
Chapter Fifty - Three

" Ouch. " Eva yelled as something hit her head. She rubbed the part of her head where she was hit. Eva pushed open the door and saw Valerie sitting on the bed with her eyes bloodshot. She was looking at Eva with heavy eyes. Eva glanced around the room and was dumbfounded with what she saw.

" Get o-u-t ! " Valerie screamed at her and began throwing more pillows at her direction. Eva quickly rushed out of the room. She ran to her room and knocked heavily on the door. Sarah opened the door and before she could say anything, Eva was already sitting on the bed panting heavily.

Sarah looked at her quizzically and went out of the room. She looked around to see if someone was pursuing Eva, when she saw nothing, she went inside the room and locked the door behind her.

" What happened? " Sarah asked Eva. 

Eva placed her hand on her chest as she tried to steady her breath. Cold sweats broke out from her face. She tried to talk but ended up pointing at the door. Sarah looked at the door. She was puzzled by Eva's reaction and also worried.

" Please talk to me. " Sarah queried her.

Eva gasped for breathe and stood up. She began walking around the room and sat down again. At a point, Sarah felt uncomfortable. 

" Are you okay? " Sarah asked her.

" She has finally ran mad. " Eva finally said.

" Who? " Sarah asked.

" Valerie. " Eva told her and began to narrate her experience with Valerie.

" I thank my stars that i escaped her madness. Maybe, this wouldn't be the story to tell. " Eva said and Sarah burst into laughter. She got a glass of chilled water and gave Eva to drink, in other to calm her nerves.



Eddie and Annie was getting ready for the night club. Eddie wore a yellow sleeveless crop top and a jean bum short. She had a jean jacket which she tied on her waist and a white sneakers to fit it. 

Annie wore a skimpy gown and heels. They sat in Eddie's room chitchatting. Annie wanted them to leave the house by 9pm. It was 8:47 pm when she glanced at her watch, so  she took out her phone from her purse and dialed Ella's line.

" Hello Baby girl. " Ella said in excitement. 

" Ella, we're on our way now. " Annie told her. Annie could here the buzzing noise from the background.

" Ok girl. We have lots of handsome, sexy guys to catch up with. And they're aaaahhhh..." Annie ended the call immediately.

" What did she say? " Eddie enquired.

" Just said, 'ok ' That girl is going crazy. Let's get going. " 

The duo took other few things they'll be needing for the club and left the room. Annie decided to drive them to the club. She had the directions to the club, written down on a piece of paper, so with it she headed straight towards it. The road was still lively, the street lights shone over the place clouding the dark night. Shops crowded with customers and people walked up and down the streets.

" Wow. " Annie said. " I love this place. " She added.

" This is an open area. Guess, it's why it booms like this. " Eddie told her. 

They arrived at the club and parked at the parking lot. They took their purses and alighted their car. 

The building was brimming with lights. It was a tall building and on the top was written, ' D' Rock All Night Club ' . A great noise was heard from outside. Annie beeped Ella and she came outside the building to meet them. 

" Oh My baby girls. " Ella said as she drew nearer to them. She hugged Annie and then, Eddie. Eddie perceived a strong stench of alcohol, coming from Ella and she felt the urge to vomit.

Ella stood in the middle of Annie and Eddie. She grabbed their arms and pulled them towards the entrance of the club. 

They met some waitresses at the entrance. They wore a light skimpy dress which exposed their long legs and each dress has a slit on its chest and exposed a great part of their br**st. Each held a tray in her hand and some glasses of wine in it. Ella took two wine glasses from a the tray of one of the waitresses and gave them to Annie and Eddie.Ella took them to a corner and  they sat down on a table of four. 

" I'm sorry Babes, but I can't join you. I've kept my baby boo waiting for so long. I need to go and meet him. Love you and have some fun. " Ella said and left the duo.

The duo, Eddie and Annie scanned the environment. Truth be told, the environment was sophisticated compared to the previous night clubs she'd gone to. The Dj played disco music; the noise reverberated from the speakers and could send one into the land of the deaf.

