
Chapter Fifty-Six

Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice. They went dumbstruck when they saw the amazingly beautiful lady who stood up the stairs. Sofia smiled lightly, exposing her dazzling white teeth. Sofia began descending the stairs, one step after the other. Not too fast, not too slow. She was happy deep down that her plans were working as desired.

" The goddess of beauty. " Harry exclaimed.

" Why is she here? " Smith thought inwardly. He signaled Andy to do something about Sofia's presence which wasn't needed at that point. But, before Andy could make a move, Sofia descended the stairs. She stretched her hands forward as if halting Andy's movement.

" Not too fast Sir. I only came to join in the celebration. " Sofia said to him.

All eyes swept to Andy's direction. Clifford furrowed his eyebrows when he heard Sofia say that. Moreover, who was she? He wondered deeply. He decided to invite her over and maybe, talk things with her later on.

" With all due respect Sir, i will like the lady over there to join us for this celebration. " Smith was short of words when Clifford requested that of him. He didn't know how to refuse the offer, so, he consented with a nod.

" D..Daddy you ... " Valerie wanted to make Smith refuse the offer.

" Do you want to say something? " Clifford asked her. She shook her head and kept quiet. Clifford stood up and went to meet Sofia. He offered her, his hand and she gave him, hers. Clifford held Sofia and both of them walked towards the dinning table, oblivious of the man at the table eating vinegar.

" He is touching my wife. " Albert thought to himself. He was fuming mad at the dinning but he maintained composure as he didn't want to spark up trouble.

Clifford led Sofia to a seat. He changed his position to directly face Sofia.

Now, it became divided. Albert, Smith and Valerie. Clifford, Harry and Freddie.

The two teams had two different things in mind. Sofia was provided with her own plates and food and for the very first time after so many months, Sofia ate at the dinning room. Eva left the dinning room with the other maids. She wanted to jump but held herself till she entered the kitchen.

" You can all leave now. " She said to the maids. " But hang around, we still have a lot of things to do, out there. " 

" Yes Ma'am. " They responded and bowed.

Eva began to dance around as soon as she was alone with Sarah. Sarah was amazed to see Eva that happy. They've been together for several years but she hadn't seen her like that for a long while. She laughed at some point and got up to join Eva dance.

" I've never seen you this happy in so many years. Why is my friend this elated? " Sarah asked.

" Why don't you come and have a look. She grabbed Sarah's hand and they left the kitchen. She then, locked the door and they headed for the sitting room.

Eva didn't want to be caught by anyone, so she wanted to be careful with whatever she was doing. They went to a window which was upstairs and from where you can have a good view of the sitting room. Eva moved the curtains a little bit and opened the window slightly. Eva pointed at the dinning room and Sarah looked there. They exchanged glances after Sarah understood the reason for her happiness. Eva put her index finger on her lips and signaled Sarah to keep quiet. They wanted to tiptoe back to the kitchen, when they heard movements just close to them. Eva nearly screamed. Lady Lily saw that on time and closed Eva's mouth with her palms. Four of them slowly went back to the kitchen.

Eva stooped down as soon as she entered the kitchen. She was still panting when she returned. " What were you doing there? " She asked them. ( Lady Lily and Mira).

" Just exactly what you were doing? " Mira answered.

" Who wouldn't want to watch that interesting event unfold? " Lady Lily added.

The four bursted into laughter. Eva and Sarah began to question Lady Lily and Mira about Sofia's actions and they discussed for a while.

" My fear is what happens next. " Mira said. A glint of sadness shone in her eyes. Everyone sighed after that.

" Well, let's watch and see. " Eva said. She didn't want her excitement to be ruined and was so didn't want to talk about negative things about Sofia.

Eva left the trio for the sitting room to check up on those in the dining room.

They were almost done with the meal when she arrived. Eva went back to alert the other maids to help and clear the table. They hanged around for a  little while and came to clear the table immediately after those dining had dined to their fill. 

