
Chapter Forty

The day came for the meeting to hold. Festus had earlier informed his Master to get prepared for the visit. A knock came at Williams door and he ordered the person to come in. Festus bowed on seeing his Master.

“ Is everything ready? “ Williams asked Festus.

“ Yes Master. “ He affirmed. “ We’ve also alerted the security guards including our hidden trained guards. “ Festus told him.

Williams nodded. “ You’ve been a loyal servant. “ He said and Festus thanked him for the compliment. He glanced at the wall clock and it was 5:40pm.

“ I think we need to leave now.”  Williams said glancing at the wall clock the second time and Festus nodded in agreement.

So, they left and drove off to D’Classic Hotel.

They were recognized by the manager of the hotel and the manager instructed one of his followers to take them to the VIP room where he’ll be meeting with Gregory. The man looked very formal in his attire with black suits and shoe to match. 

“ This way, Sirs. “ The man said as he led them to the private elevator, mainly for Very Important Persons. As they exited the elevator, the man showed them to a room. Festus stood outside the door and Williams went in.

“ You’re welcome. “ Gregory said with a broad smile which shone all over his face.

“ Thank you. “ Williams responded as soon as he sat down. He remained quiet and observant, trying to be cautious of the man sitting before him, for him, Gregory was a worker of the Smiths.

They two, Gregory and Williams made their choice of meal when the waiters came in with their menu. They ate to their fill, discussing minor issues about family and home simultaneously. 

After the meals, they had left, some juice which they ordered. 

“ I know you’ll be wondering why I called you over. “ Gregory started the discussion for the day. Williams only nodded in affirmation. “ Well, I know that you’re facing financial crises at the moment, so, I decided to help out.” Gregory said. Williams beamed with a smile, squinting his eyes as if he doubted what he was been told. Williams still remained quiet listening to Gregory.

“ So, I don’t know what you think about this. “ Gregory continued.

Exhaling loudly, Williams said, “ Thank you so much for this you’ve said to me. But, how will you help me? “

“ I’m not for the Smiths. “ Gregory said in a low tone. He began telling Williams of how loyal he had been to the Smiths and how they paid him back, according to him, they do not value in the company and had to bring an inexperienced lady to work as a vice president. ( AND OTHER BORING DETAILS ).

Williams listened keenly to Gregory as he spoke. He waited for him to hit the nail at the point.

“ What I’m saying is this, I want you to work for my Master and you’ll not regret, making this decision. I promise you. Moreover, we can work together and take over their company. “ Gregory finally said.

“ I can’t give you an immediate answer. But I’ll  give you a feedback unfailingly. “ Williams assured.

Gregory shook hands with him, an evil grin shone all over his face. “ I know you’ll  make a wise decision. “

They left after drinking the juice to their fill. 

Williams thought deeply about the discussion he had with Gregory on his way going back till he returned home.

“ Don’t tell me you’ve been thinking about it till now?  Annie said to Eddie. She was feeling frustrated after pleading to play around with Eddie. 

“ I don’t feel like going out tonight with Ella, but I want to have just a little fun. Just little.” Annie kept emphasizing the ' little ' so as to lure Eddie. But, she wouldn’t give in to her pleas. Eddie was so upset about Valerie. Her anger increased whenever she thought about her salary been halved. 

“ She just bugs me. I don’t feel like seeing her again. “ Eddie complained. Annie patted Eddie’s back in consolation. 

“ I know. You won’t see her again. But, can we at least play some indoor games. “ Annie pleaded with pouted lips.

“ Yes we can but… “

“ Ye……a “ Annie jumped in excitement. “Can we go now? “ Annie said. 

“After Valerie leaves the company. “ Eddie told her, to her disappointment. The room became quiet after that and no one spoke.

“ Dear friend, it’s just, 8pm. “ We should retire to bed now and I will take the lead. “ Eddie said and stood up to leave.

“Goodnight.” Eddie said smiling at Annie.

“ Sleep with bed bu..g..s “  Annie said with a dimmed face.

“ What did you say? “ Eddie knew she heard something, but wanted to confirm what she heard. 

“ I said sleep with the bed Angels. “ Annie smirked looking at Eddie who seemed confused. She spurted past Eddie whose face was now dimmed.

“ What’s wrong with her? “ Eddie said as she looked at Annie walking swiftly to her room. She also walked to her room wondering what came over Eddie.

Williams invited Festus to his room, he wanted to hear his opinion on what he (Williams) discussed with Gregory.

“ Have a sit.”  Williams said pointing to a seat in his room.

“ Thank you, Master.” Festus said and sat down. He looked at his Master whose facial expression wasn’t  bright.

“It’s about my discussion with Gregory. I want you to straightforward with me. Both of us have been together for a long time now and I believe you won’t fail me. “

“ I’ll always be loyal, Master. “ Festus bowed

Williams began narrating the discussion he had with Gregory to Festus. He also asked for his opinion.

“ I’ll suggest you do as your mind told you. “ Festus answered. Although he didn’t like the idea, he kept feeling that it’s all a trap from the Smiths but he didn’t  want to decide for his  Master.