Eddie failed to notice a man at a corner looking particularly at her. He watched her sip her wine gently from her glass.

The music stopped and the Dj made an announcement, " Ladies and gentlemen. I want to welcome to the stage, the three celebrities of the night. "

" Oh my world. " Annie exclaimed. She gasped for breath when she saw the celebrities walk over to the stage. There were lots of screaming and yelling, more especially from ladies that went crazy from the outlook of these celebrities. Though they were masked, their body physique were killing. Men envied them as some of their partners left them and went to take a closer view of the three  men on stage. 

They lights went off in the club and went on, on the stage. The audience continued to shout on top of their voices as they hailed the three celebrities.

The celebrities were given a microphone and they took up the singing aspect.

" They're great singers." Eddie commented. 

" Let's go and take a look. " Annie grabbed her and they walked towards the stage. People were intrigued by the rhythm of the music and soon, some people parted to dance. Ladies swayed their hips to the beating of the music and their guys touched them at all sides. The environment was really getting hot by the minute. Eddie furrowed her eyebrows with the sight she saw. Annie noticed her reaction and whispered some calming words into Eddie's ears.

They (Eddie and Annie ) came closer to the stage and began looking at the celebrities. " Can i have a dance with you?" A man asked. Eddie looked at the man standing close to her and detested what she saw. His face was flushed red and looked very intoxicated.

Eddie shifted a little and ignored him. But the man persisted. He came closer to her and was about to grab her when a man pushed him to the floor. The people around screamed at the scene. Eddie and Annie stood, mouth agape as they watched one of the celebrities punch the man lying on the floor. 

" That's a warning. " The celebrity said to the man on the floor. Eddie wondered who this man that saved her was. She couldn't make out who he was because he was masked like the other two. As the celebrity walked closer to Eddie, the volume of the music was turned down and the noise gradually reduced and soon died down.  " Can i have a dance with you? " The man asked Eddie who was astonished by the turn out of events. The ladies screamed when they heard him ask Eddie of a dance. Most of them envied her and some prayed she turn down the request.

" Go on girl. " Eddie heard someone told her. She looked at the direction from where she heard that and saw Ella cheering her up. Annie nudged her to agree to that and she involuntarily offered her hand. That was a great blow in the hearts of the ladies that wished the opposite of what Eddie did.

The celebrity held Eddie softly to the stage and they music was once again played. There were lots of cheering and screaming from the crowd. Annie watched her friend with great delight. Then another celebrity walked up to her. There wasn't much of a discussion. Just ' your name, my name ' and they were off to the stage. Other ladies shouted at the third celebrity who was now standing alone. He ignored them and when they've gotten tired of shouting,he moved to the crowd and picked a random girl. 

The celebrity with Eddie kept on whispering softly into Eddie's ears. Eddie felt a familiar connection with the celebrity but couldn't point out what it is. His scent filled her nose and hot breaths from his lips, brushed her face when he spoke. He took Eddie to the bar and bought a red wine. They sat on the bar stool and waited for the bartender to serve them their choice. Eddie wanted to reject the drink but changed her mind when the celebrity pushed the wineglass into her hand. Eddie sipped a little of the wine and dropped it back on the tray as she didn't want to get intoxicated.

" Your name? " The celebrity asked her. 

" Eddie. " She replied almost immediately. " Why did i say that? " Eddie thought inwardly. She looked at the celebrity who looked interested in her. The celebrity sipped a little of his wine before Eddie asked him his name and identity. He wasn't expecting that. He wanted to ignore the question but Eddie kept on asking him. At a point he stood up and grabbed Eddie by her hand.

" Where are you taking me to? " Eddie asked him.

" Just follow me. " The celebrity said. Eddie struggled to get free from his grip but he tightened his grip around her wrist and pulled her outside the club amidst people gossiping around them. 

" I'm so sorry about this. " He apologized.

" Who the heck are you ! " Eddie screamed at him.

He slowly pulled off his mask to Eddie's surprise.

" You! " Eddie said with eyes bugged out, at the realization of who the man was.