
Chapter Fifty-eight

" I'm very happy she left after all. " Eva said to Lady Lily and Mira. 

" Yes. That Valerie of a lady deserves the  worst. " Mira said and rolled her eyes. The trio remained in the room discussing. 



Sofia left the room and walked straight to the sitting room. She wore an off-sleeve dress with a v-neckline that swept across her chest just above the burst. Sofia walked majestically down the stairs and went to meet those at the table. Once again, everyone was mesmerized by her dressing. 

She smiled lightly and greeted, " Good morning all. " 

No one responded to her greetings though she didn't put much interest in that.

" Miss Sofia, it's nice to see you again today. " Clifford said. The maid serving them that morning, came and served Sofia and she began eating. Valerie felt like she had been ripped off her final strength.

" Eating with this fool. " She cursed under her breath. Valerie kept on glancing at Sofia oblivious of her brother watching her from the corner of his eyes. He could tell Valerie's feelings towards Sofia just by the disgusting look on her face when she look at Sofia.

When they had done eating, Clifford requested to see Sofia in private. Sofia granted him the request and they left the building for a walk around the compound. He asked her a lot of questions which she answered with ease. Clifford didn't know why, but he felt the love he had for Sofia. A brotherly love that makes him feel the urge to protect the lady walking beside that did that.

" Why do they hate you? " Clifford suddenly asked her. Sofia wasn't expecting that, she was shocked that Clifford was quick to observe how she was being treated in the house of the Smiths. 

Sofia forced out a little smile and shook her head. " I don't know. That's life. " Sofia silently prayed that Clifford doesn't ask her, who she really is. And her prayer worked, Clifford changed the topic to her cooking skills and that was the topic of their discussion till they went back to their rooms.

When Clifford returned to his room, he saw Freddie lying down and playing games with his phone. He enquired from Freddie where Harry went to and he was told that, Harry had left the room , a long time ago for a walk around the compound.

" A walk around the compound? " Clifford asked with furrowed eyebrows. Freddie merely nodded.

" Then, why didn't we cross paths? " He wondered. Well, he shoved off the thoughts and also laid down on the bed. 

Clifford's mind flew to the thoughts of Eddie. He got up and brought the small box, where he had kept her complimentary card. He read the details on it repeating each information, thrice. As if he wanted to cram the words. He smiled when he thought about her silly characters and he concluded in his mind that he was going to search for her.


Valerie paced around in her room angrily. " This cannot be happening. " She said. She kept wondering how her brother how attracted to Sofia that he protects her each time.  "    " Maybe she is beautiful but with my brother, i say no to this. " She said again almost aloud. Valerie thought deeply about this, and a negative thought erupted in her mind. She began to think that Sofia, seduced her brother and what if she really did?  Valerie picked up her phone and dialed a number.

She waited impatiently for the receiver to answer the call. When he did, she began to relay all she had in mind.

" Valerie Adams, has it gotten to this extent, that you can't even say a word of greeting to me? " The Master questioned her.

Valerie remained quiet. To her, she wanted to protect her pride and not to be at anyone's feet. So, she refused to reply to what he just asked. 

" When are we going to meet? It's urgent. " Valerie asked him.

" Tomorrow, 6 pm. " The Master replied and ended the call. Valerie rolled her eyes and kept her phone on her drawer. " You can get angry, for all i care. " She said and went to her bed to lie down.



Eddie fixed her eyes on the unknown number that kept flashing on her phone. " Who might this be? " She thought. She looked at it again and exhaled loudly as she couldn't think of who may call her in that manner. After having a deep thought about it, she stood up and left her room. 

Annie was baking some snacks in the kitchen when Eddie came in.  She swept a quick glance at Eddie and saw that she looked a bit moody.

" Annie, take a look at this number. Do you know who have this? " Eddie asked, showing Annie the number. Annie's hands was stained with the baking ingredients so, she had to just look and not to touch the phone. She glanced at it several times and even read it out but couldn't recall seeing such a number.

" I'm not familiar with this. " Annie said to her. " But, why are you troubled about this? " She asked her.

" It had call me five times and each time i pressed on the receiver's button, the caller ends the call. " Eddie said. " I tried to call back, but i couldn't get connected to the line. "

" Just let go of your thoughts. I'm preparing some hamburgers, hope you'll enjoy it. " Annie said with a broad smile on her face.

