
Chapter Sixty - five

Smith got so upset by his son's new character. Albert used to be a very obedient son to him but he changed to someone who challenges even his father. All Smith could think of as the cause this was Sofia. For this, more hatred boiled in his heart for Sofia.

Albert stormed off to his room. He threw away everything that he saw. He felt the need to destroy even the wall, that he began to hit his fist on the wall and fell down in pains.

He just couldn't believe that he left the hospital for an unimportant talk as he thought of it. Albert felt so disgusted and left his room immediately.

Valerie remained in Smith's room. A wolf in sheep's clothing. She tried to calm Smith's temper with a secret desire to know more about the event he talked about.

" Daddy, I'll give you a leg massage. " Valerie said and began massaging Smith's legs. Smith kept on yelling at Albert and also saying some things regarding the event. Valerie utilized the opportunity and began askin Smith about the event.

" It is a ball party called The Smith's Dazzle Ball party. ( La Smithè èblouir fête de ball ou La Smithè èblouir balle ) " Smith told Valerie who listened with keen interest.

" Wow. French named. " Valerie said and Smith nodded. He also explained more about the ball party to Valerie and asked Valerie to start preparing for it as she would be announced the next mistress of the Smiths.

Valerie wanted to jump up but she felt bad recalling that Albert didn't want her in his life. Smith assured her that he was going to personally choose his successor's partner.

" I choose who sits there. " He told her.

Valerie's joy knew no bounds. She thanked Smith for the love he showered on her and promised not to disappoint him. She left the room for hers after a  while.

Albert went to Lady Lily and Mira's room. Mira opened the door when she heard a knock and bowed when she saw Albert. She gave way for Albert to come in. Lady Lily also bowed on seeing Albert. Albert saw their panicked expressions and asked them to remain calm. He also explained the situation in the hospital to them.

" I want the both of you to come with me to the hospital. Eva and John need to return home for their duties. " Albert said.

Lady Lily told him that they are ready to help Sofia and her family. Albert then told them to prepare as they would be leaving with him, to the hospital.

Later on same day, Lady Lily and Mira left the house with Albert for the hospital.


Lady Lily and Mira trekked behind Albert to Sofia's ward. Mira quickly ran and hugged Sofia who lay on the bed resting. 

" I missed you so much, My Lady. " Mira said as tears streamed down her face. Lady lily came close and embraced her. Sofia was excited to see them, same as John, Clifford and Eva.

" They'll be staying with you. " Albert said to Sofia. " While John and Eva will return back home. " 

After speaking, Albert called Clifford for a tête à tête outside the ward.

" Dad didn't give me the money. Instead, he called me to inform about an event which will take place in the future. " Albert told Clifford dejectedly.

Clifford sighed and promised to take care of Aunt Mary's hospital bills.

" Thank you so much. " Albert said smiling. He shook hands with Clifford and they went inside the ward.

Eva and John returned back home with Albert. While, Lady Lily and Mira including Clifford remained with Sofia. 

" I want to see my Aunt. " Sofia broke the silence in the room. Clifford turned deaf ears to what Sofia said and Sofia repeated what she said again. She slowly sat up on the bed as she slowly aimed to get down.

" Ma'am. " Lady Lily rushed to stop her.

" Sofia. " Clifford called.

" I want to see her now. " Sofia was determined to see her Aunt. Clifford gave up trying to convince her not to go and directed Lady Lily and Mira to take her to the next ward.

Lady Lily and Mira held Sofia to support her as they walked to the ward. Lady Lily slide open the door and they entered.

The trio felt a stung of pain in their hearts as they gradually approached Aunt Mary's bed. Sofia broke free from them and rushed to the bed. She fell on her knees beside the bed.

" Ma'am ... " Lady Lily and Mira wanted to hold her up but she ignored them. 

Tears streamed down Sofia's cheeks as she slide her hands on Aunt's Mary body.

" Mummy. " Sofia called with a heavy heart. This was the woman that took her like her own child and trained her just like a mother would to her child when her ( Sofia' s ) dad vowed not to allow her in his house. Sofia continued crying and refused to be consoled by Lady Lily and Mira. Her eyes was bloodshot and she felt like her heart was ripped off her body.

" Please wake up, Mummy. Please... Aunty. " Sofia kept on weeping. 

