
Chapter Forty - Two

Albert returned home very late that day. He met Valerie as soon as he came into the main building. Valerie felt so happy after Sofia and her maids were punished. So, she wanted to utilize this opportunity with Albert. She sat down in the sitting room waiting for him. 

Valerie dashed towards the main door as soon as she saw Albert coming in.

“ Hello Dear. “ She said smiling with open arms. Albert felt her attitude was off. He looked at her with interest as his eyes swept to her chest which was a bit exposed in the flowered nightie she wore.

Well, Albert shoved off the idea and hugged her. “ You’re still awake. “ He said to her in a low tone.

“ Anything for you. “ She replied in whispers before giving him a peck on his cheek. Valerie felt chills ran down her spine as her lips brushed the beard at the corner of his face. 

“ Let’s go upstairs. “ He said to her, realizing that he almost forgot the existence of people in the sitting room.

Albert hung his hand over her shoulders. Valerie smiled at him as she leaned more into him. She walked with him, shoulders high, with her gazed flashing on every person they come across. She was trying to send a message with her actions, that she was the mistress in the house. One who should be respected, as she was able to tame father and son with her actions.

Eva didn’t sleep. She was also within the sitting room but in at the rear. The sitting room was very large with pillars which raised the stairs and rooms up. It was easy for Eva to hide behind the pillars. She saw when Valerie ran to welcome Albert.

“ What a wolf in sheep clothing. “  She thought. Anger ignited in her as the duo hugged themselves shamelessly in the sitting room. To Eva, Sofia was the Mistress, the woman leader in the house. Any other lady comes second and is only a thief. She squinted her eyes with an ugly face as she tried to make out the pretender at the other end. Worse still, Valerie walked off with Albert.

“ Indeed shameless. “  Eva cursed. She clasped her hand on her chest with pity for the proud lady at the end. “ What would she do when he finds out? “ She mused mockingly.

John was no different. He stood watching the two go upstairs. He continued staring at them till they’ve gone out of sight.

Eva stretched forward her hand, flinging it up and down as to catch John’s attention to her. John involuntarily swept his gaze to her side. He saw a figure at the other end and squinted his eyes to make out who the person was. He then moved towards the person and realization dawned on him as he furthered towards her.

“ Eva? “ He called. 

“ Shhhhh. “ Eva placed her index finger on her lips to prevent him from talking. John got the clue and walked silently towards Eva. Eva pulled him by his forearm and they went into a door which led to a narrow passage. 

“ I’m sorry about this, ok? “ Eva said and John nodded. 

“ What’s the problem? “ John asked inquisitively.

“ Thank you for that wonderful question. I’ll  give you the answers in details. “ Eva replied.

Eva narrated all that happened in the house that day. Everything Valerie caused and the outcome. That was a shocker to John. He was deeply touched by the story. 

“ I need you to talk to, Young Master Albert. “ Eva pleaded.

John exhaled loudly. That was going to be difficult for him. More especially now that his Master was under Valerie’s seductive control.

“ You saw what just happened. I doubt Young Master, Albert will listen to me right now. Moreover, he should be with her now. I don’t know what to say to you but I really can’t deal with it, if those two gang up against me. “

Eva was greatly disappointed. She hated Valerie the more because of the troubles she had caused her.

“ Thank you. “ Eva said and turned to leave but John dragged her back. Eva furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him.

“ Why don’t we do it our own way? “ John asked. 

“ Our own way? “ Eva asked in confusion.

“ Yes. Let’s go. “ John pulled Eva along and they left.



Meanwhile, Valerie followed Albert to a certain room. The cool air which gushed out of the room hit Valerie’s face and she closed her eyes to embrace it. Her hair flew up and down as they walked inside. The room was decorated with red flowers. The basement was red as well as the curtains, with sprinkles of silver in the decorations.

The chairs were sophisticated and well positioned.

“ Have a seat. “ Albert motioned Valerie to a seat and she sat down like a queen ready to be served. Albert walked to the stereo in the room and played a very soft and slow music that could send people to cloud nine. It made the atmosphere, sexy. ( ** an atmosphere for two ** ) 

He further unlocked the fridge and got a bottle of red wine. He brought out a tray and two wine glasses which he lay on the tray and by the side, he placed the wine glass.

“ Ok. We can have it to ourselves. “ Albert said as he dropped it on the table. He corked open the wine.

“ Wow! “ Valerie exclaimed in excitement as the screw-cap flew up and down to the floor.  It made a bubbling sound as it formed foams which flowed out of the bottle, down to its heels. 

Albert poured some of its contents into the wine glasses and gave one to Valerie.

“ P.i.n.o.t.no.i.r.”  Valerie read the label on the bottle before sipping some of the contents in the wine glass she held.

“ Yes it is. Don’t you like it? “ Albert asked her.

“ No it’s fine. I just remembered some wine names that could also befit this atmosphere, like the ' Screaming Eagle Cabernet.’ “ Valerie said and smiled.

“ Screaming Eagle Cabernet “ That name resounded in Albert’s  ears. His eyes bugged out just imagining the lady that sat beside him.

“ It worth 500,000 USD, you know. “ Albert said to Valerie. He wanted to convince himself that the name slipped out of Valerie’s tongue.

“ Yes it does. We have those worth 1 million USD at the moment. They world is really developing. “ Valerie revealed.

“ Yes it does.”  Albert said and gulped. That was an indirect way of criticizing what he just served her but he swallowed the humiliation.

Valerie continued to sip her wine gently till she finished it. “ Can I have more? “ She enquired.

Albert looked at the lady whose face was flushed red and seemed to have gotten slightly intoxicated.

“ Let’s  dance. “ He told her and pulled her to her feet. He placed his left hand at her waist  and with the other hand, he rose her left hand which was clasped together in the air.

Albert felt a tingling sensation as her br**st brushed against his chest. He let go of her when the environment became stuffy for him.

Then, they went back to their seats and dealt with the remaining contents of the bottle.

The two were completely intoxicated and slept off on their seats.



The environment in the other side of the house was completely the opposite. Sofia , Lady Lily and Mira were faced with hunger. Mira held her hand on her stomach in pains as her stomach growled to be fed. The room was silent apart from the sniffing sounds from Mira’s cries.

John and Eva peeked from a corner at the security guards who were placed to monitor the trio inside the room. 

“ They really look fiery. “ Eva said in whispers.

John pulled her up to stand and face him. But, she struggled to be freed and continued looking at ' the fiery looking guards ' as she named them.

“ Eva. “  John said as he tapped her back. 

“ Shhhh.”  Eva said and continued to stare at those guards .

“ Staring won’t help, it’ll…” John wasn’t able to complete what he said because h felt something soft brush against his lips. His eyes bugged out same as Eva as they held their lips in shock. Eva’s face flushed red when she realized what has happened. John bent down, over Eva as he called her to stop staring at those guards. But, Eva didn’t want to be noticed so she immediately stood up to face John and John wasn’t expecting that. So they kissed lightly as a result.

“ Ehm…mm.. “ John cleared his throat to ease the awkward atmosphere. “ Let’s g.o.i.n.s.i.d.e. I mean, let’s walk up to them. “ John stuttered.

“ You only have to follow my lead ok? “

“ Yes, I will.” Eva replied and the hit their fist together.

“ one.. “

“ Two … “

“ Three … “

“ Go … “

Lady Lily was standing at the window when she saw two people walking up to the room “ They look familiar.” She mused and squinted her eyes. 

“ What are they here for ? “  She said with eyes bugged out, when she realized who they were.