Eddie nodded and left the kitchen for her room.

What scared Eddie the most was the Master. She thought about him and his cunny ways. She wondered if it might be him calling. But, that was strange, because, he never did that before. " Moreover, where did he go to? " Eddie thought. She hadn't heard from him for a long time. " What if he had been caught and killed? " Eddie thought and smiled. But, her smile slowly turned into a bitter one. She didn't want to rejoice over things that she wasn't sure of. She needed to know though. But she prayed it wouldn't be him calling.

Annie finished baking the snacks and brought some for Eddie to have a taste.

" Baby girl, i have finished! " Annie exclaimed. She went still when she saw Eddie looking so down. Annie went to sit beside Eddie as she placed her hands on Eddie's back. " It's ok. " She said patting Eddie's back. 

Eddie told her that she was feeling weak and needed to take rest.

" Ok. But you have to taste my burgers. " Annie gave Eddie some for a taste and Eddie complimented her for a job well done.


It was evening, Clifford took his bath and dressed in a casual outfit. He sprayed his perfume on his body and took the last glance of himself in the mirror before he left the room. He searched around the house and found Eva.

" Excuse me please . " Eva looked at the owner of the voice. When she saw Clifford, she ran to meet him and bowed on getting closed to him.

" I need to see Miss Sofia right now. Can you help me out please? " Clifford asked Eva. 

Eva told him that if he'll patiently wait for hef there, that she was going to get Sofia for him. So, she left for Lady Lily and Mira's room. It was Mira that opened the door when she knocked. Eva bowed on seeing Sofia. She relayed the information to Sofia and Sofia promised to join Clifford in a jiffy. Eva went back to meet Clifford and told him what Sofia has said. Not long after Eva left, Sofia came.

Clifford took her hand and kissed it.

" Thank you. " Sofia replied.

" I'm sorry about this okay. But i need your advice right now. " Clifford said pleadingly.

" I'm all ears. " Sofia told him.

" So, there's this girl that i love, ever since i met her. I took her complimentary card without her permission and right now, i want to visit her. What should I go with? " Clifford asked her.

" First of all, why did you do that? " Clifford scratched his hair and smiled lightly. Sofia cautioned him for that and told him not to go with anything, she'll feel, he wants to bribe her after coming to her residence through an illegal means.

" But, can't i go with at least some money? " Clifford's didn't buy the idea of going to visit someone empty-handed. More especially, as a gentleman like him, he doesn't want to look like a beggar.

" Why don't you go with some fruits? " Sofia suggested. " Because, i wouldn't advise you to go there with expensive items especially if the lady is reserved. "

Clifford thanked her for the advise she gave him and left to inform his friends about that.

" I also gave Annie my complimentary card. But, she's yet to call me. " Freddie said in an unhappy tone.

" Mate, i felt that it was just for fun. You really mean you'll pursue that girl? Well, good luck to you. " Harry told him.

" I'm off. " Clifford left the Smiths residence after informing Andy of his whereabouts. 



On getting to Eddie's gate, Clifford honked. A security guard came out to see who the visitor is. He looked at the unfamiliar person and asked him, whom he was looking for. Clifford told him it was Eddie and even went extra miles to describe her. He showed the security guard the complimentary card and lied that it was Eddie that gave that to him. The security guard told Clifford to be patient so that he will verify from Eddie.

" Wait , at least open the gate. I'll wait for her inside. " Clifford said.

" No Sir, I'm doing my job. " The security guard went inside to tell Eddie of the visitors waiting for her outside.

Inside the car, Clifford felt his heart pound. He just lied to the security guard. What if the security guard finds out that he lied? Then he'll surely be in a hot seat. He silently prayed that Eddie doesn't cause him troubles if she sees him.



Eddie denied giving someone her complimentary card. She told Annie that she wasn't expecting anyone and the duo went to check through the surveillance camera. They didn't recognize the car outside. 

" Let me go down and check. " Eddie told Annie.

" No, that's risky. I won't allow you to do that. " Annie told her. Eddie insisted and after much pleading, Annie reluctantly agreed.

Eddie's heart raced as she advanced towards the gate. She stopped immediately she was outside the compound. 

Clifford didn't wind down his glass. He opened the car and got down.

" Hello Miss Eddie. " He said waving his hand at Eddie.

" Eddie " ...