
Chapter Eighteen

As soon as Albert returned home, he gave his father a vivid report of all that happened in the company leaving out nothing.

Smith kept nodding as his son was explaining his experiences. He had been the CEO of the company for several years. He just allowed his son to stand in for him so that he’ll direct him on the modus operandi of the company.

He could see his son boiling in rage from his expressions.

“Chill.” Smith interrupted his son.” You know, it’s not easy to be a CEO. You’ll face a lot of things. Work, people and others. Human beings are so annoying and will frustrate you. But you have to give yourself that peace and happiness you need. Some people are there to purposely disorganize you but be wise……(and other words of advice). Concerning the issue of the Vice president, what do you think?”

“We can’t trust any of them.”

“They are all other Gregory’s spells. I’m sure this is one of his evil ploys. The matter will be suspended till further notice. So, go and freshen up.”

Albert left for his room after much persuasion from his father.

“My Lady this is cruel. I have never seen people as wicked as this. Those little demons will surely pay for this. “ Mira cursed aggressively.

Lady Lily hushed her up before giving Sofia soothing words.

“Valerie or whatever she calls herself needs to know her place. She…. .”

“Shhhh. Talk of the devil. “ Valerie was having a look round the compound, not knowing some ladies were somewhere discussing her.

"I feel like I want to shred her into pieces," Mira said gesturing with her palms, the way to do that.

"Maam, I feel a bit scared. She hasn't seen us after we offended her. What if she put in some bad words to the Master and we are sent packing?" Lady Lily said.

“That's true My Lady. What are we going to do?"

" Don't freak out. When we reach the bridge we'll cross it." Sofia said trying to soothe their fears.

They continued chit-chatting. After which they went their separate ways, careful not to be seen by Valerie.


Albert left early for work the next day as he had lots of work to do. He merely munched some snacks after much persuasion from his father before driving off to work.

“Good morning Sir. “ Greeted the security guard who was surprised to see Albert so early in the morning.

Albert barely waved at him and went straight to the VIP Elevator.

AS soon as he entered his office, get settled down in his swivel chair and began setting everything ready for the day’s work.

He took some files which Eddie had dropped on the table and began working on them, opening the files at intervals and also checking some documented ones on the computer. He didn’t stop till his attention was drawn to the ringing of the doorbell.

“Come in.” He said and continued working on the desktop.

“Good morning Sir. “ Eddie greeted.

A glance at her, Albert saw she was a bit decent in appearance.

“Morning. Take these documents, go through them and make out the schedules for today’s meeting. “

He handed the files to Eddie.

“Sir, do I make your coffee?"

“No.” He refused. Eddie left the office with pouted lips. She wished she would stay a little while with Albert. She went to her office and began her duties.

She returned after a while, after mapping out important schedules for the day.

“That means we’ll need to meet the Thompsons by 11 am today. “ Albert said still going through the schedules. “I have a lot of work to do. Cut down the schedules. I can’ only attend a few meetings today. “ he instructed the secretary who bit her lips in frustration as she made for the door.

11 AM

Albert gave Eddie a quick call to wait outside his office. As soon as he was ready, he grabbed some documents and his suit which was slung over the office chair before heading out of the office.

Eddie stood outside the door waiting for Albert to finish.  immediately the CEO’s door was opened, and Albert stepped out of the office. He pressed the security code to lock the door and then faced Eddie.


“Yes Sir.”

The two went straight to the private elevator, Albert punched in the code to the down floor and stepped in. The atmosphere in the elevator was quiet. The secretary’s face was flushed red feeling Albert near her. She started making some moves but went heart wrecked when Albert stepped out of the elevator without sparing her a glance. She took hot breaths at intervals feeling embarrassed by what had happened earlier.

“Let’s go,” Albert told the driver and they zoomed off to the meeting venue.


classic hotel still maintained its attractive features.  The duo made in for the VIP room after being warmly welcomed by the manager of the hotel.

“Good morning.” Thompson greeted as he exchanged handshakes with Albert. He was in awe when he swept his eyes towards the lady standing beside Albert. He winked at Eddie whose face had already turned red from the strong gaze from him. He offered her a handshake.

“My secretary, Eddie.” Albert introduced.

“Looking beautiful as ever,” Thompson commented before the trio sat down for meals to be served.

Eddie played with her fingers when she saw how attracted Thompson was to her. She bit her lips when he flashed her seductive gazes.

While the duo was lost in their fantasy world, Albert kept looking at them from the corner of his eyes. He felt irritated seeing Eddie submitting to Thompson’s seductive looks.

“She was better than this.”  Albert thought silently. When he couldn’t put up with their childishness, he cleared his throat jolting them back to reality.

“I believe Mr Thompson, we’re here to discuss something more important than the present situation.”

“Oh, yea. The ……”

Their discussion was interrupted by the waiters that came in to serve them per their orders.

Throughout the meals, Thompson and Eddie kept making sexy moves that ignited anger in Albert.

And so they had the meeting after eating and also bade themselves goodbye.

Eddie got frustrated following Albert to the car. He walked so fast that Eddie almost fell over on heels just to meet up with him.

She had already turned red when they entered the car.

“Let’s go,” Albert instructed the driver who drove off immediately as commanded.

The atmosphere inside the car was an eerie silence. Albert swept his gaze to the environment outside the car. Eddie on her part sat down, picking her nails. She sat a mile away from Albert and did maintain composure till they arrived at the company.

“I’ll look into the rest of the documents tomorrow. I’ll need to go home now. “Albert said before giving Eddie a ‘you can go look.

As soon as Eddie stepped down from the car, the car zoomed off. 

Eddie went back to her office feeling upset about Albert's attitude towards her.


After sacking Lucius from work, everyone in the house feared Valerie as they do to their Young Master, Albert. Valerie was overexcited that she had a strong backbone, so SHE CAN DO AS SHE WANTS!

Valerie walked into the Smiths' private kitchen, Eva met with her as soon as she sited her and Valerie decided that she wanted to watch them prepare the meal. She was given a seat and served snacks with chilled juice to wait till they are done.

When dinner had been prepared, she requested a kitchen apron and she also joined in serving dinner.

Smith and his son sat down in the dining room discussing when Valerie came in with some maids.



Smith including his son Albert, looked at the troupe of people approaching to serve them and immediately, furrowed their eyes rows on seeing Valerie amongst them.

Valerie decided to scoop out the food from the larger plate into their eating plates. She also did the same to hers.

As soon as maids started to retrace their footsteps, Smith beckoned on the head, Eva to be served.

“How could you allow your Mistress to cook and serve? “ Smith asked in a low but angry voice.

⁴Daddy please, I wanted to join and cook for my Love and you.” A lot of people raised their eyebrows at that statement. “LOVE?" Albert, Eva and some other maids who were secretly admiring Albert cursed inwardly. Mira was the most irritated. She looked up at the cunny woman and sneered at her pretence.

"But you didn't have to," Smith replied in a very soft tone. Valerie slightly parted her lips and looked at Albert whose face was crumpled. 

"My Love I hope you'll enjoy the meal." She said exposing those white teeth.

"Son, we'll have to thank her in the future." Smith chuckled followed by Valerie but Albert remained composed.

Valerie was happy her plans were working. She'll need to be in high positions so that she'll always order people around. So the first step should be to get their heart of Smith.

Albert crushed the first spoonful of the meal. His eyes turned dark and his face darkened. This skipped Valerie's heartbeat a bit. She had been looking at his reactions.

"Isn't it sweet?" Smith asked.

"It's nice," Albert commented.

"I know you would love it so I prepared it for you." She lied.

Eva chilled to the floor. " She did what?"