked and ordered the security guards to bundle her.

" Oh, ok. " Valerie said. She forced a smile and gestured the security guard to come to a corner. She went to a corner with the security guard and tipped him. She was allowed to leave the residence after that. 


Lady Lily and Mira was in their room with Sofia when they heard a knock on the door. Mira went and opened it. She bowed and made way for the person knocking to come in. Lady Lily stood up and greeted Albert. She left the room with Mira to give the two their privacy.

Sofia frowned her face. She continued with what she was doing, neglecting Albert.

" Sofia. " Albert called her. Sofia looked at the man whom she fell in love with. Her heart melted just by setting her eyes on Albert. But, she wouldn't do that. She didn't want to appear weak before Albert. So, ehe pretended not be affected.

" I'm sorry. " Albert apologized and placed his hands on her back. He came so close to her and began playing with her earlobes , sending cold chills all over her.

( I'll allow my readers to imagine what happened next. " X- rated " )

" They've been indoors for a long time. " Mira said to Lady Lily. She wanted to take a nap before the presence of Albert. She was sucking hard because she had to leave the room to give them some time alone.

" Let's go to Eva's room to rest. " Lady Lily said to her. The duo stood up and made for the room. They knocked on the door on getting to the room.

Sarah was inside when she heard a knock on the door. She went and opened it. Her face beamed with smiles when she saw the duo outside the room, so she let them in.

Eva hurriedly walked to the bed and lay down. She closed her eyes and within few minutes she slept off.

Sarah was now Lady Lily. She served her snacks and also told her that Eva went to do her functions.

" What about Ma'am Sofia? " Sarah asked Lady Lily.

" She's with the young Master. " Lady Lily answered her.

Sarah then understood the reasons behind Mira's actions. She swept quick glance at the lady who was fast asleep on the bed and returned her gaze to Lady Lily who smiled at her. 



The duo ( Sofia and Albert ) were completely wasted at the end of their lovemaking. They slept off after that. 

Albert was the first to wake up after few hours. He felt satisfied and a glint of happiness shimmered in his eyes. He sat up as he admired the sleeping beauty behind him. He didn't want to wake her up and didn't want to leave her side so, he picked up his phone and dialed John's line.

John was with Eva when he received a call from his Master. He pressed the receiver's button and greeted his Master. Albert told him of his whereabouts and gave him some instructions before ending the call.

Eva looked at John quizzically when she saw John grinning after the call. 

" Don't look at me like that. It's Master. He said we should bring his food and that of Ma'am Sofia into Lady Lily and Mira's room. He's with Ma'am Sofia. And ... " He cleared his throat still grinning. 

Eva turned red at the instant, just imagining what might have happened between the two. 

" Let's expect some babies soon. " Eva said in whispers. The both of them laughed.

" It's becoming more interesting. Let's watch events unfold. " John said to her and she nodded in agreement.



It was time for lunch. Smith, Valerie and Clifford was in the sitting room. They sat waiting for the maids to serve them. Valerie was really uncomfortable, she kept on looking around for any sign of Albert but she saw none. Moreover, the cutleries that was provided was for the three present. 

" Why were they excluded? " Valerie was thinking very fast. She didn't want to believe that they're together. She called a maid to rush towards them, which she did.

" What about Albert? " Valerie enquired.

" He's with Ma'am Sofia, and instructed that we serve them separately. " The maid replied and bowed.

That was a stab on Valerie's chest. Dark lines crowned her forehead as she thought of the duo been together.

" Where are they? " Valerie asked further. 

" Allow them to be. " Clifford cut in. " You may go now. " He sais to the maid.

" Valerie " That ...

Valerie looked at Smith for help and saw none. Smith pretended not to care about what was going on. But, he was preparing deep down what he was going to tell you son later on.

Valerie felt alone in the game. She bent her face in embarrassment and began eating her food.



Sofia woke up that afternoon. She felt her body entangled to another naked one. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Albert lying next beside her. Her face flushed with embarrassment when she slowly raised the duvet. She smiled and closed her eyes again as she thought about them making out. Then she felt someone kiss her forehead . She opened her eyes and before she could speak, her lips were already glued to Albert's lips.

They kissed for a while before getting up to wash up. They already stained the bed.  

" We forgot we weren't in our room. " Sofia said looking at the duvet that was stained with sex liquids.

" They'll wash it. " Albert answered her.

Sofia blushed again thinking about the reactions from whoever might wash it.

" I'll wash it. ” Sofia said.

" No you can't. " Albert answered.

The kept on debating till Albert finally gave in to Sofia's suggestion. They got up after that to freshen up. Albert removed the duvet and the bedspread and kept it aside. He called John for a replacement.

Sofia went into the bathroom and began taking her bath. She had just started when Albert came in. Sofia felt embarrassed once again as she looked at the naked Albert. Albert went into the bath and they began playing with the bubbles and also did the deed ( XXX ) again.

Albert carried Sofia out of the room and gently placed her on the bed. He picked up her clothes and underwears which he tossed aside during their love making. He personally dressed Sofia up and also dressed up. He beeped John again and within few minutes, a knock came at the door. Eva came in with some maids with trays of foods. They kept the food in the room, bowed and left. 

Sofia dished out the food for the both of them and they began eating.



" They did it ! " Eva said as she jumped into John's embrace. She began telling him about the duvet and bedspread that laid at the corner of the room. The two kept on discussing and began suggesting the genders of the assumed babies.


Aunt Mary dressed up to for shopping. She was assisted by Alma who carried her things to the car. Before Aunt Mary left, she handed over the house to another maid and left after instructing the maids and guards. 

The security guard at the gate opened the gate for Aunt Mary to drive out and he closed the door as soon as they were out of the building. The maids and guards dispersed to their various functions after that. 

At a corner in the house. A maid was seen making a call.

" She's out. But with Alma." The maid revealed.

" Ok. " The person at the other end of the line replied her. 

She listened for further instructions before the call was ended. The maid looked around to confirm that she was really alone. She tiptoed out of there after that.