Eva coordinated some maids to serve snacks and they did. Icecream, hamburgers, popcorn, juice and other assorted snacks were presented for them to enjoy as they wished. Smith watched Sofia dine like a billionaire. He so muchly wanted to destroy her, and her presence irritated him. Almost everyone enjoyed but people like Albert didn't . He kept on looking at Sofia whom he hadn't seen that way before. She was really beautiful today and Albert thought that he wouldn't have looked outside if he'd saw her like that.

" Miss Sofia. " Clifford called.  '" I love your cooking and will like to have a discussion with you. "

" I'm open to the discussion. " Sofia answered and Valerie scoffed. 

" When? " Sofia asked.

" Tomorrow, or next tomorrow. " Clifford answered her.

Sofia kept on looking at the people she was dining with and smiled when she saw their dark faces.

The party was over after a while. Clifford bade Sofia goodnight and pleaded that they discuss the next day as they planned.



" Woo. " Mira exclaimed, clapping for Sofia. Eva, John, Sarah, Lady Lily and Mira were in one room, ( Lady Lily and Mira's room) discussing their victory which they prayed will soon be fufilled.

Others joined and clapped for her, while she sat down like a royal majesty smiling to everyone.

" I never knew you to be a great actress. " Eva said.

" That's the new Sofia. " Mira said laughing out hard. Tears were beginning to drip down her face. And everyone joined her in the laughter. Eva excused herself and went into the kitchen. She returned back with a medium sized cooler. Everyone looked at her quizzically. " Our own share. " She said and sat down. She brought out some plates and other utensils which she packed in a bag and began to serve everyone. Sofia ordered Lady Lily to get everyone a drink to digest what they're about to eat. Lady Lily also got a wine as ordered by Sofia.

" I can open it Ma'am. " Eva said to Lady Lily. Lady Lily handed the wine to her and she took over to open it. Everyone waited for the popping sound and Eva began to fill their glasses with the wine.

" For our future victory and more grease to our great actress, Ma'am Sofia, Cheers. "

Everyone raised their glasses and began hitting it together saying cheers simultaneously.

" Please reduce your voices, this place has no sound proof. " Sarah cautioned. It was a joyous night for them all.



That same night, Clifford lay down in his room when he heard a knock on his door. 

" Who's that? " He asked.

" Clifford open the door. " Clifford heard Harry's voice. He opened the door and saw his two friends. 

" Mate, wasup. " Clifford asked. Harry and Freddie went to his bed and sat down. 

" We are staying here tonight. " They told him.

" Oh no. You know that i love to sleep alone. " Clifford said.

His two friends ignored him and lay down on his bed.

" We're not going to be three on this bed. Are we? " Clifford asked again.

Harry and Freddie exchanged glances and closed their eyes leaving Clifford standing alone pouting like a baby. Clifford glared at the two who made him turn to an insane person as he stood talking to himself.

" WTF. " He cursed. He thought of what to do and resorted to making them leave the bed themselves. He went to his wardrobe and unlocked it and then began bringing out his clothes.

He admired the clothes which he had piled up on a chair. Then, he carried the chair and tiptoed till he was very close to his bed and he began throwing the clothes on them.

" Hey, stop. " Freddie said but Clifford ignored him.

Harry maintained compusure, he didn't make a move apart from folding his forehead anytime a clothe is been thrown on him.

Freddie loved that act and began clapping for Harry not minding Clifford who has turned red from Anger.

Clifford left the both of them and went to the fridge in his room. He brought out a bottle of juice and some french fries and went to sit on a seat not far from the bed.

The aroma of what Clifford was eating filled Harry's nose and he wanted to get up from bed. He decided against it when he remembered Freddie clapping for him in his brave acts. But, he didn't bear for long. He stood up from the bed and quickly snatched the french fries from him.

" Give that to me. " Clifford told Harry.

" I won't. " Harry replied and they began chasing themselves around the room.



Valerie received a call that night from the master. He told her that the meeting will be suspended for a while till she is notified. Valerie wanted to scream at the Master who on several cases almost got her exposed but she kept quiet and decided to say that in a face-to-face discussion. She bathed that night before she went to sleep.