
Chapter Fifty - one


Eddie sat on her bed staring at the empty space. " What is wrong with me? " She thought. She stood up and slowly aimed for her window. The cool breeze brushed her face as she closed her eyes to embrace it. She stood there for a long time oblivious of what was happening around her.

Ella, one of Annie's friends, called Annie to invite her to one of the popular clubs in town. Annie was excited as she hadn't gone for night clubs for a long time. She thought of inviting Eddie too. So, she quickly went to see her. She knocked at Eddie's door for a while without getting a response. She searched the door carefully and confirmed that the door was locked from inside. Annie exhaled loudly as she broke into thoughts. 

" The last time i checked, she hadn't left the house. But, her room seems to be locked from inside. Then, why isn't she responding to me. " Annie mused to herself. She quickly called Eddie. While she waited for Eddie to pick the call, she heard Eddie's phone ring and that lit her hope. 

" Eddie? " She called. Annie became worried after a while as negative thoughts trouped in and out of her mind. Then she remembered something. Annie quickly went back to her room and got the spare key to Eddie's door. She went back to Eddie's room. She quickly inserted the key into the key hole and turned it. When she heard the door clicked open, she  pushed the door inside. Annie was shocked to find out that Eddie was in the room. She wasn't sleeping. Dark lines graced her forehead when she saw Eddie stood still without noticing her presence in that room. She moved closely to Eddie and softly placed her hand on Eddie's arms. Eddie flinched at the slightest touch on her skin. 

" What is wrong with you? " Annie asked in astonishment. She squinted her eyes as if wanting to make out what was in Eddie's mind.

Eddie exhaled loudly. She turned around and moved towards her bed. She sat down on it and so did Annie. Annie kept on looking at her to know her reason for acting so strange.

" Annie, do you really believe in Love at first sight? ":Eddie Eddie asked Annie.

Annie furrowed her eyebrows at Eddie's sudden question. " Well, it depends. It works for some people. But, why do you ask? "

Eddie explained to Annie that she keeps on recalling her encounter with the man at the amusement park. She didn't want to believe that the man swept her off her feet. Although she had, heard stories of such.

Annie laughed at her words. She blinked her eyes several times and told Eddie to pinch her.

" Why should i? " Eddie asked her.

" Girl, don't freak out, ok. Just erase it from your mind. But i thought you felt irritated by him. " Annie said.

" Yes i did. But, the recent development is shocking. " Eddie told Annie.

" That one is over. Ella just called and she's inviting us for a night party at a popular club, I guess some celebrities will be present as well. " Annie announced happily. 

Eddie smiled lightly and laid back on her bed. Annie allowed her to be and put on a regae music. She began to dance to the rhythm of the song.

" Ahhhhhhhhhh. " Eddie screamed as she closed her ears with her hands when Annie turned the music to the highest volume.

Annie neglected her and continued dancing. She moved swiftly towards Eddie and pulled her up from the bed. She began to swirl round the room with Eddie struggling to be freed from her grip.


Albert got ready to go to work the next day with Valerie and Sarah. As they proceeded towards the entrance door, Andy came out from Smith's attendance room. He interrupted their movement.

" The Master wants to speak with you. " He told them. 

The trio looked at him in confusion. " Me? " The trio asked simultaneously with each placing his hand on his chest.

" I mean, Albert and Valerie. " Andy cleared them.

Albert and Valerie went in to meet Smith while Sarah stayed behind to wait for them. The duo ( Albert and Valerie ) greeted Smith  Smith replied their greetings and showed them a seat.

" I called you back to tell you that Clifford would soon be joining us. I just received news that he is in town and would soon come home to meet us. I want you both to look into this and make sure it goes as planned. Organize maids to clean up a room for him. " The duo listened keenly to everything that Smith said to them before they left the room. 

They walked out of the entrance door as soon as they joined Saran in the sitting room.