" It's okay. " A voice said from behind. Clifford patted Sofia's back and slowly pulled her up to her feet. " Let's go. " He whispered to her. Sofia shook her head. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay with Aunt Mary. Clifford persisted and finally she gave in to his demands. They both of them left the room while Lady Lily and Mira stayed back. They also wept and spoke  few words to Aunt Mary, assuring her that they would stand by her till the end. They moved further to the next ward to see the maid been referred to.

" Oh my! " Mira exclaimed as she recognized the maid. " This is Alma. " Mira said to Lady Lily and she nodded in agreement. They examined her body and also encouraged her to recuperate.

By the time they had gone back to Sofia's ward, Sofia was already sleeping.

" Shhhhh. " Clifford gestured them with his finger on his lips to remain silent. They walked back to their seats and to rest for a while.

By evening, Clifford got out and bought some meals for Sofia, Lady Lily and Mira before bading them goodnight.



Outside the hospital, Clifford smiled to himself as he recalled Eddie. He really missed her and wanted to see her again. He thought of what to do and an idea struck in his mind.

" That would be great. " He said to himself as he quickly got into his car.

Clifford drove down immediately to Eddie's residence.

He honked as soon as he came before the huge gate that enclosed the residence. A security guard came out to find out who the person was and immediately recognized Clifford, so he went in and opened the gate for Clifford. That made Clifford boast within, that he tipped the security guard. He was happy that he was gradually becoming popular amongst Eddie's servants.

Annie peeped through the window at the unexpected visitor. She was shocked to see Clifford that she couldn't wait for Clifford to knock on the entrance door.

" Are you here to see my Baby Eddie? " Annie said as soon as she opened the door. A broad smile graced her face as she stared at the handsome man who seemed shocked.

Clifford wanted to ask if she was already waiting for him. Because, that really surprised him. The door opened immediately he raised his hand to knock on the door. He sighed deeply and greeted Annie who showed him in.

Annie locked the door behind her as she followed Clifford to the sofa.

" Who is it Annie? " Eddie asked as soon as she entered the sitting room. She stood rooted to the ground with eyes popped out and hand pointing at Clifford who returned the gaze with a smile.

Annie walked towards Eddie and patted her back. " He's here to see you, baby girl. " Annie whispered to her and pushed her forward. She turn back and wanted to run out but Annie was smart enough to notice her moves that she grabbed Eddie's waist. " You're not going anywhere. " She said to her and tweaked her to  Clifford's direction. They both of them walked towards Clifford and Annie made Eddie sit close to Clifford.

" I'll leave you both now. " Annie said and smiled. She winked at Clifford and rushed inside.

" Good evening Angel. " Clifford said to Eddie who blushed at his words.

" Evening. "Eddie replied looking down at her legs.

" Hmmm.  My baby angel is shy. I'm here to stay with you tonight and  ... "

" Really? " Annie interrupted Clifford. " Oops,seems I'm interfering in some people's private matters. " Annie said as she lightly slapped her lips. " The room is very big and the bed too. " Annie said as she laughed out loud amidst weird looks from the duo in the sitting room. Eddie gave her a killer look and Annie laughed in return.

" Eddie, do you have the keys? Sorry, i have it's spare. Where's the romatic bedspread and pillows? " Annie said aloud, grinning wide as she walked upstairs.

" Annie, i want to clean up some things in the kitchen, so you'll ... "

" I can do it myself. Mr. Handsome, take care of my baby. " Annie said and bowed as she opened the door and went inside.

Eddie exhaled loudly as she cursed Annie inwardly. Clifford moved a bit closer to her leaving only few inches away from her.

" You .. What do you want to do ? " Eddie questioned him.

" Will you be my woman? " Clifford asked her, straight-faced, on his knees. "

" Eddie " ...

" Will you be my woman? " Clifford repeated. Eddie stood up immediately as she stared at Clifford with mixed feelings. Her mind flew to the master and the mission she was ordered to accomplish. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at Clifford who stared at her in confusion. 

Eddie didn't want to hurt Clifford's feelings,she could see the pure love he had for her in his eyes.

" I'm sorry. " Eddie said and ran out, leaving Clifford kneeling and completely embarrassed.

Eddie ran upstairs and almost bumped into Annie. She looked at Annie, ignored her and went inside.

" Annie " ...