
Chapter Forty - Nine

“ You’ve been released. “ A security guard said to them.

It was as if nothing was been said. The trio sat down quietly with eye fixed on the security guard.

“ Are they, ok? “ He thought inwardly. “ Hello, I … “ Before he could complete his statement, Mira was already out of the room. The security guard was now pressed against the door. He wasn’t expecting that from Mira. She almost made him fall to the ground.

“ I’m sorry. “ Mira said, giggling. She slipped her hands inside the security guards arms and looked at him. “ You’ve tried, you’ve tried, you’ve tried. “ Mira said to him and next, they were already dancing. Mira began to swirl around as she pushed the guard to succumb to her control.

“ Hey, let me go you mad girl. “  He said to Mira but she didn’t listen to him. She kept on screaming happily.

“ It’s late. “ The security guard reminded her. She kept on, with what she was doing till she saw some people distance away. She squinted her eyebrows as realization dawned on her.

“ Ma’am! “ Mira screamed and tossed the security guard’s hand to a corner as she ran after Lady Lily and Sofia.

The duo ahead of her ignored her. Lady Lily held Sofia as they headed towards her room. Mira trailed behind smiling to herself. She had been acting weak all day. Her adrenaline kicked in as soon as the good news was announced to her.

“ Aaaiiiii “ Mira furrowed her eyebrows at Lady Lily. She had been thinking to herself and didn’t know when they halted in front of Albert’s entrance door. (** N/B : It is a door that led to several other rooms, though it looked like, just a room when scanned from outside. Sofia’s room was amongst the rooms. ** )

Lady Lily looked at the lady standing at her back. She was smiling with her eyeballs slightly raised. Lady Lily exhaled loudly before hitting Mira. “ What is wrong with you? “ She questioned angrily. Mira rolled her eyes and kept quiet.

“ Are you sure you can sleep alone? You can join us in our room at least for tonight. “ Lady Lily kept persuading Sofia.

“ Yes Ma’am please. “ Mira pleaded. 

“ Did she know when we arrived here?  Lady Lily muttered under her breath. If Mira wasn’t acting childish, she would have seen when she ( Lady Lily ) was persuading Sofia. 

On a second thought, Sofia decided to follow them back to their room. Lady Lily thanked her for accepting to follow them and they headed back to their room. 

Mira rushed in immediately Lady Lily opened the door to the room. She threw herself on the bed and began rolling on it. 

“ You …! “ Lady Lily wanted to scold Mira but Sofia held her to keep quiet. She exhaled loudly before guiding Sofia to sit in a sofa in the room. She quickly got to the fridge and served Sofia an apple juice with some biscuits. She gave some to Mira and took her own share. They managed the refreshment for the night.

In the other part of the house, Eva and John were talking with arms locked together. ( ** Those two. ** )

“ You know she’s a weirdo. I don’t want you to cross path with her. Please be very careful around her before she cause you harm. “ John said with concern. He saw the look Valerie gave Eva when Eva giggled at her embarrassment. 

Eva told him not to worry about that. To her, Valerie deserves to be mocked. So, what she did was nothing compared to what she planned to do to her in the future. 

“ My happiness is that we succeeded at last. “  Eva collapsed into giggles again and that really amused John. He ended up laughing as they hit their palms together, sort of congratulations to themselves.


For Valerie, the night was a terrible one. She had never been embarrassed like she was. And the worst, it was before mere guards and maids as she called them. She saw the mockery on their faces and clearly heard Eva giggling at her. 

She tossed her bag to the floor, and began to fling the pillows on her bed away andscattering the room. Calling names simultaneously. Her eyes were blood-shot and was filled with anger and hatred for the people outside. She quickly undressed and rushed into the bathroom to take her bath. Even after a cold bath, she couldn’t ease the anger boiling in her. She thought of revenge. Revenge was the best option. Her thoughts flew to the man she spoke earlier with. Her lips curled into an evil grin as she thought about him. Maybe, he'll help her out. If she hooked up with him, he would help her achieve a lot. She was greatly satisfied with her new plans and could feel a bit at ease after that. She gathered herself that night and slept happily as she waited impatiently for the new day.