“ I want to work with Gregory and revenge on the Smiths. “ Williams told Festus. He laughed out loud thinking about it. Festus had no other choice than to agree to his Master’s decision. 

“ I’ll  stand by you, Master. “ Festus bowed. 

“ I’ll send him a feedback today. “ Williams said. 

“ I’m so sorry about yesterday. “ Eddie apologized to Annie.

Annie kept her in doghouse since the other night and avoided her entirely. She even refused to eat what Eddie cooked and only ate  some fruit salad.

“ Please.”  Eddie placed her palms vertically, as she rubbed it together in plea. 

“ Ok, let’s  go to the mall, or to the swimming pool or let’s drive around town. Oh! Should I get you some of your favourite cheese? Oh let’s bathe together. We used to do that when we were kids, right? “

Eddie looked disgustingly at Annie. She wondered what sort of a person Annie was. She always say and do weird stuffs that usually shocks her. Annie began to tickle Eddie after several attempts to make her talk.

Eddie was already shouting out as she rolled o! the sofa. She kicked her feet up and down as she tried to speak. “ A..a…annie “ Eddie stuttered. She had began to feel the need to ease out because of the tickles she received from Annie.

“ Ok. I’m  sorry. “ She apologized. “Ple…. a .. se. “

Eddie stood hurriedly to her feet immediately Annie let her go. She ran off to the visitors’ loo because they were in the sitting room.

Eddie was exhaling loudly by the time she was satisfied and was out of the loo. She trudged and sat down beside Annie. “ You’re  forgiven. Ok? But, that was risky. You almost caused me a problem. “ Eddie complained.

“ Can we just flex around town, please? “ Annie pleaded.

“ Yes.”  Eddie replied. The duo left happily to their room to get a changeover for the outing.  Annie took her things to Eddie’s  room.

Eddie looked surprised when she saw Annie coming into her room with a big bag. “ Where are you going with that? “ Eddie asked her.

“ I want you to make a choice for me. “ Annie replied and shoved the bag on Eddie’s  bed. She unpacked the clothes in the bag and kept it for Eddie to make a choice. Eddie helped select the clothes she (Annie) would wear and also got ready. The two applied a little make-up and came to have a full view of themselves in the mirror.

“ I think we’re  good to go. “ Eddie said.

“Let’s  go now! “ Annie said happily and the two left the house to have fun. 

“ Here we meet again.”  Valerie said to Sofia. She had been watching out for Sofia and luckily for her(Valerie), she met her (Sofia) in the company of Lady Lily and Mira.

Sofia exhaled loudly as she looked at Valerie with anger. Valerie smirked at Sofia’s facial expression. Sofia couldn’t put up with Valerie’s behaviour, so she took the lead to leave the place but Valerie obstructed her movement once again.

“ Why do you like making troubles? “ Sofia bursted out in anger. Valerie felt humiliated by what Sofia asked her. More especially, when she turned to see that she wasn’t  the only person standing. Some maids were present though they pretended not to know what is happening.

“ Lily and Mira, I thought I gave you both some clothes to wash or didn’t I ? “ Valerie asked them in a mocking tone. 

“ What? “ Sofia was shocked to hear that from Valerie. “  You both work for her? “ Sofia asked again. Lady Lily and Mira was dumbfounded. That was out of expectations.

“ Oh, yes they do. And I’ll  advise you to respect me, else, they’ll have me to contend with. “ Valerie announced proudly again.

Sofia went dumb. Valerie was excited when she saw the defeated look on Sofia. “ You two should head to my room, now! “ Valerie commanded and left with shoulders high. 

Lady Lily and Mira gave Sofia a pleading look to be calm till they return, so they followed Valerie.

“ Wait. “ Sofia said after they’ve left. Valerie and the other two heard her and they stopped. They turned and saw Sofia walking towards them.

“ I can’t  allow you both to suffer because of me. I’ll  join you. “ Sofia said in a defeated tone.

Valerie clapped her hands in a way to congratulate Sofia for a job well done. “ You are wise and I can see. Now, the three of you should follow me. “

“ No, Ma’am .” Lady Lily said. “ We’re ok, please go and rest. “

“She’s right Ma’am .” Mira also tried to convince her but she refused and followed them to Valerie’s  room. 

“ So these are the clothes, you’ll wash and iron them. Your work starts now. “ Valerie rejoiced greatly within her as she watched the heap of clothes she brought out. She wanted to see Sofia beg her to pardon them.

Lady Lily and Mira bent down to gather the clothes when Sofia stopped them. Sofia moved to Valerie’s bathroom and got a bottle of bleach.

“ What do you want to do? “ Valerie asked in a high tone.

“ I’ll take care of them, your Highness. “ Sofia bowed. Valerie rushed to stop her, but before she could come close, Sofia poured the contents of the bleach on the clothes.

“ Valerie …”

“  Lady Lily …”

“ Mira …”

“ Enough is Enough! “ Sofia said in anger.