John was with Eva, Lady Lily and Mira in the room including Sofia. She slept for a while after being injected by the doctor. When she woke up, she felt a bit relived and with the comfort of the people that surrounded on her bed. " Thank you so much for being there for me. " She let tears flow down her eyes.

" Ma'am. " Mira said. She was the first to cry. She hugged Sofia and sat beside her.


Valerie knocked at Albert's office. She came in when she heard him tell her to come in. 

Albert's face lit up when he saw her approaching his desk. Valerie sat down as soon as she came closer to him.

" Welcome. " Albert said to her.

" Thank you. " Valerie replied. She exhaled loudly. She looked at Albert  and then revealed her purpose of coming.  " Melissa had been calling in for some days now. I guess it's time to tell her about the real us because i can't keep on with this. " Value complained with great concern. 

Albert smiled at her actions. " We have to be patient for now. I don't want to look like a betrayer .more especially now that i am not prepared for anything of such kind. 

As they spoke, Valerie's phone rang again. Albert looked at her and asked, " Is it Melissa again? " 

Valerie did not reply him. She was trying to make out, who had the unknown line. She squinted her eyes when realizations dawned on her. " Why would he be calling me now? " She asked inwardly with eyes popped out. 

" Is it Melissa? " He asked again jolting her back to reality.

" Ehhrr.. yea. I mean no. It was an old friend and ... " Valerie stammered while answering the question.

Albert thought something was a bit off. He swallowed his words and allowed those thoughts to die. 

" Don't you think we should visit her after work today? " Albert suggested.

Valse exhaled loudly. She nodded in agreement, before standing to excuse herself. 


Outside the office, Valerie held her chest, she was breathless and tried to steady her breath. 

"' Oh my goodness. Why is that crazy Master calling me as if i am his wife. " She said almost aloud. She closed her eyes, oblivious of the person standing before her.

Eddie cleared her throat to alert the lady standing outside Albert office. 

Valerie opened her eyes, immediately she heard something. It pained her so much to see one of her arch-enemy. She swept her an angry look and left. Eddie looked at Valerie walking down to her office. She hissed and then knocked on Albert's door. She went in when she heard a come in order. 

Valerie halted. She looked back and did not see Eddie. " Hmmm. " She scoffed as her lips curled into an evil grin.  



" I want you to reduce the schedules from henceforth. I may not be able to them all for the mean time. " Albert said to Eddie

" Go get his documents in my drawer. "

Eddie did as instructed and listened to further instructions from Albert.



Before the day ended, Albert called John to come and pick Sarah which he did. He did not fail to tell John where he was going to. He parked his car at the company as he still wants to remain undercover. Valerie came inside Albert's office. 

" Are you ready to go? " He asked her.

" Yes. " Valerie responded.

" Let's go. " Albert said and they left the office. As soon as they exited the elevator, they walked out of the building. Valerie headed towards the garage but was called back by Albert. We're going to Melissa's home with a cab.

" Cab? " Valerie asked. She wanted to be sure of what she heard. 

" Yes cab. " Albert confirmed. That name alone irritated Valerie. How she go about with public transport and worse still, with a rich and influential man like Albert. That would be embarrassing.

" But, can't we take the measures we took the last time? I mean, parking at a distance. That would be great. " Valerie tried to dissuade Albert. 

" Oh no. " Albert insisted.

Valerie furrowed her eyebrows when he stuck to his choice. 

" What if you're been recognized by people around or by journalist?"  Valerie persisted but Albert ignored her.

He kept on waving at cars to stop and finally stopped one.

They went into the cab. Albert gave the chaffuer directions on where they are going to.

Valerie remained quiet refusing to talk to Albert. As they proceeded towards Melissa's home, Valerie's phone rang. Dark lines appeared on her forehead when she saw the Unknown ID. She quickly ended the call.

" Won't you answer it? " Albert asked Valerie.

" Valerie" ...