“ I’ll get at all of you. “ She said assuring herself and slowly she drifted off to sleep.


 Eddie sat down arranging her clothes. It was her day off. She woke up earlier because her body was already accustomed to getting up early. She engaged herself in watching movies and began to arrange her clothes later on. 

Eddie walked into friend’s room. Annie lay on the bed when Eddie came in. 

“ Hello, girl. “  Eddie greeted Annie. “ Are you ok? “ She asked with concern  at her friend on the bed. 

“ Hmmmmmmmmm. I feel tired. “  Anie complained. 

“ Maybe we need to see a doctor. Moreover staying at home always is not good. So, I was wondering if we could have fun out today? “ Eddie said to Annie.

Annie agreed to what she said. They thought of where to go and decided to visit the amusement park. But first, they went into the kitchen to cook. After preparing breakfast, they took their bathes and dressed for the outing. " So, which of them are we going to? " Annie questioned Eddie. 

" To the Dorney Disney park. " Eddie told her.

"Eddie  gathered some snacks in a small bag and brought it alongside with them. Annie offered to drive the both of them to the Amusement park.

As soon as the got to the park, they parked their  car at the park lot and alighted from it. 

" Let's go to the box office at the end." Eddie said pointing at a small kiosk at the end. They walked towards the box office chit - chatting on their way. They were shocked as they drew nearer to the box office. The long cue got them surprise. Eddie quickly glanced at her watch. It was 9am. She furrowed her eyebrows at she watch so many people lined up. They quickly joined the cue.

" Are we going to stand here till eternity? " Annie whispered to Eddie. She hadn't recovered from the shock of the people lined up at the Box office. 

" Be patient. We need to get the best roller coaster and rides. Although came late " Eddie told her and she rolled her eyes in response. Annie felt her legs hurt after a while of standing up. She wasn't used to this kind of stress. And that's why she decided to be a blogger. She had agents indifferent places that she pays to supply her all the information that she needs in creating an attractive story on her websites.

By the time it reaches their turn, Annie had given up on the fun and was bugging Eddie to leave the cue. Eddie ignored her and waited for their turn.

" Good morning, Miss. " The sales agent at the box office greeted her. She replied to the greeting before getting the tickets for two. She left the stand with Annie who was so exhausted.

" Can we rest first? " Annie pleaded with pouted lips. Eddie exhaled loudly as she watched her friend acting in that way. 

She had no choice than to go to shady corner where they sat down. Annie kept on yawning as she looked at Eddie with dull eyes.

" Do you need some snacks? " Eddie asked her and she shook her head. She told Eddie that she wanted some icecream and fried dough. Eddie clicked her tongue with disapproval as she looked intently at her friend. She told Annie to be patient while she get the snacks at the snacks stand.

Eddie bought the fried dough and she added some juice to what she bought. Not forgetting her icecream packed in a small plates.

She joined another cue at the snacks stand. Luckily, the sales agents at that place were so fast that it reached her turn so quickly. She was given the things she wanted after paying the bills. She walked back to the shady corner. 

As she walked down to the place,she bumped into a person and everything she held poured on the floor.

The man was running around like a kid. She had earlier dodged him but his presence around her again was unexpected, so she dance.

Eddie looked at her food items on the floor. She glanced at the man who looked expressionless at the sudden turnout of events.

" You .... " Eddie looked at the man. She was so upset when the man did not apologize.

" Hello babe. " The man greeted as he smiled.

Eddie looked at the bagpack on the floor and looked back at the man.

" What a weirdo! " She cursed and quickly hit the bag on the man's arms.

" Hey, what did I do? " The man asked